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Monday, July 29, 2013

80% Of US Adults Are Near Poverty, Rely On Welfare, Or Are Unemployed

Despite consumer confidence at a six-year high, the latest AP survey of the real America shows a stunning four out of five U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, are near poverty, or rely on welfare for at least parts of their lives amid signs of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. Hardship is particularly on the rise among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among whites about their families' economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987.

"Poverty is no longer an issue of 'them', it's an issue of 'us'," as 'the invisible poor' - lower income whites - are generally dispersed in suburbs (Appalachia, the industrial Midwest, and across America's heartland, from Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma up through the Great Plains) where more than 60% of the poor are white.

More than 19 million whites fall below the poverty line of $23,021 for a family of four - accounting for more than 41% of the nation's destitute - nearly double the number of poor blacks and as one survey respondent noted "I think it's going to get worse."



Anonymous said...

Turning the USA into a third world country--thats what the Marxists in charge have accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Obama's proletariat!

Anonymous said...

Mandatory sterilization immediately if not sooner.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's also continue to ban women's access to reproductive healthcare and abortion so more babies can be born into poverty.

Anonymous said...

5:38 Who wants to BAN access? No one.
I just expect them to PAY for health care like everyone else.
AND, abortion is not the answer nor solution to the epidemic of teenage and poverty level reproduction.

Anonymous said...

5:38...don't be stupid. You can walk into any local health department and get FREE condoms. And nobody is talking about banning abortion...just how about some common sense--you can't tell me that a woman wakes up when she is 7 months pregnant and says, "oh...guess I need an abortion. She has had months to figure out that she is pregnant, and if she/her doctor decides she needs an abortion, why wait until the baby is viable outside the womb to kill it? Yes, of course there are medical emergencies to save the life of the mother...but I can say this--when I was regnant, if my doctor said at 8 months that it was either me or the baby, my son would be typing this instead of me!