I’d like to get your honest opinion on something. And I’m not looking for the limelight here by getting this posted on your blog. WBOC has been ramming it down my/our throats for about a week now of their “exclusive” interview with Sarah Foxwell’s mother. Ok… I can get with the fact that they’ve interviewed her. And I can even understand why she might want to be interviewed. BUT… the commercials have now changed. It’s the way they’re selling it now Joe that sickens me. WBOC is using this “anticipation” angle, playing on the fact that Sarah wasn’t living with her mother. The news anchors are playing it all up, then saying “tune in if you want to find out”. I just don’t like that… so much so that I’m not even going to watch the interview. Is it just me? Or is WBOC playing the public for ratings? Am I off base here?"
I’d like to get your honest opinion on something. And I’m not looking for the limelight here by getting this posted on your blog. WBOC has been ramming it down my/our throats for about a week now of their “exclusive” interview with Sarah Foxwell’s mother. Ok… I can get with the fact that they’ve interviewed her. And I can even understand why she might want to be interviewed. BUT… the commercials have now changed. It’s the way they’re selling it now Joe that sickens me. WBOC is using this “anticipation” angle, playing on the fact that Sarah wasn’t living with her mother. The news anchors are playing it all up, then saying “tune in if you want to find out”. I just don’t like that… so much so that I’m not even going to watch the interview. Is it just me? Or is WBOC playing the public for ratings? Am I off base here?"
I saw the commercials also. Very very unprofessional of WBOC. Greedy towards wanting ratings since they have dropped
I totally agree with you..she is probably getting or has already been paid for the interview..what a low blow on this innocent child's memory.
Do you know anyone that brings in viewers or visitors that does not try and do that? It's all just part of the game.
listen folks, go live some where else. learn what it's like to live in the big city, get a real education and some culture, then come back here to live, but understand you do not live here for anything other than the beach. everything else about this area sucks! from the ignorance, the schools suck, the shopping sucks, the level of crime for a city this size is out of control, along with the local government including the daily dis-appointment, wmdt and wboc are all a joke.
Thank goodness I get off the shore quite often, so I can enjoy fine dining and shopping! and send my kids to private school. I do not expect anything from anyone including the government!!
If you are relying on any of the above here you will find yourself in a place where you don't want to be! My suggestion would be to be self sufficient! be wise when picking who you associate with, and enjoy the beach!
WBOC is now giving the Daily Slime are real race to be the worst MSM on the Eastern Shore.
Steve Hammond is just as bad as Greg Bassett!
And truly who freaking cares why she was living with her Aunt...I would like to think that everyone has learned something from this horrible tragedy like to always know the background of who you have around your kids. I am sick over what happen to this little girl but we must more forward and learn from our past. So yes, I am sick of hearing about the big interview myself!
I'm shocked that Elizabeth Harrington would have anything to do with this. Even if not here idea, I've lost all respect for her as a journalist.
How much is WBOC paying her to do this interview?
but of course they are
its like any other day when the tv news strings you along thru several commercial breaks etc, knowing your waiting to hear something in particular.
Watch the news on any given day and they spend 10 times the necessary time telling the news.
They could get so much more in if they didnt keep repeating whats going to be coming up
I feel they are playing it jus for the rating. They are trying to mock Enertainment tonite. They should be ashamed of themselves.
I see "mom" has nice new red nails and nice new shiney neckless. Is that your donation?
This is a question for you, Joe. So what's your opinion?
I plan to watch the special news feature on Jennifer Foxwell this evening!!! And why would I not watch It?
It will be interesting. She would not have agreed to do this if it did not put her in a favorable light. She has an angle, and getting to the truth is not it.
OMG WBOC is just doing their jobs.. They are supposed to get u to WANT to watch their news cast. And you know every one of you will be there watching it.. and so will Joe
3:10. You should be the one moving your snobby ass off the shore. The western shore is not much better, just busier and bigger. Well except for the "dining" and "Shopping" that seems so important to you. I'm from Annapolis and lived in that area half my life. Despite the flaws, some of us like it here rather than the "big city full with culture".
