Nearly a million people have so far watched a video showing how Perdue chickens are raised. The video, "Chicken factory farmer speaks out," is posted here:
Meanwhile -- and without a peep from the media -- Perdue has quietly revised and submitted to the Pa. DEP years-old factory plans to release the waste neurotoxin Hexane directly into Susquehanna Valley air.
A video about that is posted here:
blah, blah, blah. love perdue chicken.
This guy probably violated portions of his contract with Perdue - and will most likely not get a contract from a major producer again.
Hopefully, he'll continue to grow chickens in a more humane manner and sell them individually or through a butcher. I would buy from him....after Perdue kicks him to the curb!
when you die from the arsenic in chicken, or from the poisons in the air, water, earth, being unable to pollinate plants because all the bees are dead from GMO's and poisoned seeds and crops, etc., etc., etc., etc., we put on your headstone that you loved Perdue chicken...blah blah blah
I am so tired of these damn capcha's
I agree with 3:41 PM...
3:41 You sir are misinformed. Please share any scientific link between GMO's and bee death; or that organic ag is any healthier than GMO's. If emotion=fact you would be a genius.
The stench alone emanating from grocery store chicken tells me all I need to know and that is I won't feed it to my dog much less a human I care about.
When you touch the chicken raw the putrid odor stays on your hands for hours no matter how many times you wash them.
You don't get this with real true free range minimally processed chickens and turkeys.
Then when you cook the grocery store chicken it's swimming in some kind of liquid that is injected into the meat.
I'm not going to single out meat, because our whole food supply deserves a mention. All the preservatives and artificial ingredients the human body wasn't made to handle and yes all kinds of health issues are directly related to not the food itself but what has been done to the food.
Salisbury has had a huge Hexane/ oil extraction tank at their Zion Church Road feed mill for eons.
Where are all the dead and poisoned people?
This area does have a high cancer rate.
For all you environmentalists out there, Jim Perdue is raising chickens now with with no feathers. Food Lion has a bunch of them. They also have chicken breasts with no nipples.
This area does have a very high cancer rate. The CDC has a state cancer profiles page and the incidences of cancer are broken down into counties and even though the tri lower counties of the Eastern Shore are less populated most of the cancer diagnosis are in this area.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
3:41 You sir are misinformed. Please share any scientific link between GMO's and bee death; or that organic ag is any healthier than GMO's. If emotion=fact you would be a genius.
December 10, 2014 at 4:38 PM
and I'm also tired of people like you who always say others are misinformed when you don't have a clue what the hell is going on.
You're on this blog so you have internet. GO READ SOMETHING!
Joe posted search tips yesterday for people like you. Learn to use them.
THere was just an article yesterday about bees dying by the millions after GMO's were planted in a field.
For God's sake man, use your brain or borrow someone's for a little while. You act like a damn 8yo and I'm being generous.
Anonymous said...
For all you environmentalists out there, Jim Perdue is raising chickens now with with no feathers. Food Lion has a bunch of them. They also have chicken breasts with no nipples.
December 10, 2014 at 5:26 PM
Anon 3:41 - arsenic was removed from Perdue's poultry feed in 2005. Please get your facts straight before you make accusations.
7:39-They say it was removed from the feed right? Not only that but a law was passed in MD banning arsenic in feed.
Here's the catch.
Arsenic comes in liquid form so are the chickens getting it in a water supply? Or in the hatcheries before hatched?
I don't know one way or another.
My training is in reading between the lines and companies and politicians are forever fooling the public. It's all in the wording.
A better law would have been to ban arsenic in any form given to animals meant for human consumption.
Not sure about bee deaths but found this is 5 seconds.
"Many scientists continue to have concerns regarding the ecological and public health impacts of GE foods. In 2009, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine highlighted several animal studies that indicated serious health risks associated with GE food, including infertility, immune system problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the digestive system. In addition, tests show that GE crops can induce allergies. Despite these concerns, the agricultural industry continues to push for expanded use of GE crops with little to no oversight, disclosure, or impact testing."
Studies are very limited because of this-
One of the main reasons for the lack of independent studies on the health risks of GE crops is that under U.S. patent law, companies are not required to reveal anything that could be classified as a "trade secret." Corporations like Monsanto have restricted research on their GE crops by refusing to provide independent scientists with seeds. Doug Gurian-Sherman, a plant pathologist and senior scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, believes that beyond trade secrets concerns, "it's likely that the companies fear something else as well: An experiment could reveal that a genetically engineered product is hazardous or doesn't perform as promised.""
To add to this, any study has to be "approved" by the company whose product is the target of the study. The company approves whether the study can be released or not. If not approved for release and researcher releases results anyway they can be sued and will be sued.
526 & 548, since our prevailing winds are from the southeast, show me the C DC's statistics of higher cancer rates in the area northwest of Perdue's plant.
If it doesn't target a source, then the cancer rates are just that, rates.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anon 3:41 - arsenic was removed from Perdue's poultry feed in 2005. Please get your facts straight before you make accusations.
December 10, 2014 at 7:39 PM
Actually it was 2007 and the Md. ban only applies to FEED. Get YOUR facts straight genius.
