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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Polls: Most Americans Think Rich Folk Aren't Paying Enough Taxes

While the absolute wealthiest Americans are now paying less federal income tax than they were two decades ago, two new polls show that most people support raising taxes on those earning over $250,000 a year.

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Anonymous said...

The top 1% of earners in the US pay nearly 46% of the income taxes. Thats a fair share in my mind. In contrast nearly 50% of US citizens don't even pay income that a fair portion? The only way for 50% of the nation to continue not paying income taxes is to raise income tax rates on households making over $250K. No wonder it has so much support. If you want to have a say in this country you should have to contribute.

Anonymous said...

The commies have won with Obama -- what's yours is theirs to take.

Anonymous said...

now more than ever,
watch this clip on FAIRTAX

Anonymous said...

almost half of americans don't pay income taxes. is that fair? don't think so.....

rich people; hmmmmm; that's a relative term, isn't it. if your making $250 a week, then someone making $500 a week may be rich to you. most people who are really "rich" pay their fair share of taxes; plus they create jobs for millions of people. get it yet?
the only fair way is to eliminate the current system for the most part and start taxing consumption. this way we are taxed fairly. everyone should pay taxes; everyone.

Bill Ayers said...

When Obama filled out his tax return he did not pay enough taxes either and used allot of deductions.
In the days of the Indians they would say he speak with FORK TOUNGE