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Thursday, September 13, 2018

The University Is Ripe for Replacement

"Education is a weapon the effect of which is determined by the hands which wield it, by who is to be struck down." -- Stalin, interview with H.G. Wells

Beginning in early K-12 and continuing to the highest levels of university education, Leftist indoctrination is the gravest dilemma that afflicts education in North America, rendering it perhaps the most powerful instrument of anti-Western bias and socialist propaganda of the modern era.

Here my concern is with the abandonment of genuine scholarship, fact-based historical research, familiarity with the “Great Books” and the development of critical thinking habits, particularly in the humanities and social sciences. The curriculum now in place is one of intellectual dysphoria promoting the circulation of false or unprovable narratives -- anthropogenic global warming, Islam as a religion of peace, the campus rape epidemic, toxic masculinity, the scandal of American history, the glories of “diversity and inclusion,” the benefits of socialism, to cite just a few among a veritable encyclopedia -- and furthering the revolutionary project of social and political deconstruction. Education has been transformed into a grooming operation for social justice warriors, radical feminists, anti-white vigilantes and budding socialists.



Anonymous said...

I remember reading " The Closing of the American Mind " by Allan Bloom in the 80's. He predicted then the intellectual laziness of students that were seeking advancement for services paid for. No empirical logic or reasoning ability. Indoctrinated with values from home, church and school, coaches and the media that really made them poor students incapable of classical much less higher thinking. The middle class dream had really turned institutions into big business and degree mills when many would have been happier and more prosperous in the trades. Young people with complete BS advanced degrees are working at Starbucks and wondering what went wrong. Why they didn't get the brass ring along with all the trophies and ribbons they got coming up in this modern molly coddling feel good dream. They believe in Global Warming because precious and unique the snowflakes find themselves.MELTING.
What a wicked world a wicked world. LOL

bob pinto said...

Knowledge and truth are too important to be trashed by universities.

Anonymous said...

Just look at that dumbocrat moron Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who has an economics degree from Boston university and doesn't have the most basic understanding of economics.

Anonymous said...

The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become, comfortably numb

Anonymous said...

Trumps economics advisor has literally no experience or economics degree genius..

lmclain said...

Touting degrees and education, huh?

obama TAUGHT Constitutional Law and then said, years later, the Supreme Court should not be able to thwart "the will of the people".
Your heroes (him, Waters, Schumer, Sharpton and the whole conglomeration of idiots on the left) see our economy exploding and want to try to convince us that it's obama's policies that are working.
For some reason they can't explain, we had to wait for his monkey azz to get the heck out of the way before anything happened.
obama is terrified that he will be labeled as THE MOST ignorant, incapable, inexperienced buffoon to have EVER held that office.
They are becoming more and more irrelevant every time the quarterly numbers get posted.