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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rep. Andy Harris and Sheriff Mike Lewis Host Town Hall Meeting on Gun Rights

Monday evening a crowd of over 500 people showed up at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center to hear some of their elected officials discuss current federal and state initiatives to curtail Marylanders’ right to keep and bear arms.  The meeting, hosted by Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) and Wicomico Sheriff Mike Lewis featured the two hosts, Del. Mike McDermott (R-38B), Wicomico State’s Attorney Matt Maciarello, Worcester Sheriff Reggie Mason as well as Sheriff’s (and their representatives) from around the state.

Each speaker emphasized the individual’s God-given right to bear arms, not just for hunting and sporting purposes, but for the protection of one’s person, family and community.  Another common theme was the fact that pending federal and state legislation do nothing to stop gun crime, but will make criminals out of law-abiding citizens.

Wicomico Sheriff Mike Lewis spoke and acted as the moderator for the evening’s event.  He emphasized the importance of our second amendment rights.  He was obviously torn over the potential consequences of pending state legislation.  Lewis noted that he swears an oath to protect and uphold the constitution of the United States, the state of Maryland and to enforce the laws of the state;  given that most county Sheriff’s believe that this legislation strips Marylanders of their rights to keep and bear arms.  Lewis provided an excellent analogy from the infamous Dred Scott decision - Slaves could not bear arms, because they are not citizens.

Congressman Harris made a moving argument regarding the consequences of attempts to strip citizens of their guns:

“Many of you already know my story.  My parents escaped from communism in the Ukraine right after World War II.  In communist regimes, the first thing they do is disarm the citizens.”

Harris also demonstrated the hypocrisy of claims that more gun control is about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals:

“In 2011, over 76,000 people were caught lying on their ATF form stating that they could legally purchase a firearm.  How many were actually prosecuted?  62! … Prosecute people who break the law!”

While every speaker received a standing ovation from the enthusiastic crowd, Del. Mike McDermott was probably the most impassioned speaker among many impassioned speakers.  McDermott emphasized that pending state legislation calls for registration of firearms and will require gun owners to go through a background check (with fingerprint) and could cost each law-abiding gun owner over $200.  This is on top of the other tax and fee increases already heaped on citizens just in this session.

“This legislation does NOTHING to stop criminals.  However, on November 1st it will make a criminal out of many of YOU.”

State’s Attorney Matt Maciarello gave examples of current cases his office is working on:

“Before I came over here tonight, I was in my office looking at some pending cases – burglary, armed robbery, murder, attempted murder.  Everyone involved a gun.  NONE of those crimes was committed with a LEGALLY OBTAINED firearm!”

G. A. Harrison is a former editor of SBYNews and a regular contributor.  He also writes at the DelMarVa Observer.  This article was originally posted at the DelMarVa Observer.


Bushman said...

Thank you for the Stat regarding the number of fraudulent ATF forms and resultant prosecutions.
The lesson here: Enforce our existing gun laws!

JoeAlbero said...

This event was awesome! The LEADERS who hosted and participated in this event PROVED to each person attending they not only speak truth, they PROVE they will defend our 2nd Amendment rights in each of their professions.

It's one thing to talk the talk but as we saw last night, they walk the walk.

I never thought, (with all due respect) I'd see a day when anyone could out shine a speech from Sheriff Mike Lewis. However, I firmly believe even Mike would have to admit that Delegate Mike McDermott's passion out shined each speaker.

Of course Jim Ireton was nowhere to be found, just like all of the events I have been attending over the past few months that reflected the community. I wish I could post the picture of Ireton holding up the "I'm Not A Republican" sign in this comment.

So the final question referencing this Post to me is, do we stand alone here on the Eastern Shore or are our friends on the western side of Maryland just as passionate?

I'm very proud of those elected officials who attended last night and thank them for their continued service to our communities.

Anonymous said...

The problem is democrats and the anti firearm crowd have no sense. Firearms have been a part of this country since it's inception. Firearms were much more readily available to all persons many years ago and random gun violence was much lower. You would have to be close to idiot IQ to not see that firearms are not the problem.
Violence is violence no matter the tool used to commit it. Focus on that instead of putting a bandaid on the problem. Ignoring the real problem it what has created it. Time for the democrats and the anti gun crowd to get some backbone and address the real problem.

Anonymous said...

Yes. I don't ever want to see fairyton grandstanding at another Police press conference again. Speaking of which, I didn't see Chief Duncan there.

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 9:10, Come to think of it, I didn't see her either. Hmmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Jake Day wasn't there either. I thought he was a military man. Don't ask, don't tell.

