The Salisbury Police Department and Mayor Jake Day would like you to think so... but if you do, the facts show you're living in a dream world!
By Thornton Crowe
In a statement a few months back when Salisbury News reported a gang rape of a grandmother, Day stated on his Facebook page that women were safe here and the woman's story was just a lie. However, now, statistics show that in just six months of 2017, Salisbury has surpassed the total rapes reported in 2016 (12 rapes from this period).
We're looking at 13 rapes at this point as of a count of postings here on Salisbury News. On June 20, 2017, another rape was reported, before that, on June 14th another another and then one around May 30th was reported here but nowhere else, leaving one to wonder why this is so unreported. That's three in just a month's time, so why isn't this a concern to anyone else?
No statistics were available as of yet for Salisbury University for years 2017 or 2016 but the 2015 numbers were high at six forcible rapes given the school's size. One has to remember most date rapes are never reported to authorities for fear of retaliation and public scrutiny. Also keep in mind, it was reported a few months ago, these SU stats are not included in the City's and vice versa - due to SU having it's own police force.
In truth, it's the ultimate war on women, isn't it?
It would seem with this type of violence going on at such an alarming rate, local media would be more vigilant about reporting it; yet, we've not seen them cover these sexual assaults at all. Instead, the community is, once again, left in the dark about most area crime unless it's something so explicit, like the Denny's shooting last weekend, where it simply can't be ignored.
What does it take for local leaders to be proactive rather than reactive to this menacing trend for their female residents? When will sex crimes and the predators who commit them become a central focus for SPD and City Hall? Don't women count in Salisbury? Why aren't women in the community more rattled by such blatant apathetic disregard?
It's a safe assumption Day and company won't be too quick to retort this, if at all, because, as per City Hall, none of this exists - it's all a lie despite it being clearly listed on the police reports. Non-issue. Insignificant. Nothing to see.
Don't tread on women...
Is it time for more women to exercise their 2A right and start arming themselves with lethal weapons? If the law enforcement won't protect them, who will? I'd think it would be better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6, but then again, what do I know? I'm just a man asking questions...
Obviously, that is out of the query for many of us.
Scaryland needs to give the good citizens their rights back!
As of the end of June Salisbury has had 13 rapes in six months, yet the Boy Mayor claims we are liars. You are absolutely correct, the local media is covering this up. One TV station is run by a WOMAN, clearly she's an Idiot and has NO interest in protecting WOMEN in Salisbury.
I can see it now: Salisbury PD Detective, well, you know if you report this rape you are more then likely going to be exposed on that Blog!
Little does the victim know that names are never exposed in rape cases, unless you are Idiots like WBOC did with the former correction officer in Delaware.
You see Folks, they want to scare the crap out of WOMEN in the hope of shutting them up. Your local media would rather see you keep your mouth shut. You know, just deal with it.
Here's the bottom line. SALISBURY MARYLAND SUCKS!
Wait 13 rapes in 6 months? Thought crime was down, Jakester! What a putz.
I find it quite amusing how Magical Molly has disappeared from the scene lately. She was all big and bad when Trump was first elected. Where is all that rage now Molly. You want to do some good. Hold your elected officials, Police, DA, and judges accountable.
9:28 AM
Molly is tired, she had her 15 minutes of (in)fame(y)...and yes, grammarians, that one is a stretch!
Kid with a short attention span, shorter on brains, and nothing better to do at that particular moment.
On a brighter side, maybe she got a job at a fast food place or one of the Arabian Quick Stops?
Well, Thornton, now the discussion in Maryland is to make carrying a firearm a mandatory jail sentence. So, ladies wanting to protect themselves against assault and rape will be jailed for it.
Like I said in the comments to that article, make carry legal.
There, I just fixed both problems!
It's time to make conceal & carry legal throughout all 50 states. It is keeping with the Second Amendment period. If a woman can't depend on the police and local so called leaders, then she has to protect herself.
I don't need a gun to protect myself. I can make a man into a woman real fast. No gun needed just the ability to bite very hard! Let him try it!
One has to ponder the relationship between the rapes and the tremendous increase in immigrants in the area over the past few years.
There IS a relationship there. A direct correlation.
Perhaps that is why the media and liberal administration do NOT want to discuss it.
There you go! Well said!
Walk in high heels and carry a big knife. Amputation is a quick justice. Works for me!
Collaring rapist requires many hours of investigating and dosent raise revenue, highlights crime ridden areas which slow growth {its why crooked politicians hide the facts}. Crooked politicians arent going to acknowledge the 2A nor grant your right to self defense because eventually youd kill-off and destroy their investments...crime and criminals. These are tools for politicians and agencies to justify grants and raising taxes "for your protection", its also why they dont keep the hard criminals very long.
