After losing the war to defeat Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats are thinking about becoming even “more ruthless,” reports the far-left Politico.
After launching at least a half-dozen debunked and outright phony allegations of criminal sexual deviancy against Kavanaugh, after accusing him of running a gang rape ring where women were drugged as a means to incapacitate them, after legitimizing the harassment of President Trump and Kavanaugh supporters up to and including chasing them out of public spaces, Democrats are thinking about becoming “more ruthless”?
Other than violence, what is left?
In all seriousness, how can Democrats become “more ruthless” than they have already been without resorting to violence?
The Politico piece is utterly deranged in its fact-free premise, including anti-science nonsense such as, “Democrats keep playing by a set of rules.”
Are we talking about the same Democrats who violated every norm to hold onto Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh until it could do the maximum damage? Are we talking about the same Democrats who used procedural trickery to pass Obamacare?
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I am sick of all government employees fighting on our dime. They are there to fight for their employers we the people. Hey turds, you are privileged to be in office to serve and look after our interests, not yours.
Tell me something new
It's not possible for them to be more ruthless.
Can u get anymore ruthless
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. If they get more ruthless, so will we.
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