
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Throughout history, citizen disarmament generally leads to one of two inevitable outcomes: Government tyranny and genocide, or, revolution and civil war. Anti-gun statists would, of course, argue that countries like the UK and Australia have not suffered such a result. My response would be – just give them time. You may believe that gun control efforts are part and parcel of a totalitarian agenda (as they usually are), or, you may believe that gun registration and confiscation are a natural extension of the government’s concern for our “safety and well-being”. Either way, the temptation of power that comes after a populace is made defenseless is almost always too great for any political entity to dismiss. One way or another, for one reason or another, they WILL take advantage of the fact that the people have no leverage to determine their own cultural future beyond a twisted system of law and governance which is, in the end, easily corrupted.

The unawake and the unaware among us will also argue that revolution or extreme dissent against the establishment is not practical or necessary, because the government “is made of regular people like us, who can be elected or removed at any time”.

This is the way a Republic is supposed to function, yes. However, the system we have today has strayed far from the methods of a Free Republic and towards the machinations of a single party system. Our government does NOT represent the common American anymore. It has become a centralized and Sovietized monstrosity. A seething hydra with two poisonous heads; one Democrat in name, one Republican in name. Both heads feed the same bottomless stomach; the predatory and cannibalistic pit of socialized oligarchy.



Anonymous said...

Americans can't even be bothered to vote...revolution? ...really?

Anonymous said...

I and many others think so. I feel that our economy is going to crash and that the goverment is well aware of it. I belive this is why the goverment is buying as much ammo as they can. Times don't look so good and I will NEVER turn in my guns.

Anonymous said...

I wish everyday that revolution will come.
We are a society of greed , we have don't have religion to salvage our country, we don't have any morales or know the difference between right and wrong.
Wow just think , "a single shot heard round the world" this will start it. Lock and load people , let's get it on now!

Anonymous said...

The free enterprise system and capitalist attitude is gone in America. When you have half of the people on welfare or some sort of entitlement , then the want for better lifestyle is gone.
Maybe , just maybe, we will regain our system when the revolution is over. Of course we will have years of rebuilding and cleaning up , but it will be worth it.

Anonymous said...

Are you all ready to kill people who don't agree with your vision of a new America?

Anonymous said...

The ones introducing and supporting these attacks against OUR Bill of Rights are doing so with criminal intent. They are breaking the very basic laws of our Country, these are acts of terrorism but from within, AlQiada could not do as much damage.
YOU must demand your representatives charge these criminals at once, WE MUST insist on accountability IMMEDIATELY or the attacks will only get worse and more frequent.

Anonymous said...

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

-- 2 Chronicles 7:14

Anonymous said...

8:09am....since when is attacking my Constitutional Rights just a mere vision or opinion? WE MUST defend our Country against tyranny, oppression and slavery via taxation!

Anonymous said...

I'll take that as a yes, then.

Alex said...

The crazies are out early today.

Anonymous said...

Alex if you find a spine let us know.

Anonymous said...

, we have don't have religion to salvage our country, we don't have any morales or know the difference between right and wrong. 5:24

We certainly don't need or want a theocracy. One look at the middle east tells you where that will get you, with any religion.

Anonymous said...

What's this "we"everyone is talking about. It's this collective mentality that is stripping the rights from individuals.

Anonymous said...

8:15... Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What's this "we"everyone is talking about. It's this collective mentality that is stripping the rights from individuals.

February 19, 2013 at 7:48 PM

Um, "We the people"?