The exact ban only restricts arsenic in feed, which means that poultry growers
can still use laced water supplies if they wanted. At the very least, farmers
will not have to worry about having their contracts terminated; many work on
behalf of larger manufacturers like Perdue
They protect wildlife better than humans?! Can't feed wildlife with Gmo's but it's ok for us? That would be funny if not so scary
The U.S. government is creating a safe place for bees in national wildlife refuges by phasing out the use of genetically modified crops and an agricultural pesticide implicated in the mass die-off of pollinators.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Wildlife Refuge System manages 150 million acres across the country. By January 2016, the agency will ban the use of neonicotinoids, widely used nerve poisons that a growing number of scientific studies have shown are harmful to bees, birds, mammals, and fish. Neonicotinoids, also called neonics, can be sprayed on crops, but most often the seeds are coated with the pesticide so that the poison spreads throughout every part of the plant as it grows, including the pollen and nectar that pollinators such as bees and butterflies eat.
“We have determined that prophylactic use, such as a seed treatment, of the neonicotinoid pesticides that can distribute systemically in a plant and can affect a broad spectrum of non-target species is not consistent with Service policy,” James Kurth, chief of the National Wildlife Refuge System, wrote in a July 17 memo.
The move follows a regional wildlife chief’s decision on July 9 to ban neonics in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Hawaii, and the Pacific Islands by 2016.
The nationwide ban, however, goes further, as it also prohibits the use of genetically modified seeds to grow crops to feed wildlife.
Anonymous said...
For all you environmentalists out there, Jim Perdue is raising chickens now with with no feathers. Food Lion has a bunch of them. They also have chicken breasts with no nipples.
December 10, 2014 at 5:26 PM
And America is raising humans with no brains.
Where are all the dead and poisoned people?
December 10, 2014 at 5:05 PM
In a cemetery?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
526 & 548, since our prevailing winds are from the southeast, show me the C DC's statistics of higher cancer rates in the area northwest of Perdue's plant.
If it doesn't target a source, then the cancer rates are just that, rates.
December 10, 2014 at 10:23 PM
You're not really that dumb are you? You're being paid to post this misdirection right?
Now that I got that out of my system I will say good for Perdue, if totally true.
But what about all those non-Perdue chickens out there? Like ones from China for instance.
I didn't read the story in depth but I have seen a headline in the last day or two that said some chicken importers from China are labeling their chicken as being from the U.S.A.
Now I'm not sure what all that entails but aside from monetary gains there has to be something shady about that. Even dangerous from a health standpoint.
Point being that unless we grow our own food or kill it in the wild, we really don't know what is in our food. Only what the label tells us, and who knows how truthful that is.
Man, you non-gmo and organic loons haven been caught, hook line and sinker. Their tests are not accurate, and they manipulate them with glyphosate. I am witness to it, and work in the field. It is a new way to make more money off the same product.
Do you really think the FDA gives a damn? Then why can I, as a producer, buy an organic seed, spray the hell of it and still sell it as organic? And vice versa, why can I buy a gmo seed, raise the plant "organically" and sell it as such?
You are being duped and you are too stupid to realize it. "Pasture raised" is another one, as there is nothing saying what is in the pasture. Just feel good drivel that puts the same thing in your mouth and stomach.
Right 7:54. That is why it's best to follow the Know Your Farmer Know Your Food.
The FDA/USDA have watered down and bastardized the definitions of words like organic, free range, pasture raised, this all for benefit of big business and not the consumer.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Man, you non-gmo and organic loons haven been caught, hook line and sinker. Their tests are not accurate, and they manipulate them with glyphosate. I am witness to it, and work in the field. It is a new way to make more money off the same product.
YOU are part of the problem and call others stupid? You are making a living off of others suffering and brag about it? Let me guess, you're just doing you job right?
12:54 I grow and raise everything myself. I have visited all of the local, and even some further away, farms... and most do a good job. However, when they refuse you to tour, that's a red flag. I went to one that promoted "pasture only", etc... yet there was commercial grain in the back end of a truck.
Raising animals on pasture is expensive and time consuming to do it right... it takes the right mix of foliage and root vegetables to get the proper nutrients that help the animals achieve growth and overall health. You are making sure the basics are covered, but you have more focus on the micro nutrients, which is where the magic happens.
When consumers DEMAND how they want the animal raised, but REFUSE to pay for what the farmer has to do to achieve that, they tend to cheat to keep the cost down. The consumer is none the wiser. But, there's zero enforcement.
1:49 Hey genius... it was an example as to how are are easily fooled, and no one is protecting you... even when you THINK you are making the best choice. If you think politics are bad, in terms of kickbacks and lobbyist... you haven't seen anything like the fda, epa, mda, etc.
I don't sell to anyone, I only produce for my family.
Joe what are you talking about? Don't you realize Perdue has one of these hexane plants in Salisbury on Zion Church road? Hexane is an aliphatic hydrocarbon like propane or butane. Other than being flammible, it's harmless.
9:31. You are wrong.
I would like to see the educational and professional credentials of everyone that posted on this very technical matter. Starting with the blogger.
9:31, Harmless my a**!! Harmless like a pedophile running a daycare!!!
Here's the MSDS for hexane:
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