By Thornton Crowe
Community Trust is just Dem-speak for Feel good, warm fuzzy legislature, endangering communities!
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Marice Morales |
Sponsored by Morales and 78 fellow Democrat legislators, this action represents another ‘fast-one‘ by a legislative body without consent of the people that leaves many to wonder:
Is it time to hold legislators personally responsible criminally and/or civilly for the legislation they pass when it endangers the public at large?
The arguments are obvious for this measure because if legislators had to personally face repercussions, it would probably curtail a lot of legislative measures unpopular with the general public. If they had civil or possibly legal responsible for their complicity in violating Federal Immigration Laws, then it would make perfect logical sense they would stop endangering their communities under the guise of feel-good social justice warrioring. The truth is, they are needlessly enabling criminals for false sense of altruism while putting our families and friends in serious harm’s way. This is not their job objective – never has been; never will be.
When querying other states who have the same predicament, many voters have stated they did not want to become sanctuary areas. Surprisingly, as much as 86% of the largely liberal California population indicates they don’t want sanctuary status. Residents know all too well what havoc illegal aliens have reeked on cities like Los Angeles and San Diego for decades.
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Gov. Larry Hogan (R) |
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (R) has already stated he will VETO the bill should it land on his desk; however, the Maryland Assembly has a nasty history of overriding his VETOs; such as the bill where they forced solar energy on Maryland, a big loser for the state’s residents – without voter approval.
In the meantime, it is worth a shot that should you become a victim of a crime perpetrated by an illegal alien, get a lawyer and find out which representative in addition to Morales to sue — file the lawsuit (and by all means, let us know!)
Ironically, this is puts our state in a dicey situation because they were looking to woe the federal government into building the new FBI Headquarters in the area; however, this defiance of federal law is not the way to win friends (or contracts) and influence people in the District of Columbia – especially with Federal Law Enforcement Agencies.
What are Maryland legislators thinking? Better question is: Are they even thinking at all?
By all means. Hold them liable. It's their job to protect us, not screw us. But what do we keep getting? Who the eff do they think they are?
Trump should go after these criminal politicians.
hogans a rino pos, all talk no action. say goodbye larry. waiting for our next demoncrat governor so trump can stick it to this lib state!
Absolutely they should be held responsible, indited and tried, and not by a jury from their corrupt pocket areas, not just by their employment responsibilities but also personally like the criminals they are...from the top right down to the school boards and teachers responsible. The entire MGA should be sued for taxation without representation also!! This has all stemmed from the gerrymandering and ignoring and defying the laws on the books, a huge conspiracy of corrupt lawmakers and administrations...hang'em high
yes they should be held accountable. Yes thar school should be held accountable. they failed to protect that child and then hid it from the public. Start holding them accountable and maybe they would use their brains before imposing and passing these laws that protect criminal ILLEGAL aliens!
In a country where the rule of law applies and these legislators are allowing - even writing legislation - that puts voters in unsafe communities lawsuits absolutely should be filed.
Enough of them with enough legislators actually being held accountable things will change.
It's time for the East Shore to succeed from Maryland
YES hold them accountable.
Yes, and personally on their own to spend their own money on their own defense, not one tax monies And responsible for LIFE, even after leaving office.
The best thing that could ever happen is for Marylanders to change the General Assembly sessions to every two or three years - (ie. Texas).
The damage that the General Assembly does to Marylanders is atrocious. And what has Maryland done under O'Malley's regime - they had NOT ONE - but two and three general assembly sessions in each fiscal year. And we Marylanders are the ones reaping the consequences of a run-a-way general assembly.
Such notable scoundrels like J Modeleno, S Hixson, Pinsky, M Miller, M Busch, J Mathias, and even Sharee Sample Hughes has damaged her own constituency by raising their electric bills - (i.e. Vote in favor of Accelerated Solar override).
Thanks for the post and taking the time to do it...
