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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wonder What Obama Thinks About Black Panthers?

Ever wonder what Barack Obama and his Justice Department think of the New Black Panthers? You know, those folks who put a bounty on the “dead or alive” head of George Zimmerman, whose involvement in the shooting of Trayvon Martin has prompted calls for his prosecution.

It appears an answer is not forthcoming, after White House press secretary Jay Carney today declined to even allow the question to be asked.

It happened when Les Kinsolving, WND’s correspondent at the White House, attended the briefing and was prepared to ask two questions.

He wanted to know, “Does the president believe it is legal for the New Black Panthers to offer $10,000 ‘dead or alive’ for George Zimmerman, who they called a ‘child killer’ and warned Zimmerman ‘should be fearful for his life.’”



Anonymous said...

The Black Panthers bounty consists of
conspiracy to commit murder, terroristic threatening,reckless endangerment, and certainly constitutes a hate crime.
Put Obamas name on it, publish it and see what happens.
Under NDAA, Obama could and would be justified in detaining and/or "droning" Malik Zulu Shabazz.
Eric Holder should already have him in detention.
But, as you can see, thugs of a color stick together.

Anonymous said...

The problem is if we protest they will just label us racists and nothing will be done. Seems the black panthers can do no wrong. They can block people from voting and also threaten people and this administration just turns the other way.

Anonymous said...

The Panthers better be careful for what they wish for

Anonymous said...

That is correct 4:02 and it's exactly what will get him booted out of office. I have never seen racial tensions this high in my life and it all started with the liberals on the left.

Heaven help us if something happens to Mr. Zimmerman. That will be precisely when all hell breaks out.


Anonymous said...

Actually let's really be truthful. The racial tensions in this country were started not by liberals or democrats, that in itself is a silly notion.

It was started and cultivated by whites. Yes it is that simple and to try to blame Obama is foolish.

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope and pray that this doesn't explode into a racially charged scene like never seen before. Based on 2010 census numbers the US population has a breakdown of White Americans making up 66% and Black Americans at 13% Those aren't good odds no matter how you cut it.

Anonymous said...

Actually let's really be truthful. The racial tensions in this country were started not by liberals or democrats, that in itself is a silly notion.

It was started and cultivated by whites. Yes it is that simple and to try to blame Obama is foolish.

April 12, 2012 4:33 PM

How can you ask to be truthful when you state such obvious non-truths.

(that's PC for lies)

Anonymous said...

all this is being stoked by the liberal left commies, marxists and radicals on purpose. they want all hell to break out on our city streets by this summer; before the elections, then obama can declare martial law.

glenn beck and others are saying riots will be in our city streets this summer. does everyone get this???

Anonymous said...

5:17 - yup, I get it and yes we CAN and WILL blame Obama and the liberal democrats.

There were plenty of whites in this country who voted for the man for no other reason than they HOPED it would bring peace once and for all.

They were wrong.

Anonymous said...

ha ha, yeah, the lefies stoked all of this. NOt the folks that have been screaming about socialist communist foreign closet muslims for 3 years. lol

Anonymous said...

We should get the triple K's to put a bounty on the leader of the black panthers. Oh I'm sure they would put a.stop to it real quick since were white.

Anonymous said...

ANON 5:03 PM

"How can you ask to be truthful when you state such obvious non-truths.
(that's PC for lies)"

Loof up the history of this country please. Otherwise you look very uneducated in your statement.


Anonymous said...

Take a look at the history of slaves... Then place the blame... Ignorance truly is bliss isn't it? "your" people harming "your" people... more of the same... Nothing changes until there is personal responsibility and that is the LAST thing they want to teach in public schools any more...

Anonymous said...

Not so fast.remember that the Mexicans/ illegals mark white caucasion because there is no spot for them .that really would bust the percentage if we could figure out who's who in that category.

Anonymous said...

All we hear about is slavery, yet they go out and commit crimes and what becomes of them? They get locked up and become a slave of the state. They are told what time to get up, what time to eat, when they can shower, when they must go to bed. Their entire day is dictated to them and they have lost their freedom.
Sorry but you can not blame your bad choices on others. You must take responsibility for your own actions.

Anonymous said...

Loof up the history of this country please. Otherwise you look very uneducated in your statement.


April 12, 2012 9:41 PM

Can you tell me why? You still haven't addressed your first set of lies and you try to spin off onto something else?

Typical troll tactic but I don't fall for them. Sorry. Same goes for name-calling. Another tactic employed when nothing else of substance is in your possession.

Go ahead and play your games. I'll play for a little while so I can embarrass you until I get bored, which I'm sure won't take long.