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Sunday, June 05, 2016

There's A Free College Education War Between WorWic, County Executive & County Council But What About YOU?

While new County Employees are already receiving lower benefits and there's now rumor benefits may be reduced for retired and possibly current County Employees I have to ask, why on God's Green Earth are we considering taking away from the hard working employees of the County while offering a FREE education for people who never earned YOUR tax dollars?

There's been a lot of talk on this subject. Some news outlets are being soft on this matter and right now is a perfect time to talk about the reality of it.

This is YOUR money. With infrastructure being at an all time disaster, there's not even any more money in the budget to repair ANY of the roads the County inspected last week. 

I can see so many areas of serious concern, yet we're now being subjected to giving away hundreds of thousands of dollars to people who haven't earned a thing and better yet, haven't paid ANY County Taxes. 

Oh, they all want to throw it out there, this will build economic development. Well, what businesses are out there for these people getting a free education to stick around, buy a home and enjoy a decent income? 

While I'd guess there's a sales job for both sides on this matter, the most important part of this lies on YOU the taxpayer. For me, I just can't see spending all of this money without a commitment in return. For example, when you join the Naval Academy, once you've graduated you must serve at least 4 years in the Navy. What are YOU getting in return here in Wicomico County?

I think a lot more thought needs to go into YOUR proposed investment. In the mean time, while the County had a surplus last year, there's no guarantee that will continue, especially after all those losses in recent years. No nest egg, no infrastructure improvements and no guaranteed return on your investment. 

Sorry Bob, WorWic & County Council, we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. It's putting good money after bad money at this point.


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Anonymous said...

it takes 4 county employees to drag a ball field and 3 to smoke pot. I mean fill a pot hole

Anonymous said...

Bob culver is no successful small business man. The only thing that vaguely resembles that was his market street venture. How can a man that claims to be a business owner do a complete 180 a decide to give a million dollars a year away and stay in business?? There's more to come with this clown

Anonymous said...

You also need to look at the people involved and what their motivation is and how they are connected. Hoy already left us once and then when he was not selected he took his old job back. This is nothing more than a way for him to get his enrollment numbers up and that will make him more money. Bob is being played by him and Mike Dunn. Dunn is going around saying all greater Salisbury is for this. I will say no we are all not for this. The liberals in the group are speaking for all of us and making there rounds. This half brained idea is not a smart one. Dunn does not speak for all of us but wants people to think he does and it is a unified front. Hoy is also on greater sby so no surprise there.

Anonymous said...

Just to throw this out there.... Comp time for exempt employees is capped at 80 hours. That means that an employee can not carry more than 80 hours. Many "salaries" were established with the fact in mind that certain exempt employees would earn comp time to some degree. I can tell you for a fact, there are many employees that work many, many hours that they do not even consider putting in for comp time because they feel like it's part of their job and they do what it takes to do their job. So, in summation, there isn't some outlandish liability hanging out there when a person retires in terms of comp time on the books, it is equal to one paycheck. Also, you are not paying anyone for the rest of their life when they retire, as has been mentioned. Employees contribute a significant contribution to their pension and the actuary, in the County's case Atena, takes the risk of paying the employees their retirement per the terms of the retirement contract. The county (or you the taxpayer) has no financial obligation to an employee once they retire.

Anonymous said...

That line is soo wore out. Why don't you apply for a job at the county and find out. What, does $9.90 an hour not excite you?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That is the most stupidest response that I've ever heard. So you are saying that you signed up for a low wage because the benefits were only average ?? Please tell me what school you went to so I do not send my children there

June 5, 2016 at 2:03 AM

Who are you referring to?

Thornton Crowe said...

Its nonsensical to offer free college to everyone... not everyone designed for college!

Anonymous said...

I know how many employees it used to take to drag a dozen or more fields daily and that was 1 and that meant unloading and loading a 75 pound spike drag at least over 20 times a day.I think they have a machine now to do the work. I recently saw a Older Willie Nelson looking fella working on the ballfields must be 70 years old at Winterplace Park. That guy moves faster than most 25 y/o men and he had a audience of 2 or more standing and making sure he was doing it right I guess. Bob Culver needs more employees like that man. He surely is giving the taxpayers there moneys worth.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
2:03 Did you really just say "most stupidest". It is either most stupid or stupidest. It can't be both. What school did you attend?

June 5, 2016 at 4:29 AM

Ha Ha Ha!! 2:03 is the same person that is writing all the comments on here saying the county employees are making to much money and they need to lose their benefits. Now we know why he is so bitter and jealous of them. He should have done better on the entrance exam.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Culver is paying off some favors to certain county departments while cutting others. Sherriffs Department must have some major "dirt" on someone Culver doesn't want aired.

Anonymous said...

Did you all ever stop to think that maybe this conservative government might be working the way it is suppose to work? I don't see anybody getting free tuition. (not sarcasm)

Oh, and don't fix any roads unless it is my road.(sarcasm)

Anonymous said...

I would have thought that if public money were going to be doled out - that it would have first gone to one of the Private Elementary/High schools first - like Salisbury School and/or Salisbury Baptist School-(located off of Hobbs Road) - or the Kiddy Christian School off of Parker Road and so on.

