"I think about our founders, and they in our Declaration of Independence talked about 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,'" she said outside Capitol Hill Wednesday. "And that is what the Affordable Care Act is about."
"The liberty to pursue our happiness," Pelosi said, adding that Obamacare "takes us to this place." President Obama signed the bill into law six years ago today.
Source: WashingtonExaminer.com
What's the government definition of happiness, anyway?
Oh yes, Nancy, speaking from your ivory tower without an ounce of sense in your little brain. I'm working class, you know, what's left of that thing that was once called a middle class. I paid over $500 penalties this year for not having health insurance because I can't afford the rates I was quoted. I was also told I make too much money with my whopping salary of almost $40,000 per year, and am expected now under your stupid healthcare plan to pay monthly premiums of over $400 / month to have insurance with over $5,000 deductible. Now, you want to tell me this is part of who I am as an American. Let me tell you this, as an American, I won't participate in your idiotic plan, in fact, you can stick your plan along with your other phony ideas right up where the sun doesn't shine. Nancy Pelosi, you are a complete and total disgrace to the very office you hold and that is the nicest thing you will hear from my mouth about you !!!
I think they forget, the Declaration of Independence says we have the right to life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness. That is not the same as happiness. We merely have to right to pursue it.
This from a woman who has a thousand times more money than any of us will have in a lifetime, much of it ill-gotten.
nancy pelosi and harry reid are the two biggest bullsh-tters in politics they will say anything to better themselves in the parties standings neither is living in the real world and know the dire plight of the american people time for them to go
She is a "Lunatic" which Starkisk TUNA IN Samoa has her on their payroll. All she does benefits them. Samoa is not even a State it is a Territory thanks to those Liberal Californians. Territories should get no US benefits.
Make the rule makers have to live by the rules they make
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