Some have been trying to make comments implying they thought things would get better with a new police Chief in Salisbury. We ALL know who's trying to make those kind of comments, (JT) however, with a former Police Chief who claimed he didn't see a thing, while pulling Casey Tilghman off Rachel Polk, denying there were any Gangs in Salisbury, I highly doubt things are going to change overnight.
It took many years allowing things to get out of control to get to this point and it will take many more years to fix it. Yes, things are very bad in Salisbury. Now is the time to show any and all support, (no matter who the Chief of Police is) to help curb crime.
Having a Mayor who picks on the SPD first, reducing their budget and then allows a $900,000.00 Fire Boat to be purchased when the City clearly doesn't need it, nothing will change until the City gets their priorities straight.
Making stupid statements and pointing fingers at someone like me will NOT help curb crime in the City of Salisbury.
Facing it head on and doing what we can to stop it is the answer, or at least part of the answer. This Mayor and City Council need to act fast. Wasn't it more than a year ago Council President Louise Smith read a statement before a Council Meeting stating something must be done right away, then she reduced their budget!
Start using your heads when you vote next time Folks. People are dying. They're getting murdered. Sarah, Anitra, the list goes on and on. Innocent people are being killed on the streets and in their homes.
What do YOU think can be done to stop these murders?
When you say "these murders", which ones do you mean? The drug deal gone bad murders?
Salisbury city needs a housecleaning, and it has to be a long-term, multi-generational approach, starting with two parents (2) bringing up their children and teaching them that responsibility and education are the only ways that we can survive.
There's not a city in the country that has gotten a handle on drug-for-profit crime. Some would say that the drug laws have to change, but what to put in their place?
Before we comment on this lets see what was cause of death.Lets look at the facts 2 black persons dead one male/one female.The bloods and crypts are more notorious for drive by's than a hit as it were.
This apartment backed Harvard custom maybe a employee at that location who knows.
Remember the 2 boys in Hebron that was homicide also.Homicide: 1. The killing of a person. 2. Strictly speaking, the killing of a man. femicide. From the Latin meaning murderer, from homo, man + caedere, to kill.
Maybe a burglary gone bad ? the sad fact is ,We balance money and crime.More money more cops .Also more intrusion into our privacy
The facts are most 'homicides' are family on family black on black etc.It is just the facts to ponder.
Joe simple raise better kids .Show them better ways and work to keep parents together.Finally accept that there will always be junkies and those type of people .It is just how you deal with them that will shape our future.
And yes I vote
Rick Pollitt - shame on you. The sheriff's dept needs more resources not budget cuts and furlough days. Cut your own salary and take furlough days with all of the talking heads who do nothing in the county. I am a little disappointed in the County Council for allowing the budget cuts and furlough to the sheriff's dept. Mike Lewis has saved the county alot of money by going after the drug money and things that are confiscated during a drug bust. I don't remember Nelms doing anything like that (?). It does my heart good when I see the new sheriff's cars with the statement about being bought with drug money.
Mayor Ireton - shame on you and city council for allowing the purchase of the fire boat. Chief Barkley was trained under one of the best police chiefs Salisbury has ever seen. I was a teenager then an adult when Colburne Dykes was chief and you didn't worry about driving in Salisbury at night like you have to now. If you got pulled over for something, it may have been Chief Dykes himself.
I am glad I now live in the county.
I know the gang thing was not overnight and it will not go away overnight, but PLEASE give law enforcement the resources they need to do their job and get rid of the crime.
Judges put them away. No more slaps on the wrist because his daddy wasn't around or he found religion between the time of the crime and the court date. They can get relgion in jail and prison. There are groups who go to the jails and prisons every week for prayer services.
that. was. gibberish.
The Mayor needs to make Ivan the Police Chief now. Why do we need to wait and WHAT are we waiting for?
society lacks the testicular fortitude to properly handle this situation. it's come to this because some of us in todays society, have allowed it. instead of swiftly rounding these animals up and executing them, some of us (liberals) speak of embracing them, trying to understand what brought them to this lowly state.
bring back public execution. and without them sitting on death row for 20 years. clean house
Salisbury is turning into one of the worst cities in America..Come on people lets clean up the streets and take back our once beautiful city..Chase the druggies and trash out of here.. It is not a good place anymore to live,,,
Stop chasing the college kids and deal with the real thugs. Didn't they have a grant to fund more police to crack down on underage drinking? Get grants to fund cracking down on gangs and juvenilles. More police to start shaking down the petty crimes like drinking on the corner and loitering. Anyone out and about needs to be ready to show ID and explain what you are doing out at 2 am.