Why on earth Bob Culver slated these funds to Wor Wic is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The County Council will take the final vote on the budget June 7. Culver is hoping that, meantime, members receive so much community feedback from those in favor of the scholarship plan that they change their minds and restore funding."

Hey Bob it looks to me like the County Council is getting plenty of feedback on this blog, but it doesn't seem like it is the same feedback you were hoping for. Sorry for your luck Pal!!

June 4, 2016 at 8:02 PM

Bob, it sounds to me that the County Council is a better steward of the Tax Payers money. Even the Daily Rag agrees.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Wasn't wor wic but hopefully will be soon!! Go Bob!!

June 5, 2016 at 4:49 AM


Anonymous said...

Blogger @thorntoncrowe said...
Its nonsensical to offer free college to everyone... not everyone designed for college!

June 5, 2016 at 10:29 AM


But a better reason is that not everyone deserves to go to college on my tax dollars. Get a job and save up like I am many others did.

Anonymous said...

I noticed that Bassett article mentioned every council member BUTTTT.... I person and that was by design. Yes we know who Mr. Culver is taking sides with, but I am sure Mr. Holloway will not change his vote.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
it takes 4 county employees to drag a ball field and 3 to smoke pot. I mean fill a pot hole

June 5, 2016 at 5:40 AM

Do you really think you are being cute ragging on county employees like that?? Well you are not!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Bob culver is no successful small business man. The only thing that vaguely resembles that was his market street venture. How can a man that claims to be a business owner do a complete 180 a decide to give a million dollars a year away and stay in business?? There's more to come with this clown

June 5, 2016 at 6:08 AM

Why do you think Bernie Culver is no longer in the Restaurant business? He couldn't do anything to get it off the ground. Then he was lucky enough to get elected and he gave up the Restaurant business and his daughter got hired. The ethics committee said her hiring wasn't unethical. Well who do you think the ethics committee works for??? Think about it. I just wonder what Bob is going to do for a job if he doesn't get re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You also need to look at the people involved and what their motivation is and how they are connected. Hoy already left us once and then when he was not selected he took his old job back. This is nothing more than a way for him to get his enrollment numbers up and that will make him more money. Bob is being played by him and Mike Dunn. Dunn is going around saying all greater Salisbury is for this. I will say no we are all not for this. The liberals in the group are speaking for all of us and making there rounds. This half brained idea is not a smart one. Dunn does not speak for all of us but wants people to think he does and it is a unified front. Hoy is also on greater sby so no surprise there.

June 5, 2016 at 7:36 AM

If Mike Dunn doesn't speak for all of you all then I suggest you all start speaking up. Don't be a coward, you guys are letting a coward speak for you and you should be ashamed of yourselves. No one likes that pansy Mike Dunn and he should have never been hired. I guess everyone has forgotten how Mike and his lovely bride would go to places out of town to attend the swingers parties. He loved checking out the dude that wifey ended up with... wink, wink. Yes ladies and gentleman that is you fearless leader of the Greater Salisbury Committee. Now know as the Greater Wife Swap Committee.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Sounds like Culver is paying off some favors to certain county departments while cutting others. Sherriffs Department must have some major "dirt" on someone Culver doesn't want aired.

June 5, 2016 at 10:57 AM

Not sure, but I do know they supported Bobby for County Exec. so he promised to help them out.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You also need to look at the people involved and what their motivation is and how they are connected. Hoy already left us once and then when he was not selected he took his old job back. This is nothing more than a way for him to get his enrollment numbers up and that will make him more money. Bob is being played by him and Mike Dunn. Dunn is going around saying all greater Salisbury is for this. I will say no we are all not for this. The liberals in the group are speaking for all of us and making there rounds. This half brained idea is not a smart one. Dunn does not speak for all of us but wants people to think he does and it is a unified front. Hoy is also on greater sby so no surprise there.

June 5, 2016 at 7:36 AM

I didn't know that Ray(I refuse to call him Dr.) Hoy was on the Greater Salisbury Committee... No wonder that unknown group is showing up and acting like they all of a sudden have power and influence. Guess what?? Obviously they don't!! Great Job Councilmen, I am proud to say my Councilman is one of the best.

A Fruitland Resident

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I would have thought that if public money were going to be doled out - that it would have first gone to one of the Private Elementary/High schools first - like Salisbury School and/or Salisbury Baptist School-(located off of Hobbs Road) - or the Kiddy Christian School off of Parker Road and so on.

Why on earth Bob Culver slated these funds to Wor Wic is beyond me.

June 5, 2016 at 3:23 PM

No private schools get public funding by law which is a shame. The Lawless Teachers Union has some power don't they.

Wor Wic gets private and public funding and on top of that each and every student is allowed to apply for any and most grants and scholarships. The poor blacks are eligible and will receive Pell Grants. Don't fall for that poverty crap.

Anonymous said...

WHY is wayne still working for bob ? its like how Duncan still works for Day, there both to affraid to FIRE the Ireton and pollitt crew.

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