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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Wicomico River

I fished the Wicomico River this week and wanted to share pictures I took of this once great river. I fish all over Maryland and this is by far the most polluted and nasty river in the state. Notice the new garbage collection bags placed over the discharge pipes by the city are empty in the photos. Where is all the garbage coming from and why does no one give a damn about it?
Shame on you Salisbury!
Capt Bruce Wootten


Anonymous said...

The bag over the pipe doesn't seem to have much in it.

Anonymous said...

Throwing trash on the curbs and into the river is common place for people who walk the streets. These crimes are not enforced. The police turn their heads and I don't blame them.
I sat in court on Baptist street the other day to see if anyone got punished , needless to say , everyone got off without a fine or whatever. I then proceeded to the bathroom to puke.
Nothing has changed , the victims are the ones who suffer and the criminals laugh. 2 different cases the criminals laughed as they left the court room. The judge did nothing.

Anonymous said...

the majority of the ucky things in that water are pollen. clearly people are trying to clean up the river. i.e. the bags which are there to collect trash. should we post security people near the banks of the river to keep them from throwing in trash

Anonymous said...

I thought the Salisbury Fire Department had a boat and were supposed to go out and retrieve the trash on a schedule.

What happened?

Anonymous said...

normal for salisbury. looking like baltimore and washington dc all the time.

curtis granderson said...

Have you been to Washington, DC, it looks a million times better than this pisshole.

Anonymous said...

we ate at market street this week and it was disgusting to look at while sitting on the deck.

Anonymous said...

how many skeletons are hiding in there?

Anonymous said...

Help is on the way!

Thanks Ireton!

And thank all the other mental defectives that voted for that toolbag

Anonymous said...

The City is furloughing people. So the question is, do you want your taxes raised to fund a clean up crew or do you want to look at a nasty river? You can't continually cut funding for services and expect the same level of service. It's just not practical or possible. Same with the roads. Ireton has cut the departments back the past 2 years and it has helped with making the city more efficient in some areas, but it has also hurt services in others. At some point he will have to take some of the money and invest it into the town and not just in the department that polices how high your grass is.

Anonymous said...

99% of what you see in the photos is pollen, leaves and tree seeds (like maple "helicopters"). With the exception of the trash, which makes up a very, very small percentage of what you see here, it's all something that occurs every spring and is part of the environment.
The collection bags collect what comes from discharge pipes from strees. Very little is in them because very little is on the contributing streets, for a change. What trash you see in the water is because someone threw their fast food stuff onto the streets. Shame on THEM!

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the high dollar trash skimmer the city of Salisbury bought in the 80's ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, the pollen makes the water look yucky. But the rest of the trash isn't pollen. Probably a lot of that trash blew in with the wind. Maybe they should go back to that little boat used for cleaning up the river.

What would people have to do to get the idiot judges around here to actually enforce anything? I feel so sorry for the police.

Anonymous said...

Would it be too hard to start a volunteer crew to run a small boat through with a net to get this stuff up?

Anonymous said...

you have a jail full of workers. use them.

Anonymous said...

dnr could use something like crab nets or skimmers. they will tell you fast enough its their river.

Anonymous said...

How much money has the city lost because the hospital or the college have bought up more property they the city USED to get tax money from. I say the hospital and the college should be MADE to pay taxes.

Anonymous said...

hey 11:49
If the people who put in time there now would work , then we would see a big change. The employees of public works do nothing but hide , they are lazy ,they are drunks and should be replaced with 80 year olds , then you would see this trashhole cleaned-up. They must follow the state workers , 6 men on the job with 1 guy shoveling.
Higher some more ECI guys and get this city looking like crap.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:49 AM,

No the city is not furloughing people Jim Ireton is furloughing good, hard working employees for 2 years now. The ironic part of that is Ireton hasn't gotten a furlough at all from the Board of Education. It's also ironic that Ireton took a day and went to Annapolis to proudly fight for his retirement and salary. He needs to go now!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

the majority of the ucky things in that water are pollen. clearly people are trying to clean up the river. i.e. the bags which are there to collect trash. should we post security people near the banks of the river to keep them from throwing in trash

9:52 AM

Thanks for the comment Jim!

Swimmer said...

Gosh, I cannot wait for Warmer Weather so I can swim there...

Anonymous said...

people on the estern shore have this sense of holier than though attitude over their western shore counterparts but guess what??? they are no different. the easy going, laid back simple people of the shore could care less about keeping their waterways and roadsides clean. you all throw trash out your window too..and your usual arguement that "it must be those city slickers from across the bay" doesn't apply here...this is homegrown.

Anonymous said...

Ireton doesn't care about anything but spending money on worthless ideas, he sure doesn't care about his employees, yeah Jim let's give the 3rd floor another pay raise by furloughing all the workers who make less then $30,000 year. But first let's raise their health insurance cost and then not provide them with another COLA. Can you say dumbocrat! Don't worry the city will make money from the third Friday's to support all his worthless efforts, LOL.

Anonymous said...

the city is broke on every level right now,but you must remain optomistic about the recent changes in your elected officials to make the changes in priorities to get things done

Anonymous said...

12:31 only if it beneifts the police, Neigborhood services and the firwe department. The new counsel needs to talk with the line level employee and stop listening to the Mayor, Pick, and the Department Heads. Talk with the line employee and you will probably get the answers you need, but Pick, Oland and other Department heads keep them in the dark.

Anonymous said...

I lost so much respect for that clown that wants to be a Mayor when hired department heads from out of state when there were qualified personnel in house. The Public Works Department, The Police Department and the Fire Department had personnel perfectly capable of handling the job as department head. It is my understanding the guy they appointed from Virginia isn't qualified to be the fire chief and never has been a fire chief. It is also understood that this guy is not even qualified to be hired as a basic firefighter EMT-B. What a slap in the face to all the hard working employees of the city. There is a reason that people take jobs out of state because no one wouuld hire them where them came from. They apply all over until they finally get lucky and land a job. Debbie and Terry you blew it on this one.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the high dollar trash skimmer the city of Salisbury bought in the 80's ?

2:01 PM

It was given away by Barrie Comegys and Associates. Now the guy wants to charge the city to use it.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the Counsel will stop listen to the people distroying the city and start taking to the citizens and line employee who can turn the city around. Get away from personal third floor agendas and talk to the local businesses, citizens and people who actually do the work everyday. You'll be amazed at how many good decisions and the accomplishments that will come from people who aren't only concerned with their position!