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Friday, January 07, 2011

Delegate Norm Conway Makes 360 Degree Turn On Slots

Joe -
Sometimes life continues to amaze me.  While Ehrlich was Governor and right after the legislative session had ended - Norm Conway gave a town hall meeting held at Salisbury University.  Right after he was mistakenly introduced by SU's President - Janet Dudley Eshbach - as Salisbury's former Mayor - he went on to give his analogy of the just ended Maryland Legislative session. 
After his introduction - Norm Conway told a full house audience that he was opposed to slots in Maryland.  So it took me by surprise when I opened yesterday's DT newspaper and saw where he had officially taken credit for the opening of the slots parlor at Ocean Downs.
It is interesting to witness when a person espouses one view and then does a 360 degree flip.  


Anonymous said...

Not that surprising. Let's not forget he's a good ole boy politician.

Anonymous said...

Another Democrat who puts his party above the tax payer.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but we keep sending this guy and people like Mathias to Annapolis to represent us. So I guess we deserve what we get.

Anonymous said...

180 degrees. 360 degrees goes full circle and ends up where you started. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

should say 180 Degree turn,
360 is the whole way around, thus meaning he would believe what he originally believed. 180 degrees would be the opposite direction

Anonymous said...

I hope that some of that money is diverted to increasing math and science literacy on the shore. It is badly needed.

Anonymous said...

would that be 180 degrees????

Anonymous said...

You idiots can't perform basic geometry?? What you mean to say is 180 degrees ... NOT 360. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Not suprising to me, he's a democrat isn't he? They will look you stright in the eye and tell you anything that they think you want to hear. The truth doesn't matter to them at all. Clinton and Obama are perfect examples.

Anonymous said...

hes been in office too long. thanks sjd

Anonymous said...

And you people keep on electing him............

Anonymous said...

He definitely did a flip/flop. Probably because he saw the $ signs.

Concerned Retiree said...

That's the Conway way. He has been doing this since he was first elected. He don't care now anyway, since he is getting a retirement for WBOE and very soon from the Legislature. Two Maryland, tax payer paid, retirements. He sure is looking out for the people he is supposed to be representing. He is not alone in the Legislature getting this benefit. Mathias is working on his now.

Anonymous said...

Amd look how the slots have screwed up Racetrack Road.

Thanks Norm and Jim-beau Mathais

Anonymous said...

I was there that night to.

Conway said he felt slots legislation would be only a temporary fix and that it wouldn't be sustainable - that is why he was opposed to it.

It stumps me also. I cannot figure out why he is now taking credit for something that he told his constituents he was opposed to.

Anonymous said...

What really pisses me off is all the lost revenue..The slots should be up and running 10 years ago..all the surronding states took advantage of this stupid democratic state of losers and socialist and expanded thier facility and gamblings laws..dumb move MD democrats I have not forget and never will ...Oh yea and Im a independant..but since MD uses lottery money in a general fund another dumb MD democractic move..when it should be used for education only...I get pissed off when the lottery commission pays the tolls on Bay bridge during holiday weekends. So we can be indudated with more MD democratic losers from the acroos the bay

Anonymous said...

Who said, or how do you know, his position has changed? We're basing this on someone's word who doesn't have sense enough to know that there is no change once you've flipped 360 degrees. WOW! Now that's progress!

And so what if his position has changed - if it has?! Is that a big deal?! I would hope he is flexible - especially in this climate.

It's been my experience with Norm Conway that if he does change his position it is for a very good reason and definitely in the best interest of the people he represents. I'm glad he keeps an open mind.

Here's a novel idea - why not ask him? Or would you rather just go behind his back and get on here and stir things up a bit.

Anonymous said...

Why ask him I can put no money in his pocket..A lousy politician is he..a brave one would have stood up to his party and did what was right under elrich..the move was stickly politically and has lost the state a good amount of needed revenue..Ie leftist + democrat = mental ..Now when the wrath of the voters was heard he changes his tune..

Anonymous said...

8:34 PM, I'm 7:44 PM. Were you replying to my comment when you said, "Why ask him." If I'm correct, please rewrite your comment once you've calmed down and stopped foaming from the mouth. You make absolutely no sense at all.

"..Now when the wrath of the voters was heard he changes his tune." I don't believe this is what happened - but if it did, is this a bad thing, a politician that responds, or reacts, to the will of the people he represents. Or would you prefer to be ignored.

Anonymous said...

To 7:44 Post

I believe you have missed the bigger point that all of the commenters are presenting.

Conway told a standing room audience that he was opposed to slots and then flipped.

He did just the opposite of what he informed his audience. And now he is takeing credit for the slots legislation. It gives a lousy and sleazy appearance.

Anonymous said...

Don't most polititions in history flip flop on issues. It is like penciling things in "subject to change". But I do agree it would be good to know directly from him what his given reasons are, make him answerable like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

To 8:55 AM and 10:08 AM Very good points.

And now for the rest of the story - With no disrespect to anyone that has posted, because honestly if I thought someone had misrepresented themselves to me I would be concerned or even upset as well, but I know this is not the case here.

In the context of what happened - At the event at SU Norm did state basically what the poster said, "that he was opposed to slots." However, what the poster knew and should have added was that Norm stated, "this is my personal opinion," and, "I choose not to spend my money that way." At the time no specific legislation had been drafted, and no official / professional position formed nor needed. Norman Conway's personal opinion has not changed - he chooses not to spend his money this way.

When the time came to support, or oppose the legislation and take an official stand, Norm put his personal feelings aside and placed the wishes of his constituents first. In the end he did support the delegation and the people he proudly represents.

I don't call this a flip flop I call it, "the right thing to do."

Great job Norm - Thanks!