Florida’s infamous neighborhood watchman is trying to pull himself out of debt by selling his original artwork online.
His first piece — a blue American flag with some choice words from the Pledge of Allegiance, including “Liberty and justice for all” — went from an initial bid of 99 cents to $99,966 as of early Tuesday
The bids are now over 100 grand, but I'm willing to bet the transaction won't be completed.
Without proper vetting of bidders, such listings tend to attract rogue accounts and bids. If you look at the bid history, it is populated with very low feedback accounts.
Such accounts are usually not held by serious bidders.
Paint one standing over travon
if someone bids, wins the bid and doesn't pay, they are banned from future bidding. Low account numbers mean a lot of things. New user, old user who doesn't do a lot of bidding, etc.
I'm sure EBAY has a handle on things like this. Especially high amount bids on unusual items. Time will tell
I looked at the auction early this morning and it was at $110,000 now it is down to just over $100,000.
8:57 I will grant that future bidding SHOULD be blocked in such cases but I doubt that it is. I'll have to check, but EBAY is too greedy to limit income.
I looked again at the bidding history, and it's possible that the vetting has begun: Numerous bids have been cancelled, or retracted.
Maybe the rogue bidders are being weeded out?
GZ had my support until he started doing all this crazy stuff and getting arrested.He is a ticking time bomb.
I bailed out at 80 grand.The only reason I went that high was because of the investment potential.
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