
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Monday, October 04, 2010

Dear Joe,

I have some very exciting news: President Obama is coming to Maryland this Thursday, and we want you to be there.

The President will be firing up supporters at a special afternoon rally on the campus of Bowie State University in Bowie, MD. He'll lay out the choice we face this November between moving forward with Governor O'Malley, Lt Governor Brown, and other dedicated Democratic leaders across the state--or whether we slip backwards to the failed policies of the past.

Click here to RSVP for the rally with President Obama.

The stakes couldn't be higher, but with your help we will make sure we can have stronger public schools, affordable college, and better economic opportunities. Don't miss this opportunity to rally with President Obama.

Tickets will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • WHAT: Rally with President Obama.
  • WHERE: Campus of Bowie State University, Bowie, MD.  Carpooling and use of public transportation is encouraged -- the MARC Bowie stop is just steps from the rally.
  • WHEN: Doors open at 1 PM Thursday, October 7th.
Further details about the event will be emailed to those who RSVP here.


Anonymous said...

Who would want to associate with a bunch of losers?

Anonymous said...

hmmm...what about the failed policies of the past AND present? If the politicians haven't gotten the memo yet, we don't want what we've gotten the past 10 years(BushBama).

Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind would pay to see these nut jobs?

Anonymous said...

Failin' Palin is coming up to PA, Me and a few hundred of my closest friends are planning on booing her just like last time she crawled into the Philly area...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Failin' Palin is coming up to PA, Me and a few hundred of my closest friends are planning on booing her just like last time she crawled into the Philly area...

10:50 AM

Chuck Cook, next time sign your name!

Anonymous said...

For some reason I got the same stupid email. I treated it like spam and it was treated like a Virus.

Anonymous said...

10:50 am I wish you would explain to me why liberals, such as yourself, are so afraid of Sarah Palin. I am a very open minded person, and I just don't understand why people treat her this way. Explain, please?

Anonymous said...

Me and a number of my friends will be there so they wont be able to hear you...booo save it for halloween...BO

Anonymous said...


Can you photoshop in the missing member of the fearsome foursome -- Rick Pollitt -- an O'malley and Obama supporter. And he's Marty's campaign chairman in Wicomico County.

Anonymous said...

10:50 Wow you are so cool! Really admirable. So noble to bash a strong woman who tells the truth, isn't afraid of the political elites in either party stands for strong military, strong families and the Constitution. Do you have a job? Do you pay taxes? Do you have even primitive social skills? Any knowledge of American History?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the invite but I am counting the days till we no longer have to ever see his lying face and he gets sent back to Kenya or whereever he is really from.

Anonymous said...

Please list whoever wrote this post as Moron of the Week! Maryland is a stong nobama state!! To 10:50, you're a biggg man making biggg plans to boo a lady, I'm so impressed little boy! And you want us to believe you have a hundred friends?? HAHAHA

Anonymous said...


Answer to your question -- Rick Pollitt!

Anonymous said...


Answer to your question -- Rick Pollitt!

Anonymous said...

10:50 Typical Philly showing their brotherly love.

Anonymous said...

10:50 - I would not waste my time going to see someone I did not like, just to heckle, especially when common sense tells me the tables could easily turn, landing me in the hospital or jail. My family means more to me than acting stupid.

Don't you have more constructive things you could spend your time doing? When you choose to place yourself in a situation that disrupts other, you deserve what you get.

Joe, how did a Delaware resident and voter, who is very vocal against Obama and O'Malley end up getting an invitation?

Anonymous said...

I do want all those things, that is why i would never rally with Obama

Chimera said...

Why of all the prestigeous schools in Maryland,is he showing up at Bowie State?

Mardela said...

A president who has run our country into the ground and a governor who has done the same.

O'Malley ran Baltimore City into shambles, debt ridden and high crime and high taxes, he did the same with our state and idiots keep voting for him.

I don't see how any true American patriot could vote for any of these clowns.

I wish they would make business ownership or military leadership experience a requirement for public office.

Anonymous said...

11:37 - maryland is an obama state, at least where the vote is concerned the baltimore/dc corridor outvotes the rest of the state.

i think the shore need to form its own state

Anonymous said...

Please put Pollitt in that picture, too.

Anonymous said...

thank you 1:10 for pointing out the obvious to the dummie who stated otherwise.

And Palin is a complete moron. A lesson to all the idealogues, whether conservative or liberal. Standing by your priciples/ideaology is great only when you have actually taken the time to research your position prior to forming an opinion. Otherwise you just sound like a dumb redneck/ ghetto-fab welfare queen (you pick).

Anonymous said...

Perfect! What is Obama now...0 and 3 trying to "help" candidates? Owe'Malley is really toast now!

Anonymous said...

"Palin is a complete moron."
Well then what would you call Obama?

He's the one with the low approval rating.

He's the one with the failed policies.

I don't hear any of the democratics who are up for reelection claiming as one of their accomplishments that they voted for the health care bill or that they are for cap and trade. The list goes on and on.
The democratic candidates are afraid to be seen in public except for in controlled environments in which the guests are invited or screened. They too are sick of having to make up excuses and lies for this total failure of a president we have been burdened with.

Anonymous said...

Bowie State receives a lot of Fed. and state funds , very similar to UMES. Now put 2+2 together. You don't think he's trying to capture the young voters , do you?
Maybe he's giving them a choice , vote for him or else suffer the etc.
He has promised and gave nothing , now he will threaten or else.

