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Friday, April 27, 2012

"If I Wanted America To Fail"

New Posts to fall below. Please watch this important video. NOTE: In case you had problems before this video is now working again


Anonymous said...

Obama and his helpers have done the impossible , they have slowly dismantled our government from within.
It has been done so slowly that most don't even know or understand.
This was the goal of a pure socialist and muslim attitude.
It is unfortunate that this country lives from day to day now.
But this was also the game plan , every branch of our government has been overturned to provide socialist attitude and politics.
I still cannot believe that we have let this happen.
Soon we will wake up to the sound of hitler type worsip for this idiot.

Anonymous said...

So what do we do to reverse this fatal course we are on? This needs to stop now. This IS the liberal agenda.

Register to vote for 2012 They know that is the only power we have against them! said...

Vote 'em out in not sit home and whine....there are 25 million gun owners not registered to vote. If you know one take them to the Court House area and get them registered to vote. Tell your neighbors to vote 'em out!

Anonymous said...

Soon 8:41? Soon? Shall I remind you of the schoolhouse chant:

MM MM MM....Barack Hussein Obama......MM MM MM Barack Hussein Obama! You are absolutely right he is slowly destroying this nation one day at a time. It's time to stop this while there is still a flicker of life in the heart of this once great nation.

Anonymous said...

9:01 I'm sorry to say that this issue cannot be fixed from the ballot box. The problem seeds have been planted and they have taken root. Like weeds, they must now by physically pulled out. How can we do that? We'll leave that to your imagination. Prepare. And remember - no matter how old you are, no one can do everything but everyone can do something. Assess your position and know exactly what your capabilities are. Let others in your network know where you stand on issues and what you can do. Stand ready.

Anonymous said...

SO delusional you all are. Really sad.

Anonymous said...

This did NOT happen overnight folks. The Ball first dropped when the Agrarian South became angry over banking policies at them by the industial North. That led to States rights being degraded after a 4 year fight, a fight that the North actually lost. If they had attempted to bring even one southern Leader to Trial, the Lincoln Admin would have lost and the South would have gone it's own way for all time.

Next was the first Rosavent, he did only minor damage none of the infrastructure was yet in place for him to enact the policies needed.

The real damage started under Wilson. The Income Tax and other rules that stole rights. Another sign of his evil was the order using Federal troops to kill WW1 vets for demanding the monies owned to them. The Great Depression was from a deliberate use of Margins and hedges to create moniless millionares to crass the system. It worked. What they didn't count on was the rise and power of the New German State under Hitler. The 2nd WW actually delayed furth steps to the fall for almost 30 years. That was how long it took to get the College Ed system currupted by KGB plants and 3rd column sorts. The Detroit Riots were actually a test being set and run by the KGB.

Kenedey resisted the USSR and was taken out, then Johnson slammed in the next stages with the help of a currupt congress and packed Court. The Great Society.

Nixon was another Wilson. He created the Alphabet Soup nightmare all business face now. He didn't get half the kicking he deserved.

Carter was a joke, even by Liberal standards.

Reagan... Now there was a leader. He set the Plan back almost 20 years by getting the economy rolling and the military rebuilt.

Bush one was a closet Wolson/Nixon type.

Clinton did his best to push the plan forward and succeeded to some extent. It was only do to leaders like Newt that slowed him down. Though Clinton did give the Daily Soaps a good run for their money in drama.

Bush 2 was a flat out Progressive. 9/11 was a godsend to him. He was able strip away entire chunks of the BILL of RIGHTS in one shot with the creation of the DHS. The funny part of that is that the Dems almost wrecked that stage of th Plan in their hatred of the Bush Family.

Obama is a stooge. A common liberal street thug that is a hand puppet for the progressives running the show from behind the curtains. Sadly most of the Republicans in congress are Wilson/Nixon progressives as well, so don't expect any change so long as the current crop of cogress critters is still in power. Romney? A joke.

Many will call what I have said here tinfoil hat theories. Look at history and you will see that it is all true.

By the way, there seems to have been a case heard by the Supreme Court in the 1880's about Allah. They declaired him a false God and not to be reconised by the government. Not sure if that one is true or not, but it was the same court that set the citizenship rules in place that actually determine that Obama is not a legal citazine.

Flame suit and fire extenguisher now engaged.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

10:06, i know history as well and your comment is correct, however we are NEVER without hope. i don't mean the false "hope and change" that the easily deceived fell for in the last presidential election. no, i'm talking about what we can do to help our nation. it is still we the people, don't forget that.

1. Register to vote now as a "republican", because a vote for anyone else will not count.

2. Get on and sign up for 2 free weeks. view the documentary "Rumors of War 111". if you have to, view it by yourself, but try to get as many people as possible to view it with you...then put it on facebook, send it out to all the people on your contact list. don't worry about their political beliefs, just send it. you will not be the same after you see this documentary, i promise you.
3. Send this documentary to ALL elected leaders, local, state and federal. don't worry about their political beliefs and associations.
4. Now call all you're reps/leaders and follow up. make sure they understand this is a must watch and you will continue to follow up, hold them accountable. (the squeeky wheel get the grease). be consistant.
5. If you can think of any other way to get this info out, do it. share, share, share and then share again.

i'm just one person, but this is what i'm doing. if you truly love your country, you Will Do This and more. be part of the solution not the problem. Please understand, this election is critical. if we lose this, we lose our country. there are going to be NO second chances.


Anonymous said...

illumanti and the one world order

Anonymous said...

9:36....if you can't see, hear or experience what's going on around you, well than you're are sad. ...and that will be your undoing!

Ironshire said...

Not "available due to a copyright claim by Free Market America" Wonder who they are?

Craig Theobald

Anonymous said...

i've read books on the illuminati and new world order for at least 50years. i know quite a bit about all this, but it doesn't mean we don't have hope.

pray and ask God to have mercy on us and our country. He will hear the prayer of a believer. He has stayed his wrath throughout the bible. our country lost its way long ago; we have become decadent in so many ways. we told God to get out of our schools, institutions, families and lives so very long ago and now we expect Him to help us. well there are those who still love Him and try to live according to his Word. we're not perfect, but we try to do right. learn to call on Him and ask Him for mercy on our nation.

Anonymous said...

can you say loony tunes?

Anonymous said...

Yes 10:32 you can.....just say as you're looking in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Yes 10:32 you can.....just say as you're looking in the mirror.

April 28, 2012 9:51 AM

Fair enough. But if I'm loony for not understanding this crap, I'll proudly stay loony. tyvm.