I've been wondering how many MoCo "legislators" were actually suspected, Marice is ANOTHER one who was not....Maricé Ivette Morales[5] was born in Arlington, Virginia,[4] in 1987.[3] Her father is from Chimbote, Peru, and her mother is from Chiclayo, Peru.[8] She lived in Peru from age 12 to 17, when she returned to the United States to attend college.[4]
8:54 'secede'
If this law goes in to effect over the governor's veto any crimes should be prosecuted with the overiding legislators named as co-defendants!!
These criminal law makers are doing it so they can double down on the taxes to cover this extreme burden on the school systems. They could care less about the health, welfare and education of your children....its all about the money and votes from ignorant new potential citizens.
I always thought that the elected officials were suppose to represent the people. This no longer happens. Once elected they seem to say to hell with the people I am going to put forth my own agenda. We need to try and elect people that will vote the way a majority of the people want them to vote. I realize this is almost impossible because it is hard to find a politician to do what they are suppose to be doing. But these stupid liberal Democrats are the worst. I don't see how they think they can get re-elected if 90% of their people want them to vote against something and they vote for it. Just to further their own agenda. Moral of the story. PEOPLE WHEN YOU VOTE REMEMBER THE ONES THAT REPRESENT YOU AND THE ONES THAT DON'T.
Should there be a class action case filed now? There's plenty of legislation passed already that did not have proper public debate and will costs taxpayers higher costs for electricity. Why can we get a group together to sue them on this measure? Start suing them for all laws passed that run counter to Constitution.
Vote to hold them both criminally and civilly liable for this should it pass. It violates federal laws & the people of Md didn't vote for this or had any say.
Which lawyer has the gumption to file such a suit? Any of these local lawyers interested in making history, right misjustice and upholding his/her own oath to uphold the Constitution? Is there a brave lawyer out there somewhere? Brave enough to take on the machine?
Can think of only one but is he brazen enough to take this on?
Waiting until Sunday night to announce they were voting on it the next day wasn't enough time for anyone to real voice opposition. Not a forthright action and done on purpose for sure. This isn't representing the people.
Give them a break. I"m sure that, if they thought they would be caught, they would not do these things. That would be breaking the law.
If Legislatures and their appointees can not be held responsible for violating their oath of office by protecting criminals by passing laws that violates the constitution and putting children and citizens in jeopardy then how can the law convict anybody. They should be impeached and prosecuted to the fullest. While doing so confiscate any and all their personal / family assets immediately. They, 98%, are nothing but criminals.
10:18am, they dont need our votes, with gerrymandering and voter fraud and now with millions more illegal citizens they plan to stay in office. There are a few trials to be held already, concerning the law breaking of these legislators...wanna guess how many years it will take to get a ruling? The damage will already be done....laws, many, have already been broken..
If we can't get this passed at the state level, do you supposed it could be passed at the county level? Each county decide if they want to hold these leaders accountable. Is this worth a try?
You dumb ass hillbillies. You live in a democratic state. Don't f'ing like it, then move!
Yeah looks like your Democrat ideology is really working out well for you and your community, 1053. Salisbury is a hell hole not much better than Baltimore. Like an idiot you proudly proclaim that fact as if it's a good thing. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
10:53 if we could move we would and hopefully some day it will happen but just remember with us we take away taxes that we would have paid and after enough leave the city collapses just like Baltimore.
10:53 Poster - Yep - I agree with you. Look at the front page of Thursday's Baltimore Sun - the headlines read - BALTIMORE EXPERIENCES POPULATION LOSSES - HIGHEST DECLINE IN POPULATION IN 100 YEARS.
Fact is - people (even our own native residents) have realized our State is on a crash coarse to DISASTER and are starting to flee. Look at the businesses that have left. Hordes and hordes of industries have already fled. Look at the electoral college votes, Trump should have gotten at least 7 of the 10 electoral votes. Instead, the Maryland Legislature rigged the system and instead awarded Hillary all 10 electoral votes. THIS IS AN ACT OF WAR - and goes against the very grain of our US Constitution.
