Incident: Impersonate a Law Enforcement Office
Date of Incident: 24 May 2014
Location: 6400 Hobbs Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Cody Lee Holland, 20, Delmar,MD
Narrative: On 24 May 2014 at 10:25 PM a deputy was called to handle a disturbance at Perdue Stadium on Hobbs Road. During this incident, a subject later identified as Cody Holland of Delmar, DE was at the Shorebirds game identifying himself as a police officer. Witnesses reported that at the conclusion of the game, Holland was in the spectator seating area telling subjects around him that he was an “undercover police officer” and that everyone had to sit down before the fireworks could begin.
At the conclusion of the fireworks, Holland followed a patron and his daughter to their vehicle in theparking lot and began making accusatory statements that they were involved in illicit drug use. Holland identified himself to these subjects as a “Maryland State Trooper” and began to question this subject’s sobriety before putting him through a battery of field sobriety tests. Upon finishing these, Holland had this subject and his teenage daughter sit on the curb following a “pat down” of the father while he searched their vehicle for drugs.
It was at this point that staff from the Delmarva Shorebirds approached and Holland attempted to runaway. While running, Holland discarded an item that would be identified as a Delaware Department of Corrections badge. Upon speaking to witnesses it was learned that Holland was brandishing the badge while identifying himself as a law enforcement officer. Holland is not a law enforcement officer in any jurisdiction. Deputies on scene determined that Holland was under the influence of alcohol.
Holland was placed under arrest and became uncooperative with the arresting deputy. Besides being verbally abusive, Holland forced one of the deputies to have to carry him to the patrol vehicle for transport to the Sheriff’s Office.
Upon presentation to the District Court Commissioner, Holland was detained on a bond of $10,000.00.
Charges: Personatea Law Enforcement Officer / Assault/ Disorderly Conduct / Resist Arrest /Unlawful Imprisonment
Date of Incident: 24 May 2014
Location: 6400 Hobbs Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Cody Lee Holland, 20, Delmar,MD
At the conclusion of the fireworks, Holland followed a patron and his daughter to their vehicle in theparking lot and began making accusatory statements that they were involved in illicit drug use. Holland identified himself to these subjects as a “Maryland State Trooper” and began to question this subject’s sobriety before putting him through a battery of field sobriety tests. Upon finishing these, Holland had this subject and his teenage daughter sit on the curb following a “pat down” of the father while he searched their vehicle for drugs.
Holland was placed under arrest and became uncooperative with the arresting deputy. Besides being verbally abusive, Holland forced one of the deputies to have to carry him to the patrol vehicle for transport to the Sheriff’s Office.
Upon presentation to the District Court Commissioner, Holland was detained on a bond of $10,000.00.
Charges: Personatea Law Enforcement Officer / Assault/ Disorderly Conduct / Resist Arrest /Unlawful Imprisonment

Holland, Cody
Incident: Burglary / Assault
Date of Incident: 22 May 2014
Location: 400 block of Bueclar Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Derryke Lamarr Tillman, 52, Fruitland, MD
Narrative: On 22 May 2014 at 3:20 PM a deputy arrested Derryke Tillman in connection with a burglary he allegedly committed. In this incident Tillman reportedly entered the house of a female subject uninvited and slapped her on the buttocks. As he was being leaving the residence after being told to leave, Tillman reportedly told the woman he was going to have her house burned down.
Upon arrest the deputy transported Tillman to the Detention Center where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Tillman was detained in the Detention Center in lieu of a bond of $75,000.00.
Charges: Burglary 3rd Degree / Assault 2nd Degree / Threat of Arson / Trespass

Tillman, Derryke
Incident: Assault / Violation of a Protective Order
Date of Incident: 22 May 2014
Location: 900 block of Colony Drive, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Thomas Edward Watson, 43, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 22 May 2014 at 9:45 AM a deputy arrested Thomas Watson in connection with an assault that reportedly occurred at his residence in the 900 block of Colony Drive. In this incident, Watson’s estranged wife came to the residence in order to get items he reportedly had for their children. While the wife was at the residence, Watson reportedly threw items at her and pushed her down to the ground twice before destroying her cell phone. As the wife was trying to leave, Watson pushed her down a third time.
Upon arrest Watson was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the district Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Watson without bond. At a bond review hearing on 23 May, a bond of $40,000.00 was placed on Watson and he was remanded to the Detention Center.
Charges: Assault 2nd Degree / Violation of a Protective Order

Watson, Thomas
Incident: Possession of CDS / DUI
Date of Incident: 24 May 2014
Location: West Isabella Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Byron Maurice Simpson, 31, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 24 May 2014 at 4:50 AM a deputy stopped a vehicle operated by Byron Simpson for speeding and running a stop sign. Upon making contact with Simpson, the deputy detected an odor of alcohol emanating from with the vehicle. That along with other indicators led the deputy to suspect that Simpson was under the influence of alcohol which led to the administration of sobriety testing. At the conclusion of the testing the deputy placed Simpson under arrest for DUI.
Post arrest, the deputy discovered that Simpson was in possession of what was identified as heroin and crack cocaine. Upon searching Simpson’s vehicle, the deputy located what was identified as marijuana.
During processing Simpson refused to submit to a breath test.
The deputy transported Simpson to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Simpson without bond pending a bond review on 27 May 2014.
Charges: Possession of Heroin / Possession of Crack Cocaine / Possession of Marijuana / Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol

Simpson, Byron
Releasing Authority: Lt. Tim Robinson Date: 27 May 2014
Undercover police and unmarked police vehicles will always be a problem.There is no way around having them,but the reality lends itself to abuse.People don't want to resist arrest or refuse to pull their car over.A good 50% of those who did resist arrest and or refused to obey the commands of a police officer in some way did so because the cop in question was in plain clothes.The courts refuse to listen when someone states that they were afraid to comply.
Here's a young man who is going to need some watching. And maybe some counseling?
12:52 BULL CRAP lol that stat is pulled from somewhere in your liberal rock you call a head. Most resist arrest because they are under the influence of a controlled substance or they are just plain old thugs. There are very few that get charged when they can articulate they feared stopping. They can pull into a public area that is well lit. The officer would also be safer.
I do not know where you got that stat but it is way off the mark. You can call Mr. Holder now and tell him this lie will not flush.
Oh by the way awesome work Sheriff's Office. The more I see these press releases the more I see how busy the police are in our county. Keep up the great work. That Simpson guy was just in court last. Why is he out so soon ????
Nothing good ever comes from people drinking.
Why would ANYONE want to pretend they are a cop? We don't even like the REAL ones much less a drunk wannabe.
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