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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Arizona Bill Cracks Down On Illegals

Arizona lawmakers are on the cusp of approving one of the toughest measures against illegal immigration in the nation by expanding the authority of local police to check the status of individuals suspected of being in the country unlawfully.

The measure, which is expected to become law, is re-igniting passionate debate over a topic with broad implications for both political parties.

"We're going to take the handcuffs off the police and put them on the bad guys," said state Sen. Russell Pearce, an illegal immigration foe who dismissed suggestions that the bill would result in police roundups of innocent residents.

He said it is necessary to combat an illegal immigrant-driven crime wave that has resulted in Arizona becoming a top state for kidnappings and "the carjacking-identity theft capital of the nation." It's aimed at "the drug cartels, human smugglers, the gang members," the Republican said.

More here


Anonymous said...

Great to give them this authority but INS and the government are not going to do anything on their part of sending them back to where they belong. The President does not support sending them back and the INS has so many illegals now they don't have anywhere to put anymore of them. INS and Border Patrol Officers are even told not to pursue illegals due to lack of funds and housing (jails) to place them.

Anonymous said...

Want to talk about the Constitution? This reeks of UN-Constitutional. Arizona is in a world of sh*t on this one.

Anonymous said...

"the president does not support sending them back..."

Maybe because of the reasons you highligt in your comment. How the hell can we afford to transport them all back and house them in the mean time.

We need to continue to enforce workplace raids where the businesses hiring these people get hit the hardest. You will see illegals running for the border pretty quick when they can't find work here.

Anonymous said...

Only if more states in the Unioun took this stance. In the article it states, "...the bill would result in police roundups of innocent residents." These people are not innocent if they are in our country illegally. Get them the hell outta here!

Anonymous said...

It's about damn time!!! Nothing unconstitutional about it as they do not fall under the protection of the constitution. You have to be an actual citizen to enjoy that. Liberal jerks just don't seem to get it or flat don't care. You don't mind stomping all over the rest of our rights to further your damn "social justice" agenda so don't be surprised when the dam breaks and the rest of us violate a few of yours.