I couldn't care less what the mother has to say. I rarely even watch the local news because it's a joke. What I want to know is why hasn't the pervert that supposedly killed Sarah been charged with anything other than kidnapping and burglary? Weren't we told that murder charges were forthcoming?
Of course they''re trying to get good ratings! They are running a business, and the higher their ratings, the more they can charge for their ads. You just hope someone over there has enough sense to remain professional, and not let things get too sensational.
I totally agree with 3:10's comment. I have never lived in an area so heavily populated with ignorant, narrow-minded people who live insignificant, meaningless lives with little or no ambition. It's so surreal that I feel as though I am living in a Twilight Zone episode at times.
the mother is P.O.S.,
and we all know it
I'm just watching Elizabeth
I agree-Why? Who really cares why Sarah was living with her Aunt-and quite frankly-it is none of our business. It was a hard lesson that most probably missed anyway-
I will not be watching
Anon 3:27, anyone can paint their nails. You can find nail polish cheap anywhere. And she wore that necklace to the funeral. Don't take cheap shots at people, it's not flattering.
Hmm ,I wonder who will play Joe in the lifetime movie of the week?
I agree with you Joe.
I cant believe you even said this. We always get posts by Joe that say "Breaking News tomorrow at 9am". WHy do you have to turn this into a negative. Joe does a great job by trying to get all the stories but for god sake, why does it have to be a negative.
You make this out to be a bad thing. Everyone has heard rumors, made up stories inthe newspapers, facts that cant be verified, why not hear it from the horses mouth. I think its a very good thing for WBOC to do.
Stop being so damn negative!
Yours Truly,
lol here
Hiya Barrie !!!
WBOC is just an extension of the left wing MSM and will use anybody and anything for ratings even the death of this little girl . I stopped watching WBOC way back when they started acting like CBS .
Is WBOC playing the public for ratings? You damn right they are! WBOC hires a consultant company for the purpose of trying to increase their ratings / viewership, pollute the air flying the helicopter that they lease, build a “newplex” to make their image look like “big market news stations” but they fail completely in producing quality news. A lot of the stuff you see on WBOC has been produced by someone else, bought, and then made to look like WBOC had something to do with the story.
I will say that they have been good (the amount of time spent) about covering the recent weather events, but it’s a shame they don’t have reporters that can report the news. Most of the time, WBOC pushes the image that WBOC is so great. It they were so great, they wouldn’t need to keep shoving that idea down our throats.
They have been told by the hired consultant company that the general viewer education is that of an eighth grader. That is one reason they “dumb down” the news. When I watch them, which isn’t often, I feel as though they are talking to a bunch of extremely elderly people who have lost their mental sharpness or a group of second graders.
One of their other “tricks” to keep your eyes on them is the say things like “as you can see here”, “oh, look at that” etc.
You ever notice how much time they use to “tease” you about an up coming story? There is a lot of polish, but not much substance!
3:10 Who filled out the application for your kids to attend private school? Your attention to detail on capital letters and grammar could use some work. The Princeton Review has a good book out called “Grammar Smart”. Maybe in your travels off the shore you can pick up a copy.
Anon 3:10,
If you don't like this area so much why don't you carry your a$$ back to where you like it.
When Elizabeth Harrington reports, I have to turn my head away because I get sick watching her wave / fling her hands around. It truly amazes me the stupid questions they ask of people they are interviewing.
people its just business...everybody who posted here will be watching so hence the comercials worked. Sarahs tragedy touched us all over christmas and everybody wants to know more about it so why not have a sit down with the mother? Elizabeth Harrington is just doing her job and thanking god that she still has one...News is just that News, people will watch this interview and the station will make money, isnt that what its supposed to do?
I think the aunt should be the one interviewed, Sarah's mother didn't even have custody of her. I hope she doesn't get on tv now and try to pretend that she was a good mother or even excuses for her poor parenting skills. I don't really want her opinion or excuse.
It's too late now.
Why would they even want to interview her? Unless they put the angle on children that are murdered, the family they leave behind and why we have to tolerate "child molesters" in our town, there is no other story. Everyone faces death, there are thousands and thousands of people everywhere that can talk about what it feels like to have a family member/child murdered.