For me and mine, we will stay and FIGHT, we will stay and fight these tyrants just as our forefathers did, as true Patriots! The rest of you cowardly POS, run like a whopped dog! And when you get over run with tyrants yet run like the spineless POS you are!!
1125 you're absolutely right. Look at Salisbury. The business community has slid downhill and city hall/chamber doesn't give a hoot. There are no good jobs in Salisbury unless you're renting apts to college students at a grossly overinflated price. Day & his merry band of libtards are too busy trying to build out the city without section 8 which always looks like a slum within a couple years. The place is going to hell but that's okay because their idiom is still firmly in tact.
9:59 is correct. Secession is the only way out at this stage of the game. It's gone way to far to try and resolve it politically. Now that MD has gone sanctuary and with the way the electoral votes were awarded illegally to Hillary the people and native born residents all know that secession is the only way to get back to our US constitution.
1203 it has not passed the Senate & Governor has already said he will VETO. Did you read the actual article? Don't sound like it. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
12:07 Poster - I don't believe you understand. It's a numerical thing - the eastern shore is outnumbered as we only have 11 Delegates out of a total of 141. And on the Senate side its even worse - we only have 3 - even though our land area comprises the vast majority of MD. And so it is basically a manifest waste of taxpayers money to even have any representation as our ideology is often overridden by the MD General Assembly. And as you have seen this past legislative session, Hogan will most likely be overridden on any of his vetos.
1207 is clueless.
12:26 ..12:07 will never get it. Smh
12:07pm....did you miss the part where these progressive democrat crooks have been overriding Hogans veto's?!?!?! he's essentially a lame duck. Im not comfortable having our nations capital surrounded by unlawful government officials and illegal citizens, the rest dependent on handouts...these law breakers need to be reeled in or destroyed, same as theres no way to secede without a revolution and bloodshed.
Theres just to much corruption for those in control to do the right thing.
Not a true democratic state you have 3 counties with high population that rule over all the other countries. Those three counties are high crime areas with large areas of the black vote, who wait for their handouts. They haven't figured out yet the democrats are screwing them year after year. I'd rather be a hillbilly than an a**hole liberal.
Thanks 12:41 Poster. You are hit the 'nail on the head'. The form of governance we have here in MD is oppression. In its traditional usage, oppression means the exercise of tyranny by a ruling group. I would even go so far as to describe our MD legislature as being engineered by none other than Karl Marx himself.
12:41 All the matters is there have only been 3 republican governors in the past 40-50 years. Democrat controlled BLUE state.
11:35 Keep marrying your cousins too. Smart people especially with assets are leaving for Red states with no state income tax.
This is a really good article. According to the other fake news media, DT, everything is going along just fine. My only wish is that they would close their doors, permanently.
Yes and as a matter of fact - "they" already are held accountable from the simply fact - "THEY" are elected into office. Problem with that - not enough MD'ers vote. Therein lies the real problem as well as another discussion for the future.
DINGBATS get elected and then we expect differently. Booooooooo on us! When/if Baltimore and Montgomery Counties decrease in stupidity - then MD will officially be RED in statute. Majority of the map is RED, but the high pop in B-more/Monkey Counties sway the end state.
Annapolis needs change in a big way or MD will fail and the White House will not stand for anymore foolish behavior!
You better believe it.
200 years ago immigration was perfectly fine. In 2000 and later years immigration is a mistake. WAKE THE F*** UP! Stupid Democrats and soft hearted RINO's!
So we assume Morales' parents are legal citizens. She is, by default, she was born here. Good God! Need to move to Wyoming....
Here is a thought...How about we give the Rockville thugs 20 minutes with Ms. Morales outside a Junior High School Boys Bathroom (around 9 AM on a school day)? Maybe she would take them home with her to have a safe sanctuary???
