In a 4 to 3 vote, Wicomico County voted to move forward with the purchase on the 5 acre parcel of land at the old mall. That being said, it is what it is and my guess is that things will change quite a bit face wise in the next election on the County Council.
Now, let me move on to something that bothered me to no end. Look, when Public Works started discussing the snow removal in the County, while I truly appreciate their efforts, barely mentioning the fact that the Farmers played a role in snow removal was simply disgusting to me personally.
If I were in their shoes, I would have thanked the Farmers far more than the Public Works Staff and let me tell you why. The Farmers were NOT compensated a single PENNY for ALL of the work they did.
I know of certain Farmers that cleared, (are you ready) 5 MILES of roadway on their own. I know of another Farmer that spent hours upon hours on one snow drift. Mind you, they were only able to make way in one direction but at least it was passable.
So, for what it's worth Mr. & Mrs Farmer, I truly Thank You from the bottom of my heart. YOU are the backbone of the Eastern Shore and you clearly proved these past few weeks that without you the Eastern Shore would be completely crippled. I should also add, there were several Contractors who had equipment who were also out there helping out.
Let me also add, this was ALL done at their own risks! If a piece of equipment failed, blew up, went off the road, this was their own loss/expense. So the mere fact that Wicomico County patted their own people on the back and didn't recognize these Farmers and Contractors like they should have simply disgusts me. Shame on ALL of them!
Farmers never get credit for their hard work, just criticism.
Usually they don't get attention unless they want to develop their land.
Just because they aren't government employees, that doesn't mean they weren't instrumental.
Another storm will surely come before this winter ends, let's see who is helping then.
They should form some sort of pact with the area farmers so if this happens again they have the ability to acess the farmers. They can spend money on about everything else they can think of, compinsating the farmers for fuel would not be that much to ask.
Does anyone know who voted for the purchase the parking lot
I'll do it too. Thank's Farmer Lee Richardson, I saw you out there clearing driveways for free. Thanks, Jeff Brown from Chesapeake Paving, I saw you plow the parking lot of the Pittsville Elementary no cost to the county. I also know that you contacted the county and offered to clear Jones Hastings Rd. for free and were told NOT to do it. Just look at it now! :( Thanks to the countless contractors, farmers, and everyday people who cleared out the driveways of the elderly at no cost.
Gail, Joe & Stevie voted against it.
Joe, how much money do you want to bet that after this article they'll be handing out proclomations to them now.
Maybe they should pay the farmers for all their hard work instead of wasting tax payer money on a freaking parking lot!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, Joe, you see what arrogant a$$es we have for County Council right along with with King of them all Mr. County Executive himself. This makes me ill - they no more care what the people of this county want than a man in the moon. This is why so many people just don't express anything because they are going to do exactly as they want anyway. It's sickening. To all people out there, please remember this when it's time to vote again.
I didn't see that you posted this. Please delete my duplicate mention of the council vote, if you like.
These names should be mentioned and here's a big thanks to them: Hammond, Patey, Richardson, Collins, Holloway, Oakley, Wright, Kenney, Brittingham...... Please continue to add to this list so that the residents will know who helped with this monumental task. Thank you to those who took it upon themselves to clear the snow from the roads without any compensation but out of concern and love for this county.
the community pulled together to weather this storm while it's "non-essential" government stayed home and hid. they did nothing for us but wait for the snow to melt!
12:54 You must of been watching on PAC 14 cause one of the council members did suggest a proclamation to show appreciation to the farmers for helping clear the roads.
Justin Case,
You must not have read my article very close.
"Look, when Public Works started discussing the snow removal in the County, while I truly appreciate their efforts, barely mentioning the fact that the Farmers played a role in snow removal was simply disgusting to me personally."
Larry Blazejack saved alot of people on Providence church road with his four wheel drive tractor.
Local farmer Mike Malone cleared my mother's and neighbors,s driveways. But he had to clear impassable drifts along the county roads to get to the driveways first. He didn't ask for a dime. Thanks Mr. Malone!
Congratulate County Roads? Where in the hell Are Wicomico County Roads? 4X today, I have seen SHA still clearing roads and sidewalks; 2X today, I had to pull over to allow over cars to pass on a County road! The only County Roads vehicles I saw were trucks with 2 employee's riding around. Were it not for SHA, independent contractors, farmers and good citizens, Wicomico County would still be in a state of emergency.
I believe County employees, for the most part, are hard working men and women. Senior management of County Roads, Rec & Parks have violated the oath to serve citizens of Wicomico County. Highest piggy-back tax rate in the State, and for what? $300,000 per acre for a parking lot, for an out-dated venue, unable to compete with neighboring counties!
Thanks to the 3 Council members who voted against this 'white elephant'; and to the 4 who did; remember, election time is coming! Are you going to stand on your voting record?
amen pitmaster 2:20pm over and over again.
Don't try driving down Gumby Rd. It's a disaster...along with the stretch of Phillip Morris Dr. between Mt.Hermon Rd. & Rt.50.
Thank Oren Perdue's son for clearing Mt. Hermon Manor. He was the first farmer to arrive on the scene and he did an exceptional job in helping to clear our development.
Johnnie Miller
Thanks to Gail, Stevie & Joe for voting against the parking lot purchase. I wrote an e-mail to the county council expressing my opinion, NOT to buy the small amount of acreage for that amount of money. I received a reply (probably automated) from Matt Creamer. Then I received a personal e-mail from Gail, because she is from my district. I could tell it was not automated because addressed specific issues I had written about. She stated she was reading every e-mail sent to the council.
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