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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sharpton Wants FCC To Ban Limbaugh

Liberal firebrand Rev. Al Sharpton is telling audiences that the Federal Communications Commission should take Rush Limbaugh off the airwaves because of perceived offenses toward racial minorities and other groups.

The attack was only the latest in a series of attacks by Democrats, including President Obama, who suggest that America's political discourse is being crippled by talk radio and cable news shows.

Specifically, Sharpton suggested that the FCC should establish "guidelines" or "standards" to regulate speech.

"You've got to remember that those stations that Rush Limbaugh is on and others are regulated by FCC, granted by FCC; they go back to them to get waivers," Sharpton said on his own radio show on Nov. 19th

"They go back to them to get consolidation," Sharpton continued. "They have the right to set standards. That does not impair your right to speak what you believe, but it does say that you are not going to do that to offend groups of Americans based on their race, their gender, their sexual status - none of that."          


Anonymous said...

The way Al Sharpton wants America to run is just like Nazi Germany under Adolph Hitler's regime.

Remember the old adage;

'They went to the neighbors home up the street and locked them-up, shortly thereafter they went to my next door neighbors home and locked them-up, then one day I heard the door knock, and they were there to arrest me and there was no one left to help rescue me because all of the opposition had been removed.'

Al Sharpton - if you remove Rush Limbaugh or others like him from the airwaves - there will be havoc in America. AND YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK!

lmclain said...

Democracy and freedom are not lost overnight, but gradually, in increments, .....just like this...its okay to say what you like, as long as I like it too...thats pretty much it, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Sharpton is nothing more than a professional racist. He has fostered more hate, racism and discourse among Americans than anyone (except maybe rev. wright) I can think of. He offends me every time I think of him. If anyone needs to be banned, he should be first on the list.

Cory said...

Al Sharpton needs to get a life he is only doing and saying this because he knows that what Rush Limbaugh says is the truth and he and the Libbys are threatened by people doing and thinking for themselves

Anonymous said...

Come on people. Have you ever listen to Rush Limbaugh.

I am a Black American who find him very hateful. I don't care what Jesse or Al have to say. They don't speak for me. However, one thing I do know is, Rush is full of hate. He expresses his hate over the radio and it speaks pure racism, that 'ole "Jim Crow" racism.

This man is not good for America if you believe every man, women and child regardless of their nationality, creed, race, sexuality and age have the right to live our lives together in peace. Rush Limbaugh is a racist.

Anonymous said...

To 12:01 - You are full of crap.

Some of Rush's best friends are black and they have come to his aid on more than one occasion.

Unfortunately - You have been influenced by people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Why don't you try taking a step back - and allow yourself to think instead of having people like Sharpton and Jackson thinking for you.

Anonymous said...

rushes right hand man on his radio program is black. he's not a racist.

the left just can't stand the truth, the light of day or common sense.

if the left hasn't figured out that the liberals want to keep you under the control of government by now then shame on you.......

Anonymous said...

12:01 Put your proof up or shut your punk mouth. You are nothing more then Al or Jesse all three of you race bait!

Anonymous said...

and they are going to wonder why why why when the people start raising up and some of them are taken out.

Anonymous said...

Gee I wish I could ban everyone and everything I didn't like. Sorry, I don't know for how much longer, but this still is AMERICA!

Sharpton is more racist than the ones he accuses of being racist in mho.

You keep stirring the pot and sooner or later something will get spilled on your feet.

Anonymous said...

Why is it one group gets so easily offended by what another group says or does?

And yet, this group is required to tolerate anything and everything that is directed at them?

Come on, I mean seriously, why does this group have to so responsible for its actions and others can do whatever they want and say it's ok. It's the other groups fault. If they hadn't done this or done that, or if they had done this instead of that, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

Anonymous said...

No one is more racist than the reverend Al, 'cept the rev. jackson.