Shortly after the payments came to light, Mr. Reid also announced he was refunding the money
The checks were cut in amounts of $5,417 and $11,370 and given to his granddaughter last October, the media outlet said. On paper, they were listed as amounts to a person named “Ryan Elisabeth.” It was later learned that the recipient was actually Ryan Elisabeth Reid, 23, who’s the daughter of Mr. Reid’s son, Rory, the New York Post said.
Hot water? Not harry. This will be "deemed" an honest mistake. It could have happened to anybody, right?
Harry needs to go!
Even some Democrats agree!
Let's hope he can be overcome during his next election cycle.....
I just don't understand how the people of Nevada can keep electing that no good POS.
2:38 - the same way Maryland keeps electing POS like O'Malley, Conway, Mathias, etc., etc., etc.
Grand Larceny --Prison for the Creep
They keep electing him because SEIU runs the electronic voting machines
Par for course for democrats. They are always generous with other people's money. People donated the money for his campaign, not for him to buy gifts for people from his granddaughter no less.
I can't believe he did it after all he is the Senate Majority LEADER and a good leader knows ALL the rules and regulations and secondly the jewelry looks like crap. I'd be too embarrassed to give it to anyone.
It is a tragic truth that these people feel they are above the laws they've written. I'll bet all thieves would like to 'give back' their stolen goods instead of facing charges and jail time.
Harry Reid is your enemy
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