Anonymous said...

Like a true Duncan Yo-Yo, operates by the string.

Anonymous said...

The major problems with legislation preventing law abiding citizens to own firearms is several fold:

First and foremost, it is true that this does nothing to prevent criminals to obtain firearms. Criminals do not care about carry laws or firearms regulations. They will obtain both firearms and rounds illegally any way because by definition they ignore laws because they are criminals!

Second, states that allow carry or open carry have shown a serious reduction in violent, random crime such as armed robberies. It has proven to be true that an "armed society is a polite society". When society has banned weapons ownership, such as in Australia, violent crime increased in some areas by 60% while in areas that allow carry in the US have fallen upwards of 30%.

Unfortunately, people that have a more liberal agenda and have no concept of crime because they live in affluent, sheltered areas or gated communities, such as Montgomery County, can afford to subscribe to liberal ideals in reference to firearms control. These people have been essentially brainwashed by both liberal media and government to believe that gun control will limit random active shooters.

While we are not opposed to psychological testing to own a firearm to some degree and/or preventive measures to keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill, these tests can be easily circumvented by "smarter" insane people.

The majority of active shooter incidents in the US have been perpetrated by persons plainly crazy. The unfortunate incident in Sandy Hook was furthered by the shooter's mother by leaving firearms unsecured, allowing her insane son to play active shooter video games, and taking him to the range. While these activities (range and shooter video games) are generally not an issue for people that can judge the difference between reality and fiction, these lines become blurred when a person can not distinguish the difference between reality or fiction.

- CEO Tactical American Security Consulting, LLC.

Anonymous said...

I spoke to a person on Delmar's council to find out where they stood on gun control. They said they were against it. Then I asked why they didn't attend. They told me their town council meeting was last night. I encourage Delmar residents to talk to their representatives about this and not assume that their absence is any kind of indication that they stand with Jim Ireton and other gun grabbers.

Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately, people that have a more liberal agenda and have no concept of crime because they live in affluent, sheltered areas or gated communities, such as Montgomery County, can afford to subscribe to liberal ideals in reference to firearms control."

This is true. If you look at the Senate vote a large percentage were from Montgomery, Prince Georges and Baltimore Counties.

JoeAlbero said...

Debbie Campbell WAS present last night. She attended the legislative Council Meeting last night and immediately drove to this event to participate.

Anonymous said...

IF ALL the sheriffs of the eastern shore of maryland would tell the governor we are NOT going to abide by this unconstitutional law you are trying to enforce. we as a group will NOT enforce this law on this side of the bridge. it would also be good if the far western part of the state would do the same. let the crazies in the middle of the state kill themselves anyway they want, but leave us alone.
these are elected positions, so what can the governor do about it. it's "we the people" and it's about time we take our stand.
this will make "headlines", so perhaps this will then become a trend all across the land.

Anonymous said...

Don't miss the obvious. It has nothing to do with criminals with guns. It has everything to do with us not being able to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. It has NOTHING to do with IQ.

Anonymous said...

It was stated last night....CLEARLY...that Sheriffs are ELECTED and serve the people of the county inwhich they elected.....Chiefs are APPOINTED by the Mayor or Council and are subject to policial agendas.....

Anonymous said...


Unconstitutional Law? Didn't you hear Delegate Mike McDermott reply that the liberal Democrats across the Bay have no interest in protecting your rights, and will ignore the Constitution?

Anonymous said...

Of those 76,000 applicants, how many were murderers, gangbangers, illegal aliens, and other 'non desirables'?

How many were otherwise 'normal law-abiding citizens ', who have a blip in their past which makes it illegal to own a firearm?

I understand some peoples' fear about guns and what they can do in the hands of some who have evil intentions.

This translates into gun laws and regulations that would bar unfettered access to firearms to certain groups of people.

Do these gun laws work? To a degree, maybe.

Is there unfettered access to firearms in this country? Absolutely.

Why make it hard for otherwise 'normal' people to buy firearms in an attempt to bar certain other 'criminals' from doing so?

Historically, statistically, factually, this has proven to be unattainable.

Simply said, ANYONE who wants a firearm can and will get one.

Like the S.A. said, EVERY case he has a gun was used in each one.

Forget about the legal vs illegal aspects of it. Just like locks are for 'honest' people, laws are for those willing to obey them.

A gun was used, period. What difference does it really make if it was 'illegally' obtained or legally obtained?

