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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Connecticut school shooting: Westboro Baptist Church planning to picket

Less than 48 hours after the Connecticut school shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, which took place on Dec. 14, the Westboro Baptist Church is already making plans to picket. The Westboro Baptist Church is known for picketing and protesting at funerals across the country.

“Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment,” Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted on Dec. 15.

“They need to come back to Oklahoma,” Bryan Weathers, from Moore, said. “We know how to take care of them here.”



BKLN said...

EGG...the hell out of those dirtbags.

Vandr711 said...

So sad! They picket funerals of the soilders that allow them the freedom of speech to picket! But to picket the tragic death of these children as if the families and community hasn't been through enough! Shame!

Bkln said...

Can we please find out when one of these scumbags die so we can go there and PARTY...?

lastword said...

As much as the whole WORLD is hurting from this senseless stupid act, this may be a suicide stunt on their part.

People are hurting so much and they didn't even know the little kids or teachers.

They want to kill someone since the coward denied us the pleasure of killing him.

This ripped my heart out when I read about it. As I'm sure thousands of others feel the same way.

I don't wish any of them get killed but....if that were to happen, I don't think it would bother me too much.

Anonymous said...

They had also threatened to pickets the funerals of the Amish School shooting victims in PA. If I remember correctly, a radio talk show host offered them air time in exchange for backing down and they took the offer.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These are not Christians even though they go to church!

Anonymous said...

These people are sick...and evil.

Anonymous said...

These people are as evil as the murderer who killed the 26 innocent people. I pray there will be veterans EVERYWHERE to shield the families from these idiots.

Queensgirl52 said...

The God they profess to believe in will sort them out when the time comes. I hope their own deaths will be announced by the media so we can all go demonstrate at their funerals.

Anonymous said...

The Daily Times is at it again. The Council of NO on Hoppes appointment.

Anonymous said...

Now you know how Muslims feel.

Anonymous said...

Fighting them publicly is what they want, media attention so ignore them. Yes I know it is Freedom of Speech and will fight for that right but picking at the scab they make only makes it bigger. I personally see no need for these people to use my oxygen and they should be put down permanently

Bkln said...

10:41 if you hate it here try going back to where your family grew up.

Anonymous said...

These wackos do not attend a church with other members. Their "church" is their own family and they do not allow anyone from outside of their family to enter their building. These are the same wackos that resulted in the "patriot guard" to form and protect the funerals of US soldiers. We need to form a protective barrier of Americans 100 people deep in a 10 mile barrier of silence around all funerals for the children and teachers of Sandy Hook Elementary. We can show these wackos from Kansas who the real Americans are and how real Americans show respect for death!

Anonymous said...

Did I say I hated it here? And guess what, this is where I'm from! I'm just not close minded like you.