What she really needs to do is get counseling, parenting classes and a good job so she can take care of her children. If you can lay down to make them, you should raise them. She also has to remember that this is a small town and no matter what she says on the interview, you can't hide the truth.
Joe Albero, Sheriff Lewis and the thousands of volunteers showed us who Sarah was. We already know that these children faced abuse and neglect. I really feel for Sarah's brothers and sisters. They are really going through the worse time. They are reminded every day of what happened.
I don't mean to sound like I don't care but why would WBOC even want to do this interview. This woman may be seeing herself in court and needs to keep her mouth if she doesn't want to make herself look any worse.
February is "Sweeps" month, one of two months in the year when the Nielson Company does in-depth ratings for TV stations and the stations use these ratings to set their advertising rates for the next six months. TV stations traditionally use these ratings periods to run sensational crap just to get bigger numbers.
Jennifer Foxwell went on Facebook and said Joe Albero is as big a monster as Thomas Leggs.
I really couldn't care less about the woman.
All because I challenged the Educational Trust Fund Account not being transferred over.
One day soon we'll have a Post up about the history of Jennifer Foxwell. For now, I'm just patiently watching.
When I rode by where Sarah Foxwell lived earlier today on my route, I thought to myself, Sarah would have loved all this snow but she didn't get to enjoy it because of evil.
Hope you looking down enjoying the beauty of all the snow Sarah!
Jennifer Foxwell wants to fill everyones head with why Sarah lived with her Aunt BEFORE it all comes out in court, and it will come out in court.
The interview is not necessary. Its a tragic ending to a childs life because of two ills of society. A sex offender allowed to rome and prey on innocent children. The second is drug addiction by both parents and no stable family structure. WBOC should not sensationalize this story just to get ratings. We all know this recipe for disaster.
What a thankless bitch! Loser doesn't deserve to have ovaries.
for all those who didn't like my comments, Like i said I live here for the beach! nothing more! grammar? get real this is the internet, I'm not writing a report! As far as my children are concerned, I am sure you kids will be taking very good care of them when they are asking them if they want fries with that! so don't trouble your pathetic little minds over it!
enjoy your backward, independance card toting, walmart shopping lives!
Jennifer Foxwell makes me sick..just looking at her makes me sick and the way she has neglected her children for many years is a nightmare...Limelight!I don't know why but in alot of ways she reminds me of Casey Anthoney.
3:10 its folks like you who have even ruined the beach for us locals
Nicely put Joe! And I'll be watching for that post! Thanks
for the person so dissatisfied with the shore. i dont remember inviting you here and i think the same road that brought you will take you back. i dont understand why you would move to a place where you cant stand the people. thanks sjd
They are running this story on the 6:00 news. My guess is that they are doing it at 6:00 due to Joe's ratings also at 6:00.
It ticked me off at noon to hear them plugging it away. Especially the part of the critics and now Jennifer gets to answer those critics. She'll never say anything to help her own story. She has to live with the mistakes she made from the past that caused her children to have to go live with the aunt.
Joe, I'll be HERE at 6:00.
@ anon 3:10 & 3:52,
and yet you DO live here... hmm
i can assure you i won't be watching it.
Way to bring attention to the interview that's going to be broadcast here shortly. I was ready to hang Thomas Leggs but some things aren't setting right with me now. One he has not been charged even though it has been well over a month. A commenter on Sbynews said he drove by the home where Leggs resided with his parents and saw the pick up truck that supposedly had a toothbrush belonging to Sarah and lollipop in it, yet the poster said there were no foot prints in the snow around the vehicle and no tire tracks showing the vehicle had been moved since the snow had begun. He also stated that Leggs normally drove a mustang not the fathers pick up truck. Where was the mustang through all of this?
I have to wonder how accurate is the information the public has been provided with? Why has Leggs not been charged? Why so many secrets? Who was the adult in the home when Sarah was taken? Why was that person not a focus? Why did Sarah's younger sister not immediately inform an adult that Leggs had taken Sarah? Was it common practice for him to come into the home unannounced and take the girls or other children? There sure are a lot of unanswered questions, enough that I am beginning to believe there is someone else involved in the kidnapping and murder of Sarah.
