Historically, America was founded by small business owners who came together to form communities. Entrepreneurs were the foundation of our early society and, through their growth, they made our country the land of free enterprise, bursting with hope and prosperity.
With all the scuffle lately about the local government's issues, one local agency seems to not weighed in publicly on the problems Salisbury faces is the Chamber of Commerce.
Much of the Eastern Shore is based in agriculture regardless of what the local bourgeois would have you believe. The white collar professions on the shore are relegated mostly to three professions: doctors, lawyers and accountants. However, with so many of them in the Salisbury area, most are not listed with the Chamber.

Now, we have a President who promotes business, yet our local Chamber has failed to tap into this new enthusiasm towards American Business. In fact, from their actions during the general election, where they promoted the candidate who had no intention of supporting small business and wanted to crush it further with more stifling regulations. Since her loss in November, it seems they've packed up their toys and gone home.
While they currently scout for a new CEO, it doesn't appear they're thinking outside-the-box by going with candidates that aren't already in their clique. They seem to be looking towards getting a good-ole-boy-network player, who will just carry on the same failed policies that have led to Salisbury having more closures than grand openings.
Additionally, by their silence on local issues like the downtown plan, it would seem the Chamber is complicit with the downward spiral the city has experienced for the last couple of decades. Therefore, are they, like City Hall, another organization bent on destroying any semblance of what used to make Salisbury a palpable place to work and raise a family?
One would think it would be in the their best interest to boost the local business because it brings more money into Salisbury instead of eliminating it but perhaps I hold a misconception of what exactly the Chamber of Commerce's mission is really all about. For all the inner-clique, it might as well be a downtown annex for the old Green Hill Country Club circuit...
What say you?
There are resources here, but the Chamber is not one of them. hotDesks/ ESEC-Eastern Shore Entrepreneurship Center (ESEC) is affiliated with the Fast Track training programs: http://esecfund.affiliate.fasttrac.org/.
The Maryland Small Business Development Center (at SU)offers training and consultation: http://marylandsbdc.org/eastern/index_eastern.php.
Wor-Wicc CC offers training courses through the continuing ed program in person and online.
Maryland Capital Enterprises (upstairs in the Chamber building) offers training and micro-loans up to $50,000.
All of these have specific programs that also target women and minorities.
The Univ of MD Extension Program has the University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Small Farm Program for farm and landowners for training and assistance. http://umessmallfarm.com/about-us/
There is also SCORE which offers in-person and online mentorship for start-ups: https://www.score.org/
The Chamber is a club, really, whose members have limited resources and very limited imaginations. They, collectively, share the blame for why Salisbury is is as dangerous as it is, why taxpayers pay six times the assessed value of property for city use, and why every piece of new architecture looks as though it came from a mail order catalog.
The Chamber used to be a fairly active volunteer organization, too. These days, those community support and celebratory activities are few and weak. In days past, the volunteerism of the group was a pleasant reflection of the pride taken in Salisbury. Those days, sadly, are no more.
Whatever happened to the leadership?
The Chamber is nothing more than a liberal show . They hold back enterprise so they can contain competition . Very simple but effective.
Liberal politicians tax small business OUT OF BUSINESS that combine with a high crime rate is killing Salisbury.
A friend of mine applied for a job over there and they never called to even interview. It's sad because they're very talented and had a lot of ideas to help the Chamber of Commerce to try something different. Probably went with same-old, same-old that's kept Salisbury down forever. They missed out.
816 isn't that stuff usually offered through the Chamber of Commerce? If they don't do anything, what good are they? No wonder nobody signs up with them. If you want to network, go to Market Street during Happy Hour. Its a lot cheaper.
Basically from what you all are saying is the Chamber is an obligatory waste of money group that is like the cool kids in high school. Glad I didn't waste my hard earned cash on it.
The Chamber has painted itself into a corner by putting its most moneyed members in charge and not listening to those at the bottom of the heap, or to those who aren't members because of financial inability, local political will, or reluctance to join because the club is so inflexible and unappreciative. Non-members of the club know better than to offer up ideas, as they'll be rejected out of hand or taken and presented as the idea of a member. Junior members are treated with some disdain by the senior ones, and their ideas given little thought to the future before being dismissed.
All in all, the Chamber needs a deep cleaning and a renewed orientation to what the organization stands for and is about.
The clock is ticking: be proactive and engaging, or suffer the consequences of being the opposite.
Chamber of commerce is a local non profit club nothing more but SWED is another matter where you tax dollars fund an office that does nothing for economic development.
1047 my friend had lots of great ideas guess they should be glad they didn't get offer an interview because their ideas would've been jacked by the interviewers.
You only have to look around town at the places where the Chamber of Commerce put a sign years ago where they took an ugly corner and landscaped it, and how well they've followed up on maintaining their work to get an idea of how well the organization is run and its obligations to the community carried through.
They don't appreciate that not only is the negligence an ugly mark on the landscape and the view of visitors and residents alike, but that they're missing a huge P.R. opportunity by not keeping the work current and the plots in good condition with attractive splashes of color and order. It smacks of terrible leadership and lazy, uninterested membership.
