OK...update, a lady called me this afternoon saying she had 7 puppies and when the kids went out to check this morning one puppy was missing..I forwarded her a picture of the puppy and she said it was hers!! So the owner was located!
Her neighbor actually took my number over to her and told her about the blog. She actually is actually looking for homes for the others if anyone is interested just let me know. The puppy is 1/2 jack russel and I believe 1/2 sneaky neighbor dog which she seems to think is a larger type brown dog, probably a lab. Either way, after my sitter spent the day with this cutie she is considering keeping her.
Thanks Joe for posting my story as soon as she told me she found it, I immediately thought of you and putting her pic on your blog and thanks to everyone who reads this daily and helps everyone out!!
how much does she want for the other ones?
i think she said about $10.00 i will be calling her tomorrow and i will find out what she wants to do and ill post it on here tomorrow :-)
Hope she uses the money to get the mother spayed!
i want one!!!!!
ok, the owners name is Joanna and she has 6 puppies left. She says they will be ready by next weekend 5/8 her number is 302-381-2433. she is not charging for the puppies :-) and they all look pretty much like this little cutie in the picture. So glad that I found the owner and if she is able to giveaway the others, its nice to know that everyone helps everyone out on this blog! Thanks Joe. (and always, thanks for always correcting my punctuation! lol) Carrie
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