Any one that acted in a way that put that girl at harm should be charged for their parts in her death. ALL involved in putting her at risk are guilty.
She has stated that she found out about Sarah being missing was by a family member calling her. Duh! Did she expect to find out another way? Sarah wasn't living with her so why would she get special attention at that moment in time? The place where Sarah was last seen was where all the attention should of been and was at! The only place Jennifer has in this whole story is that she produced these innocent children. When Joe challenged the trustfund for the sibblings she started showing her true colors. If it was meant to go to the childrens future she never would of said a word. She got caught with her hands in the cookie jar so suddenly starts on the attack. We'll all know the real story when it's played out in court. We'll hear lies tonight to make her look like the victim. For those of us who know her know what kind of trash she keeps and how she has no desire to change how she is. Words are only words, in her case lies.
How many times has Jennifer been with her children since the funeral? Did she put a penny towards anything for the funeral or the beautiful markers? How many times has she been out drinking since the funeral? The answers aren't positive ones.
Crocodile tears are just another reason her mother is a disgusting waste of life!
Joe, please put up a post after the WBOC segment so we can all have a place to voice our opinion over what we'll see and hear.
Thank you!
Where's the tears?
I think the puppy mill is having another litter !!!
Behind closed doors.
"Don't judge me if you don't know me " Biotch we know you and you have been judged!!!!!!!!!!!
No matter how bad a parent is ... a child always loves their mother.. She will have her own guilt to live with and perhaps this will help her change her life and to make a family for her children
She reminds me of Jon Gosselin or Levi Johnston, worthless parents who are media whores. Anything to get her 15 minutes. And yeah, I noticed her nails done too. I can't even afford to go get mine done and I only have ONE child. I definitely agree that they are trying to make it like Entertainment Tonight. I'd rather the aunt be interviewed if anything, I'm sure she'd shed some light on why she made the decisions she made. As everyone else said, she wasn't even living with Jennifer. What a cry for attention on her part. She should be ashamed of herself.
anonymous 6:17, If only you knew.
This poor, poor pittiful me woman is so full of sh!t it isn't funny.
Mind you, no mother should ever deal with losing their daughter, especially the way Sarah was taken.
However, you all tell me what would have happened to Sarah Foxwell if she was actually living with her Mother.
Answer, she'd be here right now.
Jennifer Foxwell's actions ultimately caused the unfortunate end result.
How much child support did you pay while the aunt had her Jennifer? Nothing. Not a penny. Don't judge you. Sarah is now dead because you chose booze over responsibility.
Tell everyone how social services took your children away and found them locked in the vehicle outside while you were passed out drunk inside.
I am at peace now knowing Sarah is in a much better place today.
She said she visited Sarah's grave daily, does she spend time daily with her children that are living? That's the ones she needs to be concerned with now if she is sincere. If she isn't seeing them on a daily basis then it will speak volumns. So Jennifer, answer the question.
Five fathers and seven kids. My God, does she live at the Thrift Inn.
Everyone is so funny. Since she put the kids with family because she couldn't care for them, she gets talked about bad. If she had kept them and hadn't have put them with someone else, she still would have been talked about bad... which is it??? I think she tried to do the right thing by realizing she couldn't care for the kids and putting them with her family. First time I've seen anyone in this area make a decision like that and it be a good one for the kids. She can't help the aunt didn't know who she was bringing around. Do you know all about who you think you do? Here's a thought for you.
WHY WAS THIS ON WBOC YOU ASK? ...People and their love for a child they never even got to meet in many cases. Additionally, the People that knew and loved Sarah. TRULY, we all want to know WHY and WHat and How did an innnocent child get taken out of her bed. Her six year old sibling never told her sister was taken till the next morning? WHY? Yes each of our lives were pulled into this kidnapping and murder. Our hearts broke when she was found on Christmas Day and that smile will haunt each of us for the rest of our lives. What could have been done to prevent such a thing happening? How can the laws keep these animals off the streets. AND WBOC WAS GOOD TO INTERVIEW AND SHARE WITH US. I APPLAUD THEM. We all want to know..............
anonymous 6:30, her kids were going to be taken away, period.
