Just happened past Friday - again. Why doesn't the state revoke their licenses ? Both of them have history of traffic offenses but MVA won't take any action. Researched on MD Judiciary Case sight. It's unbelievable !
Second time in 5 years a family member hit by uninsured motorist. First time was a hit and run - but perps license plate fell off. Went to MVA with all of driver info, insurance carrier, etc. They did nothing. They explained they just send letter to driver to renew insurance or face fine. Can't touch their driver license or driving privileges. Separate issue ! Yet I have to pay $250 deductible ! What a farce ! See statement from MVA website -
Did you know Maryland is a mandatory vehicle insurance state? What does this mean for you?
1. All Maryland vehicles MUST be insured at ALL times by a vehicle insurance company licensed in Maryland. Your vehicle insurance must cover, at a minimum:
$30,000 for bodily injury
$60,000 for 2 or more people
$15,000 property damage
2. Return your license plates to any MVA branch office before you cancel your vehicle insurance. Please note: tag and title companies will charge a fee for this service.
3. If you have moved out of state and did not return your license plates, it is important for you to notify the MVA and provide the following information:
Copy of registration from the state in which the vehicle is currently titled
Date the vehicle was titled in the current state
Maryland tag and title number
If you have not yet titled your vehicle out of state, you must have yourvehicle insurance company provide us with policy information detailing the effective and termination dates.
4. If you have moved to Maryland and are continuing vehicle insurance coverage from your previous state of residence, you will need to contact your vehicle insurance company or agent and let them know you need to convert your policy to a Maryland policy. Note: Check to make sure your vehicle insurance company is licensed in Maryland.
$150 fine for first 30 days and $7 for each additional day, up to an annual maximum of $2500 per vehicle.
Your registration will be suspended; if you drive with a suspended registration, your vehicle may be impounded and you may be ticketed and/or fined.
Failure to respond to MVA insurance notifications will result in your case being transferred to the Central Collections Unit (CCU).
Once your case is sent to CCU, fines are subject to a 17% collection fee and your income tax return will be intercepted.
People are legally driving around with 10 DUI's,so nothing surprises me.
Why go after the criminals when the state knows that you, me and all law abiding citizens will obey and pay for insurance or the fines the ridiculous state of Maryland will try to give you! The state might have to do work or maybe insult some minority for harassing them to purchase something not handed to them by the gubment!
You need to watch Live PD and you will shocked at how many people are driving without a license.
MVA is a worthless entity except for collecting $$ from those of us who want to abide by the law.
The only thing they will do is refuse to allow you to renew your vehicle license. Like this makes any difference to people who drive without insurance...
Just like the gun laws: it's easier to regulate and fine law abiding citizens than enforce the violators.
When does the madness stop?
All the MVA does is suspend the vehicle registration when they get notice the vehicle is no longer insured.
Get hit by an uninsured driver and the onus is on you to hire an attorney to get your due from the Maryland Uninsured Motorist Fund, from which your attorney will get his 30% or more and you less than enough to cover your losses.
Been there, done that.
They can take your license if you are a dead beat dad but not for driving an uninsured vehicle ?
Do not respond to MVA insurance notifications! The response will not be acknowledged, no matter what proof you give them. Always notify your insurance company and let them notify / respond to the MVA. Nothing else will suffice. Personal experience folks....
Blame the GOV'T
They let illegals drive here with NO Insur / No Lic
Delaware even promoting it on the local news .... Dugh !!!
When they hit You >> it comes out of YOUR insurance !!!!
Thank the Demon-crat's Open Border Policys !!!!
My mother-in-law had to pay a large fine for not turning in tags after her husband had a stroke and couldn't drive his scooter any longer. She had enough on her plate and forgot about it.
They didn't care. "Not our problem"
The legislature needs to increase minimum requirement for insurance - for those who get it. As expensive as repairs are now with all the electronics, the minimum isn't enough. So, those of us who are law-abiding get crapped on again. There are plenty of people who drive around on revoked or suspended. Don't know how the LEOs can find and stop them all, however, when they do - it should result in jail time. Society has become too lenient and that is why crimes of all kinds are out of control.
I was hit by a hit and run a few months ago. Not heard anything since, doubt the police even tried looking for them. Thankfully I had a witness to verify it was not me who ran the red light and I was not hurt. I of course had to pay my deductible and my car was totaled. It really gets me that they get away with it, while I follow the law.
Screw MVA. They tried that crap with me. Titled vehicle in another state. Lower insurance and lower registration fees per year.
If you make a conscience effort to look at the stickers on plates when you are in traffic you will see that a shocking number of plates do not have current stickers.
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