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Friday, January 07, 2011

Senate GOP Leader To Propose Civil Union For Gays And Straights

Senate Republican Leader Allan Kittleman said Wednesday he will introduce legislation establishing civil unions between both heterosexual and same-sex partners.

“I’ve always felt that we should have equal rights for same-sex couples,” Kittleman said in an interview. “I also think it’s important we protect marriage as an institution.”

The Republican who represents part of Howard and Carroll counties said he was introducing the legislation on his own behalf, and not as caucus leader, though he had phoned the other 11 members of the GOP caucus to inform them. He emphasized this is “not a Republican leadership position.”

Bills to establish marriage by same-sex couples have been introduced several times in the last three sessions of the General Assembly, generally sponsored by liberal Democrats. None of them have even had a vote to bring them out of committee.

Kittleman’s stance might not sit well with the bulk of House Republicans, who have several times sponsored a constitutional amendment that said “a marriage between one man and one woman shall be the only domestic legal union valid or recognized” in Maryland. Those efforts died in committee.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

I feel we should have special representation for gays . A union of their own and a plant of their own.

Anonymous said...

Most people have no problem with civil unions but that's not enough for them which makes me question their motives...which have been answered in a book I'm reading "The Pink Swastika"

Anonymous said...

No reason to exclude gays from marriage. I mean really, why not? I don't think our gov't should be in the business of defining the sanctity of anything.

Anonymous said...

When the pres. pushed for repeal of DADT, conservatives cried 'this isn't important, we should be focusing on jobs'. Now we have this?

Anonymous said...

God has already defined marriage, I don't think militant homosexuals should be in the business of defining the sanctity of anything!

Anonymous said...

7:24 AM

I just read an article about that book but haven't read the book yet. Sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

8:54 Good luck finding it the left is trying to have it banned from book stores and libraries. Yes it's very interesting and very scary as we seem to be heading in the same direction Germany was going.

Anonymous said...

8:28- Everyone should have the right to get married and be miserable. Now go fetch me a beer and make me a sammich!

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 11:10, LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Gay marriage only paves the way for prosecution of churches who choose not to perform the abominations. It also opens the door to bestiality pedophilia for starters. Lets not be stupid and over simplify the matter. Or I guess you sit there with your beer and be fat dumb and happy as your country goes down the tubes.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 11:40. As long as gays do not marry we can be safe knowing that the horrors of beastiality and pedophilia will never happen. Why don't more people recognize this? We are all safe as long as gays don't marry.

Anonymous said...

12:30 Are you denying that if gay marriage becomes the law of the land these other pervs won't have a legal argument for equality?

Anonymous said...

Here comes the Pink Swastikas!

Anonymous said...

Most Americans don't want gay marriage,If you couldn't pass it in liberal California it's not wanted!

Anonymous said...

these are the same leftist attitudes that yearn for a nanny state but shudder at the thought of not being able to marry.
If you want to hitch to each other all you need is a civil union..same logic that all leftist are mental applies here. These mental cases will not be happy until they try to drag us all to hell with them

Anonymous said...

This is the same way Hitler came to power. He used the brown shirts "homosexuals" until he didn't need the anymore that's when the night of the long knives took place. Once the Socialist are in power gays will be the first to go along with the media.