She chose the Aunt to take care of them rather than social services.
She's completely full of crap making it sound like SHE was making a wise decision.
She f-ed up and screwed those children.
Did she really call you a monster Joe?
She did not give up the children on her own . The state took them . She is one lie after another . Maybe WBOC should to a sane family member !
well i missed it- or didnt I miss anything I usually watch wboc's news broadcasts by streaming thier website,any time that Ive ever tried to do so I havnt had a problem doing it until tonight it wouldnt work.Was I the only one who had problems seeing it or did anybody else that tried fail?
Anonymous 6:31, Give me a break.
Do tell me one thing. All the questions of why in your comment, do tell everyone which one of those questions WBOC answered?????
That's supposed to be their profession, yet NONE of the questions you bring up stating this is what everyone wants to know was either asked or answered.
So0 how was this such a great interview?
It was a feel good sell-a-thon for WBOC. Pure and simple BS.
Do you also mean to tell me Elizabeth Harrington didn't know why Jennifer Foxwell had her children taken away from me. Even the Daily Times had that information a long time ago.
Sorry but the interview sucked, period.
The word on the streets is, Jennifer has only one child left living with her. The child is almost 18. From what I have heard, Jennifer is about to lose all of her state benefits. She may try to get the younger ones back so she will qualify.
This woman is CRAZY !! She will say and do anything for attention . She does not care about her children , it is about the money now . Anyone out there who thinks other wise is just as CRAZY as she is !! Note - I wonder how many people she help get thier driveways cleared !! Jennifer you are the MONSTER!!
I heard Jennifer Foxwell owes your father a bunch of money Joe. Is it true.
anonymous 6:46, yes, that is very true.
My Father supported Jennifer and her children when her boyfriend threw her and the kids ouot of the house. He rented her a brand new home and paid the rent for a few months. She claimed she was going to get a job and repay him, so he payed the securityy deposit on the home, the first months rent. She never tried to get a job so since his name was on the lease he kept paying the rent. After two or three months he went out and bought her a van to get to and from a job but they had to finally throw them all out of the house because she simply refused to work and pay bills.
You are correct and she never paid him back any money.
In fact, when he went to Sarah's funeral, the family refused him access inside. Better check your facts by the way Granny. Different Albero.
My Father was extremely insulted as he put up many thousands of dollars to help that woman and all those children out and she spit right in his face. Jennifer Foxwell is a waste of you know what.
Think about it this way Jennifer. IF you had simply gone out, got a job, used the van my Father bought you, where would Sarah be today!
I do not pitty you at all woman. I pitty the rest of us truly hurting for your Daughters death/murder.
Joe, I agree the interview was a "feel good" for WBOC and Jennifer Foxwell.
Do you think she can't answer all of the questions that we want to know because of the case?
Finally, I don't always agree with you Joe and sometimes I don't even like you very much, but I would never compare you to Thomas Leggs or call you a monster. After all you did to assist and get the word out looking for Sarah...unbelievable on Jennifer Foxwell's part.
Her justice will come one day too.
I have heard she is trying to promise the Foxwell side of the family they can see the children if they agree with her in court . This is very concerning to me , she is playing on thier pain . Do you see what this so called woman/ mother is made of ???
anonymous 6:34, do you think Elizabeth Harrington DIDN'T know that????????
Believe me, she did. Considering I'm confident that she did, why didn't she challenge Jennifer?
Answer: Because they were desperate for that exclusive that told us NOTHING.
Now if any of you know me well enough, then you know I just love and adore Elizabeth Harrington. I am NOT in any way trying to knock Elizabeth. However, I am absolutely amazed at that lousy interview.
Elizabeth had the opportunity of a lifetime to really deliver some hard hitting news and she failed.
You know when I know an interview is going to suck. When the camerman is already in an interior room waiting for them to walk in. It's all staged and I knew it was going to be fake from the moment they walked into the room with the stuffed animals.
As for staying away from the hard questions, let me tell ALL of you this. I have spoken to several of the local MSM Professionals. They say, if it's news, you have every right to ask the question and or tell the story.
