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Friday, January 20, 2012

Noise Regulations Would Limit Music At Boardwalk Shops

Boardwalk stores that use music to catch the attention of passersby might have to keep the volume down when they re-open for the 2012 season.



Anonymous said...

Speaking of NOISE. How about the noise of the monssstsser truck show at the civic center. Same as a noise in a bar, live show. People couldnt hear the fire alarm if it went off? I wonder how many children have had ear/hearing problems from that noise. Some parents dont think about ear protectors for the children..

Anonymous said...

anon 3:16... the monster truck show is great. we'll be taking our 5 year old this year for his 2nd show. he's beyond excited.

but if your ears are sensitive, you should definitly stay home...

Anonymous said...

Lil Elvis was quiet
although a little tanned and stinky