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Friday, November 12, 2010

NPR Says It's 'Imperative' That Its Federal Funding Not Be Cut

NPR said it's "imperative" that it receives federal funding in light of a recommended cuts by the leaders of President Obama's fiscal commission.

"Federal funding has been a central component of public radio stations’ ability to serve audiences across the country," NPR said in a statement.

"It’s imperative for funding to continue to ensure that this essential tool of democracy survives and thrives well into the future."

["Essential tool of democracy"?  Is this the laugh line?--  Editor]

The co-chairmen of Obama's fiscal commission, Democrat Erskine Bowles and Republican Alan Simpson, proposed eliminating funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, among other ideas, in their report on how to bring down the long-term debt in the U.S. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting assists NPR and PBS stations in their operations.

"The National Commission’s proposal to eliminate federal funding for public media would have a profound and detrimental impact on all Americans," NPR said in response to the proposal.     



Kim said...

It's only "an essential tool of democracy" when you agree with what they have to say. They are a bunch of hypocrites. George Soros can certainly afford to support them.

Anonymous said...

they have always been a left leaning organization/mouthpiece and should never have received our tax dollars. they need to be defunded forever......

Anonymous said...

Eliminate the federal funding, I'm sure NPR/PBS has plenty extra tote bags and coffee mugs to "give away" during pledge drives.

Anonymous said...

to conservatives, 'left-leaning media' simply means they don't have Palin on the cover or Rove on the payroll.

Anonymous said...

Pull the plug!

Anonymous said...

10:29 you really need to educate yourself. have you ever done a study on the founding of our nation; our founding fathers; American history? of course not through the "government" school system where they use revisionist history. please do this because your ignorance is showing everytime you give your opinion. i truly do challenge you to do this.... for your benefit. you will be absolutely amazed at what you learn.

Anonymous said...

why should the goverment support them? if a company cannot survive on its own then its obious no one wants thier product

Anonymous said...

it only impacts me by lowering the debt of the country. i never have or will listen to this station. couldn't find it on the radio. so shut them down.

Anonymous said...

Of course they are tools of democracy. the place is full of tools.

Anonymous said...

Uh, who is NPR? You mean that, whoever they are, we don't get to listen to them for free by being paid for by advertisers? If not, who pays for them and controls their message? Why does their message even need to be controlled and why by our Government?

Anonymous said...

12:22 you are right on about "revisionist history". Teach about America as the "shining city on the hill". Teach the kids that all blacks have done is create peanut butter and give a few good speeches. And inform the kids that we arrived at this level of prominence by simply waving flags and eating apple pie.

Anonymous said...

12:22, I must be ignorant because I don't see how any of that has anything to do with you loonies calling any media outlet "left-leaning" because it doesn't tow the Rush/Hannity/Beck line. But I'm sure with your genius and supreme understanding, you can explain it to us all.