It's amazing that you can somehow blame the Mayor every time somebody gets shot. The fact is that we live in an area which is supported by the poultry and seafood market. These jobs are not very high paying, and with poverty comes crime. That our city is dissected by a major drug route (Rt. 13) most certainly leads to higher levels of violence. Finally, the absence of a true downtown (due to the bypass) has driven away the supplementary beach traffic.
Your cost of living in Salisbury is low...you can either deal with the residual crime, or drive up the cost of living to force out the poverty. If you really want to live in an area that has less crime, move.
Don't forget about the gang related murder on Charles Street last night. Homey was capped and now he be dead. Three murders in the city in one night. This place is not safe any longer. Thanks Mayor Ireton.
Anonymous said...
The Mayor needs to make Ivan the Police Chief now. Why do we need to wait and WHAT are we waiting for?
6:36 PM
What has this got to do with the murders? Do you think the murders would have been prevented if Ivan was appointed chief? WTH
Ryan Long, it IS the MAYOR'S fault! with crime out of control, he cut's the police dept's budget for equipment, cars, overtime ect, denies the dept the manpower it truely needs, and hasn't given the officers so much as a cost of living increase in 4 years (but he did furlough them this year). So while he can't control society, he CAN control what the police have to work with!
HEY MAYOR, the blood is on your hands and it ain't gonna wash off with soap and water!
6:09 Haven't you been paying attention. Some member of the council voted against the budget for the reason it didn't include more money to the sheriff's office.
I haven't heard if the victim from the Charles St. shooting is dead or alive yet. He did get shot in the head, though, so his changes are probably slim.
6:09 here here! Ireton cut police. Louise Smith cut police. Shanie Shields cut police. They along with Gary Comegys voted for the fire boat.
Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen did NOT vote for the fire boat. I remember watching the budget pass that night as the two of them found money and begged the other two (Comegys was out ill) to reinstate some police furlough days.
Louise Smith, you lied to everyone! Shanie Shields just eats candy, snorts and says Dats Right.
I live just shy of the city limits. It doesn't make me feel better. These crimes hit way too close to home.
Debbie, Terry, I can't vote for you, but you have my support!
Before the city buys anymore toys that they might need "IF" this happens or "IF" that happens. How about we deal with the problems at hand. They keep spending money incase this might happen..... or that might happen. There ARE things happening and the police dont have the funding or enough officers to deal with it all.
As long as criminals keep killing criminals ,I say have at it takes that kind out of the gene pool.
Something needs to be done and it needs to start now. While the problem is not going to disappear overnight, city leaders need to make some serious changes immediately. The state of the Salisbury city police department is a travesty! Budget have been cut, they send those boys out most nights in cars that break down, and there aren’t enough of them to clean up our streets.
Currently, I will venture to say there are only two city officers left on the drug force(or whatever technical name the city police department wants to give it)….Seriously are you kidding me???? Now you tell me how that’s supposed to clean up drugs. I don’t care if those two officers worked 24/7, it is an impossible job. Actually, I also believe it was those two who hit one of this biggest drug raids in Salisbury last year. Way to go boys!!! Now give them a little man power and where could our city be. Instead, city leaders cut budget and then wonder why our city is doing so poorly. I would also like people to keep in mind that police officers always put their life at risk for others. Sending officers out into Salisbury with little to no man power or support is like giving a death sentence.
Joe, speaking of crime, will you be reporting live from the courthouse tomorrow on John Robinson's latest criminal trial? (See Maryland Judicial Case Search-- case #0H00055412) Is this a$$hole still PTA president @ Bennett Middle??
Anonymous said...
Joe, speaking of crime, will you be reporting live from the courthouse tomorrow on John Robinson's latest criminal trial? (See Maryland Judicial Case Search-- case #0H00055412) Is this a$$hole still PTA president @ Bennett Middle??
