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Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Letter To The Editor: "Ocean Downs Casino Fraud"?

"Last night OD held their first jackpot winners drawing. It was supposed to be 6 $1000 winners drawn at random every hour. The problem is Kimberly Messick of Salisbury won 5 of the 6 drawings. They claimed it had 1200 entries in the drawing. Somehow, one of the 5 people who was an honorary first player when it opened January 4th won almost all of them.  This is ridiculous, the fix is in and I'm contacting the state's attorney general. Stay away from ocean downs the fix is definitely in!

After further research, she was also the 1st jackpot winner and key winner at the casino as well. There are whispers she is getting kickbacks for furnishing the casino with her business in DE that furnishes hotels and a lot of other places all over the area. Hopefully there is someone in AG's office that will take this seriously
-tired of being cheated in Ocean Pines"

EDITOR NOTES: We have been told Kim is known to have a golden horseshoe.


Justin Barrett said...

Come on. Seriously? Mr. Rickman is bigger than that. How much money has Kim blown at Ocean Downs and how many jackpots has she won? It says 1200 entries, not people. Sounds like someone, without giving their name, is trying to spread rumors.

Anonymous said...

That figures. We can't even have a fair drawing without eastern shore inbred nepotism. She either scratched the owner's backs or is related to one of them.

Anonymous said...

Nothing will be done , she has the AG office on a string.

Anonymous said...

Isn't she also the one who won that dancing with the stars thing at the college - what is it with her winning everything?

Anonymous said...

Her dance partner said this:

hmmmm, rigging? lucky, charitable person? maybe both?

Anonymous said...

Come on folks. Get a life. This sounds to me like the person who wrote this is just jealous, or though they should have won. Sour grapes in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but 5 out of 6 "random" drawings out of 1,200 entries going to the same person really stomps on statistical odds. The only way for it to make sense is if 1,000 of those entries were hers. Twice? Maybe. Three times? Improbably lucky! Four.. Five... Something's definitely fishy.

Anonymous said...

The writer obviously didn't do their research. First of all, I can tell you she DID NOT furnish any part of the casino. She has no ties to the business. The drawing was completely random. A person's entries were EARNED! If she had the most, she definitely earned them. I think some of you need to stop being so jealous. Get over it! Oh, for the person who made the comment about her winning the dance contest.....are you aware she raised over $60,000 for that competition for charity and that funds raised counted toward half of the score? How can you talk down about someone who gives so much to people in need?

Anonymous said...

typical eastern bs, and nothing will be done about it. stay away from ocean downs unless of course you are an idiot who doesn't mind being ripped off. Just like most of the businesses down there. taking advantage of the tourists!
actually from what I been hearing from the exterminators they are gonna have to rename OC, bedbug city!

Anonymous said...

Aren't the tickets drawn in front of witnesses? No way it was rigged. Kim earned her entries and won fair and square. Get over it. Want to win next time? Visit as often as Kim and play the machines she plays. Gotta play to win!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, gotta play to win and she plays BIG. I can believe she had alot of tickets in. The Ocean Downs Casino site says you have to win a $1200 jackpot in order to get a ticket to be in the drawing so she has won big and who knows how much she had to lose to win that big. But, hey, it's her money and if she wants to gamble with it, so be it.

Anonymous said...

You go Kim!!!! Win it all and make them all jealous. I'm behind you 100% of the way.

Anonymous said...

First let me say, I go down to OCean Downs at least once a week. I have only seen one payoff in excess of $1,000 and it was for $1200. Those machines are extremely tight. I will not be visiting Ocean Downs anymore due to this. I will travel the extra half hour and go visit Harrington for the following reasons:
Better atmosphere, drink prices are less than half of Ocean Downs and carry more variety, they have bands and entertainment AND at least you may lose your money but their machines let you play a heck of a lot longer. I am extrememly dissappointed in Ocean Downs. Just a Slots Parlor and I would much rather throw my money into the American Legion slots if I am going to lose.

Anonymous said...

That is a good tip especially to those new to the blogosphere.
Simple but very precise information… Many thanks for sharing this one.
A must read post!