If you bar Mr. Smith from owning a gun because he took a car on a joyride (felony) when he was younger, yet Mr. Jones is using his gun to harm and rob Mr. Smith, what has the law accomplished?

It has made Mr. Smith an easier target, unable to defend himself. And the Mr. Joneses of the world know this and use it to their advantage.

You can whine, moan, cry and wring your hands all you want. Saying this person and/or that person is not allowed to own a firearm.

It may make some of you feel better and sleep at night, but it really changes nothing other than the fact that some people are not ALLOWED to defend themselves.

This is a nation of laws, blah, blah, blah. It should be tempered with common sense, which isn't so common.

Anonymous said...

If I'm not mistaken they too swear the same oath that Mike does.

Anonymous said...

Chief Duncan is hired by the city and was more than likely told do not attend. When push comes to shove, I believe Barbara Duncan will do the right thing. Remember, the city of Salisbury is within the County of Wicomico. Mike Lewis is the elected top law dog in Wicomico County.

Anonymous said...

While they do swear the same oath they are hired and not elected, they serve the mayor of the city not the constituents. Lewis works for WE THE PEOPLE

Anonymous said...

Every leo and elected official swear to uphold the Constitution including Duncan and Liarton.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Debbie Campbell was there. I sat with her. We should also remember that she is the only council member who fought to keep prayer int eh council chambers. She was strongly criticized by the Mayor for placing pocket-sized copies of the constitutions on the council table for the public one night. She needs us to show up on the 2nd and vote to keep her.

Anonymous said...

I know Luffman, Anderton and Gibb are gun owners who oppose the Owemalley and Owebama agenda.

Anonymous said...

"enforce the laws of the state". Means exactly that! He will be the first at your door to take your guns. You are on Notice.

Anonymous said...

Who was there from county council?


Anonymous said...

Joe please bring up tonight at the forum at SU how the Mayor was NOT there last night*****************

Anonymous said...

Sheree Sample-Hughes couldn't make it, she was doing her civic duty of spending taxpayer money "partaking in the local economy" And she was the one who tried to prevent a candidate from running if they did not have a High School diploma. Elitist liberal snob. She must model herself after Queen Michelle.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
IF ALL the sheriffs of the eastern shore of maryland would tell the governor we are NOT going to abide by this unconstitutional law you are trying to enforce. we as a group will NOT enforce this law on this side of the bridge. it would also be good if the far western part of the state would do the same. let the crazies in the middle of the state kill themselves anyway they want, but leave us alone.
these are elected positions, so what can the governor do about it. it's "we the people" and it's about time we take our stand.
this will make "headlines", so perhaps this will then become a trend all across the land.

March 26, 2013 at 9:57 AM

It's a state law and the Maryland State Police will be mandated to do their job and enforce the state laws. Now the Democrats will be making us criminals and Maryland State Troopers the enemies. Wake up you idiots who keep voting for Democrats. You are giving our country away and watering down our laws.

No offense to Maryland's Finest, but if this law is passed you will be the most hated tyrants in the state. You will be just like the Nazi's.

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate that the Daily Times chose to place a story regarding DUI's above the center fold as a larger story than the Town Hall Meeting. There should have been a picture upper fold showing all the Sheriffs and Rep Harris and Del. McDermott.
Comments of Sheriff Lewis and all the Sheriffs should have been reported, based on the courage and conviction in which they were delivered.
It is very sad commentary indeed, when the local paper fails to give prioity to a story of such magnitude. In fact they couldn't even get the attendance correct. All they had to do was multiply the number chairs across by the number of chairs deep as most were in use. No wonder readership is down.
In the end, it was a great meeting, and citizens appreciating freedom should make every effort to contact our legislators to let them know where you stand.

Anonymous said...

What's more awful about the Daily Disgrace's coverage is they cant get the crowd numbers right. Jennifer Shutt said 300 people. This web site says 500. I took the time to count and got tired when I reached 750 and there were more heads to count. Can you say bias? why is our newspaper so inept and can'd do the simple things like count right?



Anonymous said...

Quote ... "SB281 is about feeling like you've done something". Martin OweMally is running for president of the U.S. Power and $$$s are needed to further Progressive Objectives here in Maryland.1) disarm the public then everything else will fall in place. Protect yourself as these low information voters are stealing all your rights.
Congrats re. a great meeting.

Anonymous said...

The amazing thing is that almost all cops agree with the sheriff, and any new gun law doesn't affect them. They will still have pistols and rifles for work either way, yet they agree to fight for what is right for everybody. The ones who deal with criminals know that guns in the hands of good citizens are good things.