2:05 AM
This should be interesting...look who his attorney is..
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801 - 0000
Convince the citizens and witnesses to provide police with information. There are people out there that know who have committed 90 % of the crimes. They are either too scared or just dont want to give up their boys to the 50. If you eliminate low income housing and rentals you will cut crime by at least 75%. Thats a fact.
raid each and every black house. isnt it ironic that virtually every crime in salisbury has been listed as "2 black males, 20s-30s, wearing dark clothes"?
The community needs to ban together. Keep a sharp eye on what is going on in their neighborhoods, take pictures and videos, and turn them into the police.
The SPD needs to have the manpower and resources to deal with the problems at hand. Their are some very fine officers at the SPD, but they could do a much better job, and morale would be better, if they had the proper resources to work with. The only way that this will change is when the citizens of Salisbury ban together to vote in a REAL mayor and council that truly care about our city.
The time is now Salisbury to take the actions that will help us to take back our streets. The road will be long and hard, but it can happen!
Anonymous said...
I haven't heard if the victim from the Charles St. shooting is dead or alive yet. He did get shot in the head, though, so his changes are probably slim.
10:43 PM
When you can look through the wound from front to rear I would say his chances are slim. DUH!!
Anonymous said...
6:09 Haven't you been paying attention. Some member of the council voted against the budget for the reason it didn't include more money to the sheriff's office.
10:37 PM
Obviously you haven't been paying attention. We are talking about the Salisbury Police Department and not the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office.
Anonymous said...
The community needs to ban together. Keep a sharp eye on what is going on in their neighborhoods, take pictures and videos, and turn them into the police.
The SPD needs to have the manpower and resources to deal with the problems at hand. Their are some very fine officers at the SPD, but they could do a much better job, and morale would be better, if they had the proper resources to work with. The only way that this will change is when the citizens of Salisbury ban together to vote in a REAL mayor and council that truly care about our city.
The time is now Salisbury to take the actions that will help us to take back our streets. The road will be long and hard, but it can happen!
12:30 PM
Hey idiot, it is not my job to keep a sharp eye on what is going on in our neighborhood. That is what I pay taxes for. Take pictures and videos? Have you lost your mind? That is a sure way to get capped. It is my job to move out of the city and find a safe neighborhood in the county to raise my kids.
I have a question. Latest is that the male was strangled (suffocated) and the woman was stabbed?? But in the original articles, it was said that the neighbors heard gunshots, but didn't call the police? How did they know to go check on that apartment then if there were no gunshots? Could the killer have called 911? Why did they go do a welfare check on the property? How did they know to? Just curious.
i heard the psychics figured it out...
Is Emory Court subsidized?I didnt think it was but who knows....no place in Salisbury is safe anymore.With all due respect to Sheriff Lewis, all the property he seixes from drug dealers isnt making these people any less dead nor any of the others killed in Salisbury.
Its every citizens job to report a crime or suspicious activities. Police are not mind readers and cant be everywhere. If you want lower crime then man up and report what you see. If you wont then shutup and stop complaining. Its as much your fault as the criminal if you dont.
At 12:59 - As far as I know, this blog was the only place that said there were gunshots heard the day before. I live in the building next door and didn't hear a thing - but it wouldn't surprise me if there were another gunshot, this place is a hellhole.
The press claims the families asked for a police check at the apartment because they were unable to contact the victims for a while. No forced entry.
Love triangle gone bad?
anonymous 6:36, let it be known that you also heard it here first, THERE WERE NO GUN SHOTS. While I'm not at liberty to explain at this time and haven't been since our original Post, there's LOTS more to come on this matter.
When did Davis Ruark return as States' Attorney? I will say this, with personal experience, too, took me personally calling the police/his office, then 2 years to have an autopsy performed and well over 10 years later for the 'suspicious' individual to be 'talked to', but not 'questioned'. Never did get the answers to a lot of questions! But, did learn years later, the same 'suspicious' individual cleaned out other bank accounts just across the state line and falsified documents, then years later the same 'suspicious' individual is incarcerated for other crimes. If the family was not white, I believe the individual would've been incarcerated.
The office did nothing to help learn the truth.
Please feel free to print my name.
Also, the state of the Salisbury city police department has been a travesty!
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