A 2008 voter-intimidation case has become a political controversy for the Obama administration as conservative lawyers, politicians and commentators raise concerns that the Department of Justice has failed to protect the civil rights of white voters.
The discussion centers on whether the Justice Department's civil rights division mishandled a lawsuit against members of the New Black Panther Party, which was filed weeks before the Obama administration took office. The suit was focused on the party and two of its members, who stood out front of a polling place in Philadelphia on Election Day 2008 wearing military gear. They were captured on video and were accused of trying to discourage some people from voting. One carried a nightstick.
Conservatives complained last year when Justice officials narrowed the case, dropping the party and one of the men and focusing only the bearer of the stick. Department officials have said since then that they did not have sufficient evidence to pursue the case against the other defendants. Justice officials who served in the Bush administration have countered that the department had enough evidence to pursue the case more fully and called the decision to narrow it political. The matter caught the attention of some Republican lawmakers, who held up the confirmation of President Obama's assistant attorney general for civil rights for months asking for a congressional review of the case.
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You can argue the merits of the case but I want you ultra conservatives to realize how much Rush, Hannity, and Beck of all mislead you. While they play constant video and then claim the case isn't being prosecuted, it should be clear after reading this that the man who all the commentators keep singling out IS being prosecuted.
I bet if the man carrying the nightstck was white and intimidating black voters the case wouldn't be dropped. It would have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Typical thug poitics practiced by the Obama administration.
To 7:11-You are the one being mislead by the MSM. Yes, they were prosecuted. The justice department got a conviction by default because they didn't even bother to show up for the court hearing. Then the case was dropped. There was no punishment other than to tell the leader not to show up at that polling place for three years. Maybe is you listened to to Rush, Hannity and Beck you would be a little better informed about how America is being destroyed from the inside out. Try it for a week-I'm sure you will find it enlightening (and chilling).
i would suggest anyone go to a 'predomenently white' neighborhood that votes primarily republican and dress as a KKK member. no weapons or batons needed, just the garb. if anyone tries to arrest you or sue you, think of all the money you can get from that lawsuit!
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