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Monday, August 15, 2011

The Media Admits To Ignoring Ron Paul

Why? Because if "the unelectable one" were to become president, the financial kleptocratic, oligarchic status quo, which just so happens is the big legacy media's biggest advertising base, would be wiped out overnight. Next up: big media becomes very small media. The clip below from CNN explains it all.



Anonymous said...

Come on now tell ALL of the truth not just a half truth.

The Media is OWNED by the elites who run the banks. Through the media the Sheeple are kept dazed and confused (ignorant) about the government.

The Media (like public education) is CONTROLLED by the enemy who is inside the gates!

Anonymous said...

@3:37 ???
the people aren't "kept dazed and confused" by anyone except themselves. The public repeats whatever talking points any idiot spouts on tv or radio as fact and is easily distracted by the latest sex/drug scandal. We have no further to look than ourselves.