A much bigger bunch of business type bozos -- Greater Salisbury Committee (aka "the House of Lords").
M/M 11:16:
What about Memo Diriker?
Actually the "Chamber" is bigger (more acolytes) than the "GSC," which has more clout because of perceived prestige of its highly (self) selected members, who pay a much greater membership fee that those in the Chamber. Both groups are do-nothing but pontificate organizations.
Memo Diriker? LOL!!! he has lots of ideas but none of them are feasible.
With chief chronic do-nothing Mike Dunn at the GSC helm, it's no wonder that they only yield a waning political clout and not much more.
The Chamber's elite don't give a damm about the downtown because they have their business firms elsewhere and have no desire to locate or relocate downtown, which is hopeless and will become a welfare mecca after Day's debacle. Yes, most lawyers are there -- to be near the government offices and courts -- but almost no doctors or accountants. And doctors are normally aloof about local business matters (some lawyers too that do mostly criminal and divorce stuff and ambulance chasing). Accountants realize that it is an ever increasing disaster and could care less what happpen there now that IRS has left along with the state tax office.
Green Hill is a third rate golf, etc operation, and will probably soon fold as it has come close to in the past.
An even bigger joke than the Chamber and GSC -- SWED!
Nobody has mentioned that First Shore Federal is now the only bank in the downtown area, which is the result of its demise as a business center. No longer a drug store, clothing or general merchandise. Now other long time firms are moving out -- Davis, Bowen & Freidel for instance.
Reference to what about Memo Diriker comment:
Another thing about Memo - he has been dead wrong in his assessment and analysis of our local, regional, and national economies. The more he talks, the faster the manufacturing sector has exited. He's all about promotion of the services sectors (low wages).
SWED could be replaced by an existing city employee who spends two hours a week gathering the same data. The same or better economic prognostications using that data could be made without the $25,000 that the city pays SWED every year.
Sounds like the Chamber isn't doing much to make a good appearance in the community. Why does it still exist? What's the point if it does nothing? Is it just people getting paid money to look like they're busy bees?
Has Salisbury always been like this? Seems like ever since I got here there's been one bad situation after another. Peyton Place on steroids.
No, Salisbury has not always been like this.
Once upon a time the City Council was mostly local business owners (Sam Seidel, Vernie Cantrell, Bob Powell, for instance) or other capable, civic minded residents, and there were outstanding mayors like Paul Martin.
The debacle began about 25 or so years ago when the likes of Tim Sakemiller and Robin Cockey got involved in city government Since then, it has steadily sunk into a swamp that needs to be drained, but probably will not be now or ever because of the City's political base that includes many unemployed welfare types that vote Democrat.
Then came Barrie Tilghman, the mayor who trashed the best police chief we ever had, Chief Dykes, who was replaced with a loser, Webster, and presided over a $60 million sewage treatment plant that still needs to be fixed, and then Ireton (pride of Rehoboth Beach at night) and the joker that's ruining the police and fire services.
In part, it is because there are not many competent folks and almost no Republicans left in the City to hold office so the slots are filled by liberal ideologues and losers -- just consider Day (Michael and Jake), Dunn, Shields, Comegys, Louise Smith, Laura Mitchell -- and in part to the division of the City into separate council districts rather than having at-large elections. Another cause of the demise is the local mainstream media, in particular the Daily Times.
It is absurd that they still say and apparently believe that Salisbury is the dynamo (hub/crossroads) of business and commerce on Delmarva. In the past several decades it has lost so much that if it were not for the college and hospital, Salisbury would be another Cambridge or Delmar.
357 wish I'd known it when those earlier people were in charge. I bet it was a nice place to live. Such a shame.
Your elected officials have to ask themselves a very simple question why would anyone want to build a large scale business here its not because Maryland is business friendly, low taxes or reasonable property costs or environmental regs.What do we have to offer?
I seem to recall that Cockey had a hand in the downfall of Chief Dykes, acting as Barrie Tilghman's henchman and interim City attorney. As I recall, besides sacking Chief Dykes (and the then City Attorney, Robert Eaton), they tried to have him indicted too. Didn't Cockey threaten to sue the City when the Council objected to his fee for those services, which he rendered at Tilghman's request without being appointed to the attorney position with the Council's consent?
Is it any wonder that those who live elsewhere say that Salisbury is "the s-hole of the shore."
A lot more folks would read this post and then comment if its headline were more specific about the subject -- something like "Salisbury Chamber of Commerce is a gaggle of mutton-heads". Try changing it to something like that and see what happens.
449 what did they try to indict Chief Dykes for? He couldn't have been worse that this Duncan person who doesn't tell the whole community about a gang attacking women. What was Cockey looking to do to him? isn't his son a trooper or in Law Enforcement?
I understand that Barrie Tilghman tried to have former Chief Dykes (after she fired him) indicted for allegedly corrupt conduct. To get the gist about that from archived posts on this blog, use the search feature (at the top, left) with the term "Chief Dykes." Ultimately, no charges were made, and he reached a confidential settlement of his claim against the City.
