After reading Senator Dianne Feinstein’s new so-called "Assault Weapons" Ban, I can only describe it as the effective END of the Second Amendment in America.
The definition of an "Assault Weapon" in this bill is so broad you can drive a truck through it!
They’re targeting EVERYTHING -- rifles, shotguns and even handguns.
You see, the gun-grabbers are going for broke.
Even owners of supposedly "grandfathered" firearms will be treated like common criminals.
If passed, Feinstein’s so-called "Assault Weapons" Ban would:
*** Ban the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing or 120 specifically named rifles, shotguns and handguns;
*** Ban the sale, transfer, importation and manufacturing of ALL firearms with a detachable magazine and at least one "military characteristic" -- which could mean just about anything that makes a gun "look scary."
*** Bans the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of magazines holding more than 10 rounds;
*** Force owners of ALL "grandfathered" weapons to undergo an intrusive background check and unnecessary fingerprinting;
*** Force owners of ALL "grandfathered" weapons to federally register their guns after obtaining permission slip from local law enforcement showing their guns are not in violation of state or local law.That’s right. If you own a $10 magazine that’s more than 10 rounds, you’ll have to register it with the BATFE in their National Firearms Registry.
And you and I both know registration is only the first step toward outright confiscation.
Don’t be fooled.
This isn’t some "pie in the sky" bill listing all the shiny new anti-gun provisions the gun-grabbers were hoping Santa Claus would bring them for Christmas.
Vice President Joe Biden -- who President Obama has put in charge of ramming new gun control schemes through Congress -- has already said he sees no reason why a new so-called "assault weapons ban" can’t pass.
This is what you and I are facing. This is what you and I are up against.
To defeat this radical scheme, I’m going to have to pull out all the stops to mobilize Second Amendment supporters all over the country.
If you value your gun rights, I’m going to need your help too.
I’ll continue to keep you updated on any new developments.
For now, brace yourself.
The stakes could hardly be any higher. And this is going to be one heck of a fight.
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
Executive Vice President
P.S. The gun-grabbers are going for broke. My jaw hit the floor reading the list of anti-gun provisions in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) new so-called "Assault Weapons Ban."
Apparently they still don't understand that criminals and mentally ill people will not register their firearms. It's always the same punish the law abiding citizens for the actions if the criminals.
Don't abide. Let's all be 'criminals'.
The Gun Control Frenzy is getting completely out of control.A bunch of clueless politians that truly believe the measures they are championing are going to make a difference.Gun Control lies on the lap of the Criminal violating the laws on the books now,so,what do we do? we prosecute,convict and send them to jail.While there they are doing their time playing baskeball,lifting weights,eating good meals,clothes and laundry are provided as well as medical care,nice Libraries and on an on hell of a way to be punished if you ask me.How about a 4 x 8 cell,cereal in the morning,baloney sandwich at noon, and a TV Dinner at night thats it,try that for 6 months or a year.
Why can't these so called legislators understand that you can't control someone who is mentally ill, or a socialpath who is bent on killing and criminals who couldn't care less about the violent crimes they commit,I shudder to think of those now walking the streets with extensive criminally violent records.
There are millions of stolen guns on the street that criminals can buy out of the trunk of a car from a fellow criminal, gun control is really going to deter them! I am not against gun control just institute laws that use some common sense.Such as a computer base whereby a buyer gets a quick background check,if he/she has been convicted of ANY crime of violence whether it be felony or misdemeaner they are rejected.
Assault weapons, why are they being targeted? mainly because they LOOK ominous and dangerous and the military uses them and they kill people.Think about this a moment if someone walks into a room full of people with an assault rifle he can fire 30 rounds,30 individual bullits, now put a 12 ga riot gun in his hands with 5 rounds of double 0 buckshot.A 223 fires a 22 caliber bullit, 1 Double 0 buckshot round holds 9 32 caliber lead balls 9x5=45 effectively 45 bullits being fired.The difference is the shotgun rounds will spread and I will wager do more damage than the 223 with 30 rounds or at the very least and equal amount of damage.
Some of the so called pundits on TV or LEGISLATORS just can't understand why a law abiding citizen would want an assault rifle well I'll tell you why,my reason anyway,they are fun to shoot,relatively inexpensive to shoot,easy to maintain,I hunt with it,and target shoot with it, minimum recoil,what makes it any different from any other weapons,it LOOKS Dangerous, give me a break.In the hands of a skilled shooter my old winchester 22 pump is every bit as lethal as the AR 15
The bottom line is taking arms must be directed towards the criminals not to the law abiding citizens.Fortunately Lanza and that nut job in New York did us all a favor when they blew their brains out as happens in most of these cases,all the gun control in the world will not stop these head cases, at least they have all gone to hell on an elevator with no brakes and the tax payers have saved millions on their prosecutions which in New York and Conn.would mean they would have spend the rest of their lives off the tax payers dime.One more thing,what kind of hell do you think would be raised when the Legislators,TV Personalities,Celebrities etc raise if the gun laws wouldn't allow their bodyguards to be armed.Well folks I've spent most of my adult life protecting my fellow Marylanders,if I'm in the Centre and a situation arises where I must use deadly force to protect you I will do so because I'll be armed and I hope there are many more out there who would do the same for me,but if this gun control gets out of control don't look for help from the Parking Lot Police or Local Police by the time they arrive it'al be to late.
1:43, excellent comment!!
40+years & never in trouble with the law . And now some politision will call me an outlaw . One thing for sure I would rather be an outlaw then a politison.
I would rather be an outlaw than a corpse.
we prosecute,convict and send them to jail.While there they are doing their time playing baskeball,lifting weights,eating good meals,clothes and laundry are provided as well as medical care,nice Libraries and on an on hell of a way to be punished if you ask me
They go to jail/prison AS PUNISHMENT, not FOR PUNISHMENT.
If you keep a dog chained outside, feed it litte, abuse it, show it no compassion, and never spend time with it, what kind of dog would you end up with?
Exactly. The same applies with people.
Except for the few cases of pure evil criminals, everyone should be given the opportunity to atone for their sins and make them right.
Granted some will not but some will.
Isn't that better than the wild, uncontrollable and loveless person/dog we could wind up with?
That in no way suggests to be soft on crime or the ones who commit the crime. It does suggest being fair and HONEST about it.
If what you suggest, and what we have been doing for over 150 years, were true and successful, we wouldn't have the problems we have now.
When more of us face the facts, and reality, of our current criminal justice system, and it's failures, we could concentrate more on a better system.
As far as I know, only the feds have a good recidivism rate. And that's because of their efforts on educating and using positive methods to alter the criminals outlook and behavior.
Of course these are just words. Until there is a concentrated and sincere effort put forth to actually correct the situation, we will continue to receive the same dismal results we have always gotten.
And giving the criminals unarmed targets is a no win situation from every conceivable angle.
Only an idiot would ask the people to surrender their arms. And only a fool would comply.
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