Anonymous said...

You got to be a liberal , you would form a committee to see who will take the trash out. Would you use your right hand or your left?
Let's think about it , don't want to make the wrong decision.
Naw , your just a follower , like the rest of the Obama lovers.

Anonymous said...

Why do you say she is a moron 1;24? I would love to hear an intelligent factual arguement to prove such a statement. In fact a DEMOCRAT that worked in her cabinet in Alaska stated, much to his chagrin, that she was one of the most intelligent, fast on her feet, organised ,logical, ethical persons he has ever met. Palin also doesn't rely on reading speeches prepared by others off of a teleprompter. Do you not remember her speech at the Republican Convention? You know, after a Dem operative sabotaged the teleprompter and she gave it by memory? Palin can't be bought and thats what scares the crap out of you progressives.

Anonymous said...

Three Libtard buttheads on their way OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what I see in this picture.

Anonymous said...

Pretl & Pollitt:

Please car-pool to this event -- save gas & less carbon footprint.

Anonymous said...

who cares unless its hunting season

Anonymous said...

2:12 failed policies? While not in full agreement with Obama's policies, I must say only an idiot would expect that we're supposed to roar back into prosperity in less time than it took to collapse into a recession of historical proportions. The US economy is a lumbering ship, not a speed boat that can turn on a dime.

2:15, how many public colleges don't receive loads of fed money?

Any objective watcher could come to the same conclusion after her 2 national interviews during the campaign. Oh I forgot, "what books do you read?", is considered "gotcha journalism". Not to mention the absolute lack of knowledge (despite her experience) that she demonstrates every time any non-ulra conservative asks her a substantive question. All she knows is catch-phrases.

Anonymous said...

He needs to visit Shffers favorite place.THE EASTERN SHORE

Anonymous said...

Hey 1:24, maybe I was talking about the people who are smart enough to know obama is a loser and everything he touches turns into a huge pile of crap! You're obviously just another sad little boy looking for a leader to follow because you're too ignorant to be able to see the forest for the trees. Funny you brough up a ghetto-fab welfare queen, sounds like you have experience with them!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes 3:40 FAILED POLICIES! Name one the this administations policies that the democrats are campaigning on? Name one accomplishment Obama can claim? He had done NOTHING other than dig us deeper into dept!

My all time favorite was Pelosi exclaiming how we have to pass the bill (health care) so we can read it and you all are calling Palin the moron???

Anonymous said...

Obama's only accomplishment is to divide the country like never before.

Anonymous said...

Reading all these comments, its sounds to me like you're all freaking morons, and I'll leave it there.

Anonymous said...

Obama should be way to busy trying to solve the HUGE problems facing our country to spend any time getting involved in state politics. Between that wasted effort and his visits to morning talk shows, no wonder nothing gets done. GET BACK TO WORK, JERK!

Anonymous said...

Throw in Stribling, Grout, Johanssan with Pretl and send their silly butts up there. Oh, wait a minute, Pollitt might have thought about going but they have let him down. Ricky, you need to return to your roots.

Anonymous said...'s like the paper boy running the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Funny, 2:30 must have disappeared because he/she could not defend Palin against the truth.

4:25, who cares what Dems run on, they are all politicians just like the right. But objective analysis shows that the stimulus prevented a depression, had a positive impact on employment (although not as strong as promised), and I don't know if the Rush Limbaugh filter let it get through to you that under Obama we have really ratched up the fight against terrorism in Afghan. Just naming a few areas of success here.

But I'm sure the rebuttals will be heavy on childish insults, light on facts.

Anonymous said...

"had a postive impact on employment", 7:04? Ever since Obama assumed office the unemployment numbers have sky rocketed. We saw a slight decline this summer due to the seasonal nature of some jobs which is common. Private sector employers have refused to hire due to among other things this joke of a health care bill, which no one seems to understand and our legislators haven't even read!
Now the latest is the new Supreme Court Justice-you know the one who is going to sit out alot of the cases!!!
But Palin's a moron and Bush is stupid?

And the "who cares what Dems run on" is a real gem. That speaks volumes to the mentality of the Democratic voters and supporters.

Anonymous said...

10:07 check the CBO report before spouting anymore nonsense. And I'm concerned with who's going to be the best politician to get the right things done. I'm not concerned about which party they come from and I'm mostly concerned with what MY candidates (O'Donnell vs. Coons) stand for. Not what the national party/media is trying to tell me to do.

Anonymous said...

No I'm not checking the Congressional Budget Office report as all the CBO does is projections, forecasts and outlooks. Kinda like what a psychic does. For the actual statistics on the unemployment rate go to the US Dept of Labor.

Anonymous said...

12:46 selective cherry picking of the facts is not the way to win a debate. Not to mention that the economy was in an absolute tail spin that any objective onlooker would not expect to stop on a dime. It's going to take a little more in depth thought, which now I'm sure you are incapable/unwilling to do.

Anonymous said...

I never claimed the economy wasn't going downhill before Obama took office. A quick look at the "facts" will lead one to the beginning of this financial crisis which was the mortgage breakdown. A quick look at the beginning of the mortgage breakdown leds one to 2002 when Bush and McCain wanted to hold hearings fearing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in crisis. These hearings were blocked by Barney Frank and the rest of the democrats in congress at the time.

Anonymous said...

.The students at BSU are going to support him because liberals like him and OMalley make it possible for them to skate thru college with all expenses paid on mediocre grades.....