Print one or more copies and display or circulate this flyer at the rally in downtown Salisbury today – at the Government Office Building, starting at 5 PM. If the mainstream media is there, show it to the reporter and ask that he/she interview Rick Pollitt to ask why he does not listen to the people.
The Wicomico County Council can cut Pollitt's office budget hope they have the guts.
It is my experience that he listens to many people. He may not agree with all of them, but he does what he thinks is best for the county with the best advice available to him. Reasonable men/women can disagree; it doesn't mean he isn't listening. I bet for every mouthpiece on Salisbury News, there are just as many who agree with Rick - they just aren't fans of Joe's blog. Just because he may not follow YOUR wishes, doesn't mean he is a red commie dictator. How about some balanced reporting instead of this crap? Joe, I have come to expect better of you. Am I wrong?
anonymous 12:26, aka Michael Schwartz, Yeah I know, it kills you to know how I know who certain people are, doesn't it.
Anyhow, in some cases we have ghost writers that send in articles who do not wish to be recognized and this is one of them.
I personaly like Rick Pollitt and anyopne who knows me well enough, (including Rick) knows I didn't put this together.
Everyone has their right to freedom of speech and as I have stated many times in the past, I don't always agree with everything I Post.
I hope that helps and Michael, the next time, just use your real name.
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