10:04 that is why we have to push Hogan and our Politians to make Maryland a "A Right to Carry State". That would eliminate a lot of the ridiculous regulations to get a CCW permit. My wife can shoot as good or better than the next one. The expense along with 90% of useless regulations is keeping her from carrying. I carry everywhere. I will saying in closing don't mess with her or take your chances in ....... For the ones of us that carry remember step in and help when appropriate. They could be your family that needs the help from a good Samaritan.
No they are not. The tone at the top speaks volumes.
Rape is the ultimate crime for a lady or woman. I've also noticed in many other cities they are having the same problem but they do put it in the news.
Females are weaker than most men and have been , having said that , they must understand that perverts realize this. Get a CC permit and use it . If you can't or don't want to get the permit , carry anyway, I do. Go to a range and practice shooting. It will make you a new woman.
Just as safe here as any other City in the United States!
1155 you're living in a dreamland. That unicorn 🦄 food must taste good.
I think all law abiding citizens should carry. But, that doesn't automatically exempt you from being lambasted. The bad guys do not play well with others. They will creep and sneak up on you and be gone before you have a chance to get out the steel. As long as you are aware of your surrounding and realize you not guaranteed safety.
Will you be saying that when someone close gets raped? 1155 easy to say when it's not you whose the victim.
Please don't give Molly a platform by mentioning her, she had her 15 minutes
of attention.
The answer to the question is simple. Not only are women not one is safe. If you're a law abiding citizen and you're not carrying some form of defense with you when you're in public you are a victim waiting to be victimized. There are a large number of desperate people out there willing to hurt you for the cash in your purse/wallet.
BOY MAYOR...we're not going away and JOE is not going away. Kitchen as "gots" to be red hot hot now since the heat has really been turned UP.
Time to have that sit down interview to answer MANY questions and untruths - before something tragically wrong happens AND gets national attention!!!!!! According to my calendar, SU is back in session in a mere 6-7 weeks!
Carry a gun.
Stop believing someone else has to give you "permission" to protect yourself.
Next time you are sitting at a red light, look around.
That year old woman in the Prius? Packing a .38 snub nose.
The 60 year old man in that beat-up pick up truck? He's got a .45 under the seat.
Neither one has a criminal record, both have jobs and own their house. Neither one has a "permit" or asked any cop or politician if was OK with them.
As it should be.
11:55am. You are an IDIOT. The national crime index is a scale of 0 to 100 with 100 being the worst. The national average is 33. Salisbury is a 91. Don't take my word..look it up on
There is a reason violent crime is lower in states with more relaxed CCW laws. The criminals know the law abiding citizens could be carrying whereas in states like Maryland the criminals know it's most likely there are not because out liberal politicians don't want to recognize our constitutional rights.
1220 - yep yep AND those folks do not bring "attention" to themselves either!!!! Some should take a lesson from elders!
Maybe the Mayor is okay with rape.
LMBO! Women are weaker? These days, gender doesn't equal physical strength. I've met plenty of women who scare me more than men! They carry all attitude of no fear, think twice, eff with me you die. Carrying a gun is just icing on the cake. 😜
Exactly, nobody is safe! So, while they are searching my wallet for money I don't carry, I will be putting the cross hairs on their chest! Also have a tazer. Would do justice to fry them a little till the cops come save them.
I don't know this Molly person, but I am familiar with her past actions. My thoughts would be she has witnessed the great job President Donald J. Trump has done in only a few months. Maybe she is sitting back watching FOX and has changed her ways. Could perhaps be a productive citizen wearing a red cap now. You know, the on that has "Make America Great Again" on it. Not the pussy cover.
Ask Hogan
They have guns now that look like cellphones. You'd think the criminals would be concerned for their own lives with this new toy on the market. Shows just how stupid some can be.
If men don't want to face bullet justice then maybe they should stop raping. Anyone could have pack even the most unsuspecting person so they're really not thinking too swift 344.
11:55, Does Jake pay you double overtime pay on Sundays?
I have a double threat....elderly and female. Equalizer = gun.
528 you're my hero! Good for you! Glad to see older women taking their safety seriously. Shame the young ones don't.
Rape my wife, Daughter, mother granddaughter and you won't need to worry about court jail or the police YOU WILL HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT ME!YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT TO COURT THE FISH WILL HAVE A GOOD MEAL!
Most of the time the rapist is not caught. All that is left is the trauma.
Wow!! We are all doomed. This entire tread is an example of that.
It is local government and media's responsibility to report crimes to the public. If they aren't doing their job, they should be removed from office or shut down. Report negligence to higher officials, while the GOP is in leadership. State and federal funding could be held back when they want more for their political-advancing projects.
First ....rape is a HATE crime and should be listed as such. Rape has NOTHING to do with is directly connected to mental illness and rage. If the written law would recognize it for what it really is, it would be easier to prosecute and there would be more incentive to arrest these criminals. Hate crime = more jail time.
There are many different types and forms of rape. What you are referring to is the violent type of rape. The rest of your comment is just your opinion, and not a very informed one at that.
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