DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest
Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, May 25, 2014
The Doctors Note
This past weekend I unfortunately broke some bones in my hand. I've been told by the Doctor I cannot use my right hand for four weeks, NOT.
Nevertheless, trying to do ANYTHING on the computer is not only extremely slow, it's actually quite painful at the moment.
That being said, I will do my best to publish stories but I'm going to slow things down a little bit until I'm more comfortable.
Thanks for understanding.
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How did it happen?
Interesting that you went to AGH, instead of PRMC.
Care to comment on any reasons why (other than it was closer to where you were when you were injured)?
Have you thought of using a software assist program such as Dragon Easy speak or something of the like???
This will let you talk into a microphone and it will type what you say and even has voice commands to make it do certain things...
old and brittle. it'll be a hip next.:-)
Looks like you punched something or someone.
Sure we know,"you should have seen the other guy".
sorry you hurt yourself. get better soon!
I can't speak to why Joe went to AGH rather than PRMC, but I can tell you why I do: After two trips to the PRMC ER in less than 24 hours - where I was treated poorly by the one of the ER doctors (who somehow though it was okay to make jokes about my husband and I being infertile) and twice sent home after being told nothing was wrong - I ended up an inpatient at AGH, seriously ill. If PRMC had actually treated me during either of my two ER trips, I wouldn't have spent over a month recovering from what turned out to be a pretty serious (and also easily diagnosable, if you bother to pay attention to the patient's symptoms) illness. I won't be back to PRMC - I'm even delivering my child (we were finally able to become pregnant) on the other side of the bay because I honestly don't feel that I'd receive quality treatment (for myself of for the baby) if I delivered here.
Feel better. Please take care of yourself. Make sure you ice it.
Hope you feel better soon. Here are some tips to aid in the healing process (those without broken bones would benefit as well.)
Of course up your intake of calcium. Go to Chesapeake Bay Farms (westbound 50 outside on Berlin at Logtown Rd) and get yourself some cheeses and some milk.
For Vitamin D make some tuna salad. Salmon as well as sardines work as well. The more V-D the better.
Vitamin K foods include Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and leafy greens such as salad green.
Eggs especially the yolks are beneficial as well as beef liver.
Almonds are a great snack and will aid in healing as well.
9:37-I would not go to AGH (commonly referred to as Ain't Going Home) for anything short of stitches, minor broken bones.
I cant tell you how difficult it is to type as well as just how long it takes to put up articles. It couldn't have happened at a worse time either.
As for AGH, talk about incredible service! Walked in, gave mt name and phone number and away they went. Sat for less than 5 minutes and I was brought inside. The next nurse came in and took more info and then the Doctor. X-Rays were right after that and within minutes they viewed the X-Rays, saw the breaks and came in with a game plan.
Because I do what I do I refused a full cast. I understand their concern but right now I just can't do it. So everything I do here is left handed but I'm getting used to it.
AGH is an incredible Hospital. Great staff and it will remain my request from her e on out, God Forbid.
Too bad you didn't break your neck.
It's too bad you didn't break your spine and become paralyzed. Now that would be something to blog about.
I can't believe someone would make such hateful comments. We love you Joe and all you do for this community. We voted for you in that election and we think you should have won so you could have fixed this area.
It is easy to write somethine and say it is from someone else,,,,duh this is the internet.
Hope you're more ambidextrous than I! My left hand might as well be another foot.
Good luck with it.
And yes, that Nuance Dragon program is pretty cool to use.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
No. A punch would have left contusions on his nuckles
10:18 - I know people have differing opinions about AGH, but my personal experience was exceptional with AGH and appalling with PRMC. I have little doubt that if we had returned to PRMC for a third time, as opposed to driving to AGH, I would likely be dead or have suffered organ failure. Yes, I was THAT sick, and PRMC did absolutely nothing other than give me IV pain meds (both visits) and IV fluids (when I returned to the ER roughly 12 hours after being sent home the first time and was severely dehydrated).
Feel better soon Joe :-) You are the best and will miss your posts!
I don't believe John Robinson made those comments. Shame on whoever did. Joe would not say that of John or anyone else -- and neither would John. It is one thing to disagree -- it is quite another to wish such profound evil on another. They are both better men than that.
I think PRMC ER docs just try to push everyone out of there doing as little as they can get by with and telling you to call a real doctor the next day. They don't take complaints seriously and think the next doctor you call can figure out the real problem later. Give antibiotic or pain meds and ship them out the door.
Don't put work, this blog or anything in front of your health.
Should have let them do a full set on that hand. It will give you problems forever.
Go back, get it set properly, ASAP, or have it done by your ortho doc. ASAP! Waiting even 2 days is not good.
I have been an employee at both facilities. AGH is my fulltime home now and we dont just do band aid work. AGH leaves PRMC at the bottom AGH wont leave you in the waiting area or a room for hours. AGH cares about people. The nurses techs and doctors are on top of it. Techs have protocols and if PRMC followed in AGH footsteps and took their techs and taught them these protocols PRMC could probably cut times in half. AGH rocks
(and also easily diagnosable, if you bother to pay attention to the patient's symptoms) illness.
That's the problem with prmc and a lot of doctor offices as well. They DON'T LISTEN.
They think everyone is a junkie just trying to get pain meds and no one is as sick as they tell them. You can pretty much diagnose yourself with the help from the internet and have an idea what treatment you should have.
But they won't listen and will tell you not to believe the internet, even though it comes from the Mayo Clinic, U of Md., John Hopkins, etc.
They will come up with some off the wall crap and always, always, always tell you you are dehydrated. Whether you are or not.
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