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Friday, November 12, 2010

Woman Says She Was Cuffed And Booted From Airport For Questioning Body Scanners

Meg McLain claims that the TSA ripped up her US Airways plane ticket and called police who restrained her in a chair, cuffed her, and escorted her out of the airport after she opted out of the backscatter can. Her radio interview describing the incident is at 390,000 hits and growing, and the TSA has posted CCTV of the incident on their blog.

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Anonymous said...

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin

These words ring so true today. I am not a crimmnal, I will not attempt to smuggle contraband or bombs. So why am I subject to unlawful search and seizure. This is BS and needs to stop..anyone supporting this direct violation of the careful what you wish for you fools..once they get their foot in the they already have with the 9/11 farce. This is just another reason to erode our basic freedoms and subject us to being treated as crimminals.

Anonymous said...

dont like it, dont fly. simple. i love he safety rules!

Anonymous said...

I find it small minded for the travelers to be angry with the employees at the airports that are doing their jobs. These people are doing their jobs, they did not make the rules. I also wonder how all of you that are so upset about being "unfairly" checked would feel if it were your family or your plane that was to be brought down by a bomb. If you have nothing to hide what is the big deal? If you people spent less time complaining about laws that may protect us the security lines would move along a lot quicker.

Anonymous said...

Are you afraid yet? You should be.

Anonymous said...

anyone who supports this type of intrusion has to be a liberal kool aid drinking fool. This is about big brother nanny state madness, drug testing, pat downs, video survalance, xray machines..all in the name of Safety? what a joke, keep letting them take away these simple freedoms. I'm a VET free loving american patriot, who does not do anything illegal but have to subject myself to these intrusion of my cival rights. I do not and never will agree with these NAZI tactics. I travel/fly allot and have to subject myself to this violation quite often,or I don't get to fly..
Guess most of you socialist/commies types would beleive this crap is for your own safety... probably fall over each other to get in line for the showers /gas house. The next event will only provide more ammo for them to intrude some more, until the bad guys find another way around the buggling government inept fools. Keep on believing they are keeping you safe..

Anonymous said...

I don't like the body scanners but you need to listen to her side and watch the videos. I see no sign of her being grabbed and pulled into a screening area, being handcuffed or many of the other accusations she states.

Being someone who travels by air several times a year with nothing to hide, I do appreciate the security. I don't want to be blown to smiterines over a major US city.

Kim said...

I too have to fly quite a bit, as I have in-laws out of state. I hate the whole idea of the full body scanners that leave little to the imagination. I think it is a terrible intrusion into my rights as a human being.

That said, I see the flip side of the coin. IF it can be categorically proven that such a device makes air travel safer I am all for it. I'll be darned if I want Mohammed and Ahkmed getting on the plane with a bomb in their jockey shorts.

In my opinion, the technology has not been proven enough to A) be safe and B) be effective in preventing a terrorist attack that I feel comfortable in its use. Time will tell.

Chimera said...

I agree,if you dont like it,dont fly.

Anonymous said...

So that’s the only argument you can come up with..”dont like it don’t fly”..”better then being blown up” …. Rather be subjected to constitutional violations left and right to make me feel safe? sheeple are so fail to see the point point. Read the Ben quote!! You are not many government agencies are needed to make you feel safe? They already ready have an alphabet soup of bureaucracies sucking up tax dollars to protect our borders, natural disasters, food drugs, travel, FAA on and on and on… to no avail. They still fail at all levels to protect us defend us, take care of us, and cure us..keep on thinking this is all ok and keeping you safe..I don’t
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin

Anonymous said...

If you don't like your freedoms, give them away.

What the heck, people only died to make sure you still had them.

What were they thinking?