When police attempted to speak with the suspect who was later identified as Abdul Kargbo, 25, of Woodbridge, VA, he began cursing and yelling at the officers and attempted to leave the scene. As officers attempted to arrest Abdul Kargbo, several other members of the disorderly group began to yell at officers and act in a threatening manner.
By this time, a large crowd had gathered causing additional officers to respond to the scene. Two other suspects, Musa Seisay, 24, of Garrisonville, MD, and Saidu Kargbo, 21, of Woodbridge, VA, assaulted officers and resisted arrest. Officers quickly took the suspects into custody and order was restored in the area.
Abdul Kargbo was charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. Saidu Kargbo and Seisay were both charged with resisting arrest, second degree assault, disorderly conduct, and obstructing and hindering a police officer.
All three suspects were seen by a Maryland District Court Commissioner and released on their own recognizance.
Released on their own recognizance?? WTF!! I hope that judge never needs assistance.
Yes it is a family oriented place to take your children. If OC. had any kind of leadership, they would pass a baggy pants law NOW. New Jersey did it and people are coming back to the beach. There is light at the end of the tunnel though, if Obama had three sons they would all look like these tramps.
Ocean City Maryland has become the arm pit of the Eastern Shore... next to Salisbury of course!
Three thugs from a foreign country. When will you idiots wake up and close the borders.
Released on their own recognizance. Yea I'm sure they will come back to court. Hey I spent the weekend up at the Delaware beaches. No issues, parking was free and stories about, stabbings, shootings, fights, drug dealers. Ocean City better recognize that they have a problem, before its too late. They only have to look to their neighbors to the east who had a mayor and police chief that denied there were gangs in their town.
5:48, baggy pants aren't the problem. Get your own head out of your butt. Cops have bigger problems than to be the pants police.
The problem is that after the cops arrest these guys for almost causing a riot, the court just lets em go like nothing happened.
My goodness , has Al Sharpton scared the hell out of all the country. Shame, for shame.
Musa? Abdul? Saidu? I don't think these are local boys....
7:04 baggy pants are a problem because those who wear them cause trouble. It's the culture. Not only do the baggy pants have to go but so does everything they like about OC. A major crackdown needs to be placed on what is attacting them here. Things like certain things being sold in the shops and certain music being played in the "clubs" (that's what they call bars) they frequent. Selbyville knew how to nip it in the bud when they passed a law no alcohol served there after 11pm. Of course that won't happen in OC because their is no leadership.
If I had a son, .....
Thank you to the cops who handled the situation so well, and carted their asses off the prison. Lets be thankful no one was seriously injured.
Pull their VISA's and ship them back to their country of origin.
6:13 Don't be so quick to assume they are foreigners, sounds like some brothers from south side Richmond to me.
Where are their Justice for Tevon shirts?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Released on their own recognizance. Yea I'm sure they will come back to court. Hey I spent the weekend up at the Delaware beaches. No issues, parking was free and stories about, stabbings, shootings, fights, drug dealers. Ocean City better recognize that they have a problem, before its too late. They only have to look to their neighbors to the east who had a mayor and police chief that denied there were gangs in their town.
July 22, 2013 at 6:59 PM
Neighbors to the East? Hmmm how fare east are you referring to? Europe or Africa?
Don't know about to the east but damn sure know about Salisbury to the west.
The lenient court system and judges are a big problem. Police risk their lives to protect the peace and then most charges are nol pros. Hoodlums like these need to be put on a chain gang like they do in Arizona. Or I would be in favor of "caning".
Family resort my a**. This place is like Baltimore/DC south. Thank God Assateague is so close.
And if they were three white boys from Essex none of you racist jerks would even comment. I see it here on SBY all the time.
OCPD needs to hire George Zimmerman asap.
@ 10:25
Crime is crime, no matter who commits it. Don't really see a "racist" theme here as you do...the crimes people are referring to in these posts are not prefaced by "the white guy, black guy, Asian guy, (pick your race)...the parolee that led police on a chase and tried to swim away last week was white, but the story didn't start as "this white parolee", just like this story didn't say "these black guys". If the "baggy pants" comments lead you to believe that these are racist comments, think again...you see all races with their pants hanging off their butts. Ocean City unfortunately seems to be attracting gang bangers, and "wanna-be" gang bangers. When you combine lots of potential victims (like hundreds of thousand of people in a small area, leaving items unguarded on the beach for example), kids running around unsupervised, and just the appalling lack of respect for others and the entitlement attitude our kids are being taught in the liberal minded classrooms, you have a recipe for disaster.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
And if they were three white boys from Essex none of you racist jerks would even comment. I see it here on SBY all the time.
July 22, 2013 at 10:25 PM
You are entitled to your opinion, even if it is wrong, but if you don't like what you read here, why do you come?
613 so americans don't get into public fights?
This was a case that should have required a "tune up"
10:25 PM what is wrong with being a Racist?? At least you know where I am coming from, I am not a fake. I don't befriend you to your face, and then talk about you behind your back, I won't give you the time of day in the first place! I automaticly don't like you or your kind from the get go! I am honest about my feelings toward you, I don't like you in my neighborhood, I don't like you in my town, I don't like you in my country! You are so unhappy here anyway, all the bitching and complaining about your pappy being a slave, and the racist attitudes you have to be subjected to, please leave, we really don't want you here either! Draining our government of money for freebies, causing crime in our neighborhoods, filling up our courts and prisons, selling drugs to our youth, please go home! You freely admit your not true Americans. You want to be called African-American's. I have met many new citizens of this country, many from oppressed nations seeking a new and better life here in the USA, that love being called "American", after taking their citizenship oath. So please, leave!
9:19 AM
Thank You! That was refreshing to read. A light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.
Gerald For "President"
7:28 they could be. Some of them get their made up goofy names in jail. I think it makes them feel cool.
What your point 10:25?
Anonymous said...
And if they were three white boys from Essex none of you racist jerks would even comment. I see it here on SBY all the time.
July 22, 2013 at 10:25 PM
I bet you are black because of your racist comment "white boys." You people are quick to drop the race card because that is all you know. If you would have taken the time to educate yourself you would know that most racists are blacks and not the whites.
You obviously don't read this blog enough. Read the comments about Ian Gray. He is white and dead. A criminal is a criminal and no sympathy for you.
Over here in Northern VA they are showing the video they recorded where the cops tackle a pregnat woman that was with them. She had to have an emergency C section. They wouldn't go on camera but they said the Life Guard was acting in a profileing manner. lol The video shows them being loud and obnoxious on the beach trying to fight and falling over families. All the life guard tried to do was ask them to stop being so loud and stop using so much profanity.
wow could things even get worse for delmarva....As my wife and i watched the news here in Naples seeing oc police officers throwing a pregnant woman to the ground was shocking.....we realized we left at just the right time...prmc money woes....ocean city looking like the hood im sure people will flock to oc now.....not hardly..another bar fight near stabbing....bank robbery.....yet the media up there says nothing thinking it will go away....well it wont.When this woman files a lawsuit against the city and wins there ownt be much left......i can see delmarva as the next detroit....
Owned a buisness in downtown OC for 5years and saw this every weekend. We locked our restrooms and conducted transactions out of a security window at night. By monday the riff raff was usually headed west.
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