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Friday, February 18, 2011

Praise Our First Amendment Rights

Thank goodness for our federal judiciary.  Thanks to the now-less-than-conservative 4th Circuit Court of Appeals (courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama), we now have a constitutional right to have liquor served to us while watching naked dancers.

Our children can’t pray in school.  Unborn children can be murdered.  Don’t be shocked when they government attempts to force churches to perform gay weddings.

But … Don’t worry.  Be happy.  Head down to your local strip joint and knock back a few.  It’s your right.


Anonymous said...

abortions were around before Obama AND praying in schools. Typical MAN calls it "murdered". Try being a woman then you'd change your mind, instead you want to control us as usual

Drew said...

Can the government force churchs to perform mix racial weddings? NO

nikki said...

If it has a heart beat you are murdering it. And it's not controlling woman if you tell them what it's going to do to them after. Planned parenthood doesn't tell them anything just to abort it. Been there and my friend regrets to this day having one since they didn't fill her in with any details including afterward how you would feel emotionally. Yes abortion and no prayer in schools was before Obama but he's obviously helping to push those agenda's way farther than they've ever been. He cares nothing for the people of America. And Drew is right the government isn't forcing anything now, but it's coming. They are force feeding everything else to us, all of the other is just a matter of time. Our own politicians don't even believe in our constitution and are trying every way to change it. All of our forefathers that tried to prevent this are probably sick to see that the ones who are sworn to be for the people are for their pocketbooks and their own causes.

G. A. Harrison said...

Ditto Nikki!

Dani -

I never said that abortion and stopping prayer in school were due to Obama. I said that the 4th Circuit, once a bastion of level headed, constitutional judgment is now far more liberal due to some Obama appointments

While I am staunchly pro-life, that wasn't the point. I just think that it's ironic to allow abortion and prohibit prayer in schools but we somehow have a consitutional right to drink while being "entertained" by naked women.

Go figure.

Unknown said...

O'Mally is on record of supporting repeal of the death penalty yet he supports abortion.

I guess save a felon and kill a baby is the order of MD Government.

dan said...

GA - is all of this horror coming before or after we are all forced to become Muslim?

Allowing gays to marry will not affect your life, or anyone else's, anymore that allowing straight people to marry as many times as they wish. No big deal at all. Let it go.

No one can stop any child anywhere from praying in school. There is no formal school-sponsored prayer. Big difference. If God is as great and powerful as believers say he is, how is any law made by man going to stop him from going anywhere.

No one likes abortion, but the decision to do something so scary and life-altering rests only with the woman involved. No pregnancy has a 100% success rate, and if the case of miscarraige, no one is accusing God of murder.

By the way, I did not think you wanted Government Bureaucrats getting involved in personal health care decisisions. If that is the case for the entire GOP, the abortion debate is settled, right?

Unknown said...

1. Huh?

2. Just what is so important about gays getting "married"? They only want the part of the package that avoids them from paying the marriage penalty.

3. Your religion IS your choice. Has that changed?

4. Then why are liberal movements trying to outlaw it? Just look at the newly minted $1 coin.

5. How scary do you think it is for the baby? Don't make excuses. It's murder.

6. Your head just became detached and fell on the floor. Not sure I can help you with that. I'm curious. Are you paying for anything yourself?

1. GA - is all of this horror coming before or after we are all forced to become Muslim?

2. Allowing gays to marry will not affect your life, or anyone else's, anymore that allowing straight people to marry as many times as they wish. No big deal at all. Let it go.

4. No one can stop any child anywhere from praying in school. There is no formal school-sponsored prayer. Big difference. If God is as great and powerful as believers say he is, how is any law made by man going to stop him from going anywhere.

5. No one likes abortion, but the decision to do something so scary and life-altering rests only with the woman involved. No pregnancy has a 100% success rate, and if the case of miscarraige, no one is accusing God of murder.

6. By the way, I did not think you wanted Government Bureaucrats getting involved in personal health care decisisions. If that is the case for the entire GOP, the abortion debate is settled, right?

dan said...

Ok Al, lets get personal then:

My wife and I pay for everything for ourselves and our children. Why that matters is beyond me, but maybe you have a personal problem with peopel based on their income level. That would make sense, seeing as you are a Republican.

Perhaps you have problems, also, with peopel calling out the GOP on their moral platitudes and asking them (you) to defend your two-sided positions.

Why is it important for gays to marry? Because they are human beings with certain inalienable rights. They are Americans. Being gay is a human condition. It is how and who they are. Telling them they cannot get married simply because they are gay is just like telling people they cannot get married because of the color of their skin, or their religion.

If gay people get married, how does it affect your life?

My biggest problem is the audacity of the GOP in claiming moral superiority over everyone while simultaneously arguing both sides of an argument.

My point on abortion is this: During the health care debate, the GOP screamed long and loud to elt us know that the Government should not be involved in health care in any way. Health care is a personal thing, a personal decision, and the government should not tell us what doctors to see, what medicines to take, or tell us that it is time to kill grandma.

OK. we understand your poistion then. Keep government out of healthcare.

EXCEPT FOR ABORTION. In that cae, the government needs to be in volved in the health care decisions of average Americans.

Please, Al, be the first Republican ever to explain how this is not a double standard. (Double-special-super chllenge: do that without blaming everything bad in the world on liberals, AND without just saying how "wrong" I am.

A futher point on personal freedoms: Your side of the aisle screams long and loud about how the government should stop limiting personal freedoms and should generally stay out of the lives of everyone and let us live our lives. Stop telling us where to smoke, how to talk, what to buy, etc. We can make our own choices, and we would be better off is the government would but out of our lives.

OK. Got it. I understand you position. Government should not intrude on the lives of indivduals.

EXCEPT IF YOU ARE GAY. In that case, the government needs to stetp in and do all it can to stop the gays. Make sure they can't amrry. Make sure they can't adopt. Make sure the do not voluteer to give their lives in the service of their country.

Please, Al, explain that one as well, same challenges apply.

To drop the snark for a moment: It comes across that the GOP stance is this - I want the Goverment to stay out of my life entirely and keep away from the things I like, BUT I want the goverment to get into the lives of the people and things I do not agree with.

I don't care what position you take, just own it and admit to the double standard. That is all I ask of all the loud, more-patriotic-than-everyone Republicans.

Is that too much to ask?

Drew said...

dan: Well said