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Friday, July 20, 2012

Comments Worthy Of A Post

Comment 1. Don Rush said one thing that is absolutely true. This will be the most aggressive (meaning dirtiest)campaign in memory. When Mike Dunn throws his dirty hat in the mix you can count on every SAPOA dollar going to every dirty, low down scheme they can pull off, just like they have done in the past to there now pet mayor, Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell. One of SAPOA's wealthier, non city dwelling members said it best when speaking about smear campaigns. He said, "It doesn't have to be true, we just have to say it." Truth be damned is their mantra.

Comment 2. The reason Jim will run, despite the odds, is that he sees a clear path to Annapolis and beyond. He's young, handsome, well-spoken, a teacher, gay, and polished (as long as he's not challenged or worse, losing a battle). Perfect so far. When challenged, he ignores facts and goes to the personal attacks, dutifully following the lib mindset. He must push the lib agenda (Sec. 8 housing, tax increases, etc.) and he only has to be close to break-even to get noticed. If he's not successful locally, he must blame the "council of no" and doesn't that sound familiar. So far, that's all he has to be or do.

O'Malley just might be the Democratic nominee in 2016, if MD's economy doesn't implode first. A handsome family man with modest anti-crime credentials (to sway the middle), promoting a very liberal agenda otherwise, he has been groomed for some time now. Notice how he supports the president so strongly. Given MD's first-rate schools and the gay marriage thing and a few other (lefty) merit badges, he's the one to watch...if the economy doesn't get him first.

If Jim wins the election, he'll get more notice, and when O'Malley moves up, Jim has a shot at something mid-level in Annapolis or DC. Of course he's going to run, and run hard, and fight dirty, just like Comrade B. Hussein.

I think I'll be wearing my T-shirt to the plaza tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Ireton's team will make fools of themselves and Jim. People in glass houses should not throw stones.

Anonymous said...

aww I wanted my comments to be worthy of a post.. :(

Anonymous said...

I looks like 3rd Friday is going to rained uot. ;(

Anonymous said...

Jim has no shot.
Many reasons.
A petty twit being the most obvious.

Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce to you the next Mayor of our fine city of Salisbury, Mr. Joe Albero.

And the crowd goes WILD!

Anonymous said...

With corn dying in the fields in the whole country, the price of gasoline will go up and everything else will rise up again. The worst is yet to come.

I'm sure the FED will once again come to the rescue with more stimulus to further add to our nation's debt. Whew, that's a dangerous thought, it's like paying your credit card debt with another credit card!

If this economy gets worse before the election, I wouldn't be surprised to see Obama and the Democrats get thrown under the bus by the voters just for change of face if nothing else.

I have voted for both sides and I was a registered democrat for 35 years until I decided I wanted to vote for Ron Paul, in this year's Maryland Primaries. I changed to republican.

This is the worst economy since Jimmy Carter. I do like Jimmy Carter as a person, however the lesson here is that the economy is most important, not only in an election year, but every year!

Just as our town of Salisbury, our whole government is becoming wreckless with our revenues, and we need accountability and more change in wreckless spending. I.E. Fireboat grant we didn't need, extra cushy overpriced firehouse.

Cuts will be tough, however if not done, will surely only add to future debt and lowering the standard of living. Many are still employed, but haven't had a raise in years. That too is a factor in asking yourself that big question, "Am I better off now, than I was 4 years ago?"

The pro Romney's won't win this election, the NO Obama's will win this election.

Anonymous said...

I do not like the Obama bashing in the second comment. However, as an MOR (middle of the roader) I have to appreciate the political analysis here.

Ireton does always, always sound like he's on the national campaign trail. It is hard to listen to him on radio or TV any more.

Anonymous said...

Jim Who?


See he is history already!


Anonymous said...

What happen to the days when gay people stayed in the closet? The whole thing is just too much sometimes.

Anonymous said...

To the commentor-

If Jim wins the election?

With all do respect have you been smoking Crack? Have you not been paying attention?

He will never win NO WAY NO HOW!

Anonymous said...

Fight Dirty and Jim Ireton don't even go in to same sentence unless slapping counts.

Anonymous said...

I need to buy stock in Bayer cause all this stuff is giving me a headache.

Anonymous said...

Let them start throwing mud. I know people that some much dirt on Jim it would fill the Grand Canyon.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I need to buy stock in Bayer cause all this stuff is giving me a headache.

July 20, 2012 5:52 PM

Joe I think my wife is on your site!