Take a look at this map of ms13 presence and the illegal base around our capital and this is BEFORE becoming a sanctuary state, the MGA is fully aware their covering and harboring the worst criminals
In this case, yes for liability. To answer the last question- no they were not thinking at all.
Yes, absolutely need to be hold accountable. Those Slimey Maryland Politicians broke the Federal Law.
They need to be put in handcuffs and hauled away to jail, starting with Mrs. Morales, the Princess of Peru, who "represents" illegals from Latin America, instead of Taxpayers of Maryland. Lock Her Up!
You realize Baltimore and MoCo are the economic engines of the state, right? Without their tax dollars and tourist dollars, the eastern shore is nothing.
Good luck with that lawsuit, Thornton. Pretty sure legislative privilege and the lack of any prima facie evidence of a connection between their vote and a crime would screw your friend right out of court
4:30 you are 98% correct on the tax dollars BUT you better reevaluate the tourist dollars. If the Eastern Shore charged toll on this side of the Bay Bridge and kept it then kept all tourist dollars and tax from the Shore Annapolis / MOCO and Baltimore would shed more tears than the Bay could hold. The Shore should charge double for any one not a permanent, not part time / summer home, resident of the Eastern Shore for a minimum of 10 yrs.
While under normal situations, you are correct 435, this issue actually breaks federal immigration laws. No legislator involved here has plausible deniability or can plead ignorance of law. This puts population at risk needlessly to make a political statement.
A court would be more inclined to look on this differently than some statute that happened to cause some injury by happenstance. These legislators are purposefully breaking federal law. As an act of defiance shows there is conscious choice to put the communities at risk, creating victims. Think you'll find that given there's little to no case law precedent, it has great potential to become a landmark case.
It's easy to find out if a person is up on deportation and whether or not the local law worked against ICE 435. You can show connections between the perp being here and this action of sanctuary. Don't where you're not seeing the connection that can be shown. If you're a lawyer, you lack the imagination to have a precedent case. It would be a very interesting case.
Pretty sure legislative privilege doesn't cover when breaking federal laws. You might want to check your law books on that one.
Isn't uphold Constitution part of a legislator's oath when they're sworn into an elected office? Sanctuary status is actually a constitutional violation and a dereliction of their sworn oath. A violation of a law and grounds for immediate ejection. If it is for Congress why would it not be for mere state legislators who hold a much lower office?
Yes and treated as a criminal!
Hey idiots - it would not be a landmark case. Do you think if a city council mandated Christianity within a community that they'd be criminally responsible?! Or every state that decriminalized marijuana? No. Simply because the state is conflict with federal prerogatives doesn't mean its actions are criminal - they're simply "preempted" by federal law, and ineffective. Quit getting your panties in a bunch. As for the tort element of causation, that would fall solely on the perpetrator of harm - in this case, the illegal aliens. Any half decent lawyer would have a field day defending these legislators. You're welcome for the law lesson.
Actually, 4:35PM, If you look up 42 USC 1983, political privilege would not necessarily apply. It clearly could result in an injury suit should Maryland decide to go with a sanctuary status as it is in defiance of Federal Law; thus, subject to Federal Code. Therefore a victim (or victim's family) would have recourse against anyone - including legislators - for any injury sustained through such a law.
Here is the code:
Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.
(R.S. § 1979; Pub. L. 96–170, § 1, Dec. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 1284; Pub. L. 104–317, title III, § 309(c), Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3853.)
Hey Hogan tell us about the day lightning struck your building, want to tell us about any emails you received that day? What did you do next come on tell us. It must of been an exciting day when your office was struck by lightning I am sure you remember everything that day because I do
953 sounds insane. Your comment makes no sense whatsoever. Are you aware of this glitch in your brain?
Vicarious liability.....they can be sued by all affected by thier negligence....
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