Many of the HUGE companies in both states (and in deregulated states across the country) have been experiencing this freedom of choice for quite some time. However, smaller businesses & residents also have this freedom, unless they are located in a municipality like Berlin that produces and/or sells its own electricity. For the past 2 years, I've been helping smaller businesses & non-profit organizations like The Salisbury School, Karen Davis State Farm, SonLife Community Church, The Salisbury Kennel Club & Somers Cover Marina save money on their electricity bills & have recently started working with residents to do the same thing. Whether you choose to have me work with you on saving you money on electricity costs or someone else, you need to know that you DO have this freedom to shop & choose. Also, make sure your rate is ALL-inclusive & fixed, which means you won't have any extra, erroneous charges. Times are tough & unfortunately, our government, on all levels, isn't helping by not giving us as much information as it should be. If anyone has any questions, they can feel free to contact me.
George "Wookie" Kreiner
Consulting Agent
Total Energy Consultants
Our business signed up with an outside broker for the supply charges portion of our electric bill a couple of years ago.
It's saved us HUNDREDS of dollars over what Delmarva Power was charging. Our rate was locked in for 5 years!! If you haven't looked into one of these options yet, you should!
What if the electric goes out or there is trouble with your meter, who do you call?
To my knowledge, APPI doesn't work in the residential sector. On the commercial side, we work with over a dozen of the biggest national suppliers in the country, &, like APPI, Total Energy Consultants also has many of the local municipalities as clients. Again, it's always best to shop around.
G. "Wookie" Kreiner
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