At times there is zero visibility on Spring Hill Road, taken just a few minutes ago. I thought Parents should get an idea of what the ride home for some kinds might be. Oh, by the way, that is a vehicle coming towards me in the last shot, you just can't see it.
Whew! Nice work Joe! I beleive Ol John F. is experiencing a white out as his brain!! Get off you A$$ John and get on the road and see what the taxpayers and parents that pay your salary are telling you. Its not good out there for kids in buses...period!
Very Cool Photography !
I hate snow! I thought I got away from that crap when I moved down here.
4:00 it followed you lol
I like! Warm air meeting the snow. Could spring be around the corner?
Wow. Can't believe this. Worse than my roads that are still bad!
I see the car, and anyone driving slow enough for those conditions (school buses included!) would see it and be safe on this road. Do you think schools are closed all winter in rural areas of New England, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Montanta, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, etc.? Yes, they have more equipment there, but I can tell you from experience, many roads in those areas are much worse than this from November-March...and school isn't canceled.
We need to take some personal responsibility like the folks out west and quit expecting the government to take care of us!
Could you imagine having to work on these roads in these types of conditions? I think anyone who has to be out there, they should be give off work.....paid. They are just too dangerous, I mean with all the traffic and whatnot.
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