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Monday, December 10, 2012

Here's The Reason

Why Mitt lost the election.
Romney said, "When I'm elected, I will put Americans back to work,"
and 51% said, "Screw That!!"


Anonymous said...

so true

Anonymous said...

Same thing Republicans said in 2010 when they won the house. Where are those jobs?

Anonymous said...

It's the truth. "Those jobs" are held up by the democratically controlled senate 11:16. If you haven't figured out the democrats are obstuctionists who would prefer and actually love everyone to be under their total control then you need to get out and see how it works in the real world.
Everything that is wrong with this country lies solely on the backs of the democrats.
They have made hugh messes of everything they touch. It's the democrats fault that poverty, crime, and every other social ill is so prevalent. To deny this is either ignorance or a lack of knowledge.

Anonymous said...

So true! They have never worked, why should they start now?

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of welfare mothers that are not even added into the unemployment figures. Most of them wouldn't take a job if you gave them $25 a hour. The democrats love these people and encourage them to be lowlife.