The Housing and Community Grant Urban Salisbury was trying to get to revitalize Downtown Salisbury didn't make the cut. It's been reported that there just wasn't enough money to go around.
Another pie in the sky idea to keep Urban Salisbury afloat and it worked, for now.
As I stated in the past Folks, let the property owners revitalize the Downtown area and leave GOVERNMENT out of it. They are the Investors. Maybe now every one will listen?
I am glad it did not go through. How fair is it that some people in a select area get free money for building uplifts. I say bs. If the building owners want to revive a dead location then they need to pony up. Urban SBY serves a few select people and the rest of us are bait.
anonymous 3:40, Well Said!
Get used to it because free money is drying up every where because the government is broke. They should have never spent tax dollars on this kind of stuff.
Why has salisbury had such a hard time with down town for so many many many years!?!?! Take a look at thriving cities like Asheville, NC or Staunton, VA. It's not rocket science for goodness sake.
Get your facts straight.
The money wasn't going to property owners. It was for design of infrastructure.
As for "not enough money to go around" Pure BS. DHCD gave out over $4,000,000 in grants plus a bunch of tax credits.
And the City didn't get other grants it applied for.
Salisbury was ignored but the plan is solid. Much more solid than the crap posted on this website. Let's see if you'll post this truth.
anonymous 4:11, keep government hands out of it as well as special interest groups, (Urban Salisbury) and the Downtown will do just fine.
As for anonymous 4:11 #2, How's that tax credit BS Barrie Tilghman came up with on her tax free arts district working for you now????? Yeah, a complete crock.
Salisbury was ignored because of all the NEW PRESS it's receiving. The kind of PRESS Salisbury isn't used to, THE TRUTH.
The more the Blogs continue to grow, the more communities and individuals become more accountable. Hey, I know, here's a perfect example. Just Google Barrie Tilghman or the City of Salisbury real quick and look what pops up. I say no more. Welcome to Salisbury News.
Level downtown, make it a waterpark.
There will never be a revitalized downtown. You have to have some culture in order to have a cultural epicenter. Its a dead horse everything they've tried is always supported by the same small lot of doctors and business owners wives and wanna be arty farty types. They just need to accept its a wal-mart nascar bubba mentality that could care less on the shore.
anonymous 5:16, you're exactly right. Everything they have tried has failed.
The ONLY people that have tried is Barrie Tilghman and her creation of Urban Salisbury.
Tell me ONE thing Barrie Tilghman did that didn't fail, seriously.
Let the property owners do their own thing. If it fails, it fails. However, the Plaza is coming to life once again, little by little. Keep Government and Special Interests out of it.
They should make it an open air crafters/farmers market on weekends. Nothing except Eric the barber and Parker Place is open anyway down there on weekends.
Please get real - the plaza property owners have never put 10 cents into it and have always tried to get the City to subsidize it. Barrie T. did so (to get votes and keep Ahtes happy) until it became an embarassment, then she canned it.
First step to salvation: close it to vehicles and spruce it up for spring.
5:21 Exactly!
I'm sorry to hear about this. Urban Salisbury had a good idea: Invest public funds in creating infrastructure that will in-turn be a catalyst for private investment & growth. For the most part Downtown Salisbury was laid out in the late 19th century; East Main in the 19-teens & 20's. At that time it was ideal for the business of the era. Things have changed & the way we do business has changed. Urban Salisbury wanted to bring us into the 21st century. I have to respectfully disagree with you who say that the government has no role here. I think they do have a very important albeit limited role in helping to create an environment where business can flourish. Eisenhower created the Interstate system with tax dollars to do just that. I don't think any of you would disagree that the US interstate system was a good idea. It's been the backbone of our economy (the most powerful economy in the World) for over 50 years & I can't imagine what we would be like without it.
9:11're an idiot.
You can just take a look at the people involved on the Urban Salisbury Committee and know it was not going to go anywhere. Mike Dunn did a couple of appearances at the meetings and then left cause things didn't go his way. Poor Mike. And, the Executive Director, well, I won't even go there. You figure it out.
10:44 pm
No. He's not an idiot. You are a simply too ignorant, arrogant or foolish to understand his comments.
Stick with walmart and nascar, Bubba. You can't appreciate the rest of the world.
Respectfully I disagree. The property owners don't have the money to revitalize downtown.
The government on the other hand, can print its own money. Hence, endless supply of fiat currency.
Only government can save us by continuing to print fiat money. It is illegal for the rest of us to print money.
How can we compete with this government?
anonymous 7:58, YOU are the exact reason this country is failing. YOU DON'T GET IT and you never will.
Then Let It Fail! If the property owners can't invest into their own future, LET THEM FAIL.
maybe, some money will be granted towards the state of our streets. have you seen the potholes since the snow? pay attention to what needs attention & let what imo constitutes
dream planning wait for another, better day.
Anonymous 10:44 PM, That's an interesting point you bring up. Very clever & well put. I always hate to see the best comments shrouded in anonymity...but I understand, in this case, why you'd want to keep it on the down-low.
As a business owner in Downtown Salisbury, I do find it very disappointing that we did not receive funding to pump life back into the heart of our city.
On the other hand, I have been saying for years now that what we need to do first is to develop a recruiting package containing information on available spaces, A&E tax credits, facade grants and revolving loans. Take this package and pitch it to small businesses.
If this could have started 2 or 3 years ago, we would have much more to show for now.
I am sure that when deciding who was going to get money from the grant, the committee looked at our current downtown much tax $$$ are they getting back out of us? what is our occupied space vs. vacant space? how many current occupants are retail, restaurants, etc.?
If we could build our retail, restaurant, and bar aspect of downtown (more "nightlife") over the next few years, we would be able to receive future grant monies.
- Katie
Velvet Pearl
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