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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Lawmakers Seek To Ban Smoking In Cars With Children

A bill to ban smoking in a car with a child, which has been stopped in committee four years running, may finally make it to the floor of the House of Delegates. The bill has more sponsors this year than in the past, especially in the House Environmental Matters Committee, where it needs a favorable vote to get to the floor for debate.

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Anonymous said...

I really do wish these elected officials would find more productive things to talk about and write laws on.
How about working on solving REAL problems?
Just what we need, another law on the books that 1) We don't need 2) Will never be enforced anyway.
Look at all the children still riding around without car seats or seat belts? And now you want to "claim" to be protecting the kids?
Give me a break! This has NOTHING to do with the protection of kids, it only has to do with government controlling another aspect of someones life!

Anonymous said... says "children". For a moment there I thought they wanted to ban smoking in cars with chickens. Better get my eyeglass prescription updated.

lmclain said...

WHEN will these know-it-all egotistical windbags STOP interfering in our personal lives?? I don't smoke. Never have. But I resent some politician who thinks he knows how I should live or raise my children...Is next years agenda a bill to prohibit smoking IN YOUR HOUSE??? They (theiving politicians) don't have REAL issues to deal with??? They get a paycheck for THIS crap??? They should hang their heads in shame, but as we all know, they have none...

Anonymous said...

i want them to come to my house, tell me when to get up, fix what i am suppose to eat,clean my house the way it is suppose to be done, drive me to work the way i am suppose to be driven, basically, be my assistant and do everthing for me since the politicians think they know me better then I know myself and get this they have never meet me.

go the the general assembly webpage, find the bill contact the senators & delegates !!!!! they work for you !!!!!

EdenMan said...

Both of my parents smoked when I was a kid. They didn't roll the windows down in the car and smoked in the was the normal thing to do. I developed asthma as a child, and take medication to this day. If only we knew !

lmclain said...

3:44....I'll bet you're on "disability, now, too.

EdenMan said...

No, I'm not on disability....I'm self-employed and I work 7 days a week. Thanks for your concern Imclain.