Barrie's henchmen, Cockey and Maloney also got payoff for their "services" for the City after threatening to sue.
Isn't Gillis the president of the chamber? What is next? Be careful the young guns gonna ride over this city and we are letting them. Being taught by daddy how to kiss butt and by city property for pennies then sell sell sell.... its only just begun!!! Hold on!!
The SACC is ran by Millenials and their wives. The the Gillis and Gilkerson kids got involved in the SACC it all went down hill.
Now it's all about the SACC Click and giving all the "Awards" to Chris Eccleston. Then I looked up Chris Eccleston and his "Company" and low and behold I find he is connected to the Gillis-Gilkerson Klan. What a fricken Joke!
Chris Eccleston - Delmarva Veteran Builders
Chris served six years in the U.S. Navy as a Nuclear Machinist Mate. ... lifelong interest in construction, and was quickly hired by local contractor Gillis Gilkerson.
When Brad Bellacicco was the executive director, the chamber was proactive and grew in numbers. They were proactive locally and in Annapolis. I was very active in the chamber for many years until I felt like I wasn't making a difference any longer. The energy just isn't there any more. Maybe it's trying to do too many things or not enough.
So, for all the naysayers, instead of criticizing, make suggestions on how the chamber of commerce can be effective again.
I've noticed in all my years of volunteering, that those who criticized most did the least.
And, who's the really cute girl who works the front desk? Is it Sophie? She a really sharp young lady. I'd hire her in a heartbeat.
The Chamber publishes a magazine and gives articles and votes for the "Best On The Eastern Shore" depending on how much in membership fees are paid to them.
That's all they do.
1:18 and 3:57 --
And recall that the Daily Times and the so-called business leaders in the COC and GSC endlessly attached certain council members -- Campbell, Cohen, CT Webster, Rob Cannon for instance -- who tried to turn save the sinking ship. The so-called "dream team" members of the council that the Chamber supported big time -- Dunn, Comegys and Cathcart -- were complicit in that also, along with "Shameless" Shields, Louise Smith and Ireton.
During the past decade or so, much taxpayer money has been dumped in the downtown area, but it is chump change to what will be wasted on the redevelopment plan that will (if it occurs) completely ruin that area as anything other than a mecca for welfare cheats and deadbeats and lawyers who want offices near the courthouse as well as the SOG facilities that would be difficult and very costly to relocate elsewhere.
No doubt the redevelopment of downtown will become an even bigger cash cow for certain people than it already has.
Most likely the powers that be (Chamber, GSC, etc,) will be pushing for a special "TIF" deal to get funding -- so don't forget the history of the TIF for the Aydelotte Farm debacle and the one that almost got done to redo the old Salisbury Mall. Those who disregard or forget history are likely to repeat the mistakes of the past.
The historical comments above correctly describe the history of Salisbury during the past several decades, during which the truly capable and civic minded citizens have vacated city hall due to death, moving away and so forth, resulting in a vacuum that has been filled largely by losers controlled by certain business groups. Besides those mentioned above, lets not overlook the slumlords and their organization called SAPOA that is also a major factor in the Chamber and GSC.
Also, the college has been a factor -- especially certain faculty (Basehart and Loughlin, in particular) -- and the Daily Times and other mainstream media. Although there have been several turning points, the major ones are the reelection of Barrie Tilghman (over Mr. Shanahan), Ireton (over Joe Albero), and the recent election of Jake Day, all caused by the groups mentioned above.
Most likely, the point of no return has been passed.
Another big turning point, actually two of them, in the saga of Salisbury's demise are:
1. Resignation of John Pick, a well qualified city manager, and replacement by an unqualified one, Tom Stevenson.
2. Appointment of another unqualified person, Ms. Glantz, to succeed Stevenson.
It is difficult if not impossible to get a well qualified city manager -- called the city "administrator" in Salisbury I believe -- in a town in such dire straits as Salisbury. John Pick, who resigned and got a much better job a few years ago, was hired back when things had not become as dire as they have under Tilghman, Ireton and Day.
Another factor is that Salisbury has a charter that allows the mayor to control. Most towns and smaller cities have a different system in which the mayor (if there is one; many do not have a mayor) is mostly a figurehead. I understand that they tried to change to the city manager form, but that was stopped by the efforts of Barrie Tilghman, the Chamber, GSC and Daily Times.
Probably the biggest turning point was the initial election of Barrie Tilghman when Paul Martin decided not to run again (in 1998, as I recall). Tilghman, with the support of the business interests, Daily Times and college crowd, beat one of the best of the recent council members, Carolyn Hall. Yes, reelection over Duke Shanahan and the election & reelection of Ireton where very significant. Probably the coup de grace is the election of the current mayor, Day, that is turning debacle into disaster. During the past couple decades, Salisbury has become populated mostly by tenants, many on welfare?section 8 who have no civic interest and can be easily controlled by the landlords, other business interests and the liberal politicians that they promote to do their bidding.
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