Well, the ONLY question I saw that mneant anything was, why weren't the kids living with you at the time. Jennifer didn't answer the question, Elizabeth knew she didn't answer the question and the interview went on.
I would have jammed that question so far down her throat it isn't funny. That's not what I asked you Jennifer, why werren't the kids living with you, because I have court documents in my hands telling me why, can you please tell everyone why they weren't with you. BAM! TRUTH!
If she would have refused I would have said, OK, well let me read to you what these documents say and then maybe you can respond to that.
COME ON PEOPLE, this is BS! All that hype and no door prize. WBOC needs some serious help right about now.
I do agree WBOC could stand to improve- but this is not your story, my story, or our story - it is the Foxwell family story.
Why waste your time with all the negativity. Maybe for her, this approach was a step towards the long process of healing. Maybe she needed to be heard? Why judge her ? and before she even speaks - why not watch and listen with an open mind?
many families voice themselves via this medium and on prime time at that - do you also criticize them?
WTF-- She was asked when the last time she saw Sarah ?? Jennifer when was that ?? YOU did not answer the question . Why , because you never saw her regularly. Someone once said you are a waste of sperm , at this point I have to agree !!
6:29, they said that Jennifer is a mother of 8 in the interview.
Personally, I believe that since the Auntie had custody of the kids, her first responsibility should have been for their care and protection.
Allowing an unrelated man into the house may not have been in the best interest of the kids' welfare.
Maybe Auntie thought she had the right to engage in dating, etc. but when that activity puts those kids at risk, who is at fault now?
Food for thought ....
She also didn't answer the question when she saw the kids last before this tragedy. All she said was she stopped by to get a hug and a kiss and a Christmas list. But she didn't say when that was. Again she didn't answer a hard question. Elizabeth, why didn't you produce the answers to the questions? The other question I want an answer for, does her children wait for a schoolbus like she was afraid of.
One of the reasons I stopped watching TV was the persistent "Is the sky falling tomorrow"? "Details at 11:00". Then came the ET program and that finished TV for me.
What WBOC has done is an extension of that. Nothing more, nothing less. People like Jennifer are the garbage of society and there are many like her out there. Stop dwelling on HER and the news medial will lose interest pretty quick.
Joe You and your father are ANGELS to this community You guys just dont know how some people appreciate you and him . GOD will bless you both dont stop what you all are doing just because one person screwed your father over he is the GREATEST and everyone know Jennifer is worth sh__.
Joe , I agree with you E. Harrington sucked ! We all wanted answer and she skated around all the issues . I know if you interviewed Jennifer Foxwell ( the heart broken mother ) you would have nailed her with the hard hitting questions. This just leaves a BAD taste in my mouth on WBOC ! I will always come to you FIRST for my information !
7:13 I see you.
anonymous 7:13, LET ME TELL YOU WHY I'LL JUDGE.
I am the recipient of a child delivered to me in the middle of the night because his piece of sh!t Mother failed him. This beautiful CHILD has been mentally damaged by his Mother. I mean, what F/N Mother walks away from their children, doesn't pay child support, doesn't write, doesn't call, NOTHING!
Just walk away and let someone else do all the work, I DON'T THINK SO!
Now many of you may not like what I have to say here and guess what, I'm living it and I really don't give a sh!t what other people thing, in case you hadn't noticed.
I care abouth the CHILDREN, not what you think.
That being said, I know Jennifer Foxwell's history, unlike 99% of the rest of you out there. I have more things I could say about this woman and Family, yet I have held back out of respect for Sarah.
But I want each and every damn one of you to THINK for just a minute. Would YOU abandon your children? Would YOU choose substances over your children?
Now I want each and every one of you to think about this for a minute. You place yourself in a 3 year old, 5 year old, 7 year old, 12 year old mind and your Mother has walked away. How do YOU as a child feel? Now, how do YOU feel as a child when the Courts/Social Services takes you away?
I'm raising one of those children right now. His Mother hasn't seen this child but one time in 5 freakin years!
You're seeing one side of the Jennifer Foxwell story, the feel good/feel sorry for me side. You ask my Father what the other side of this woman is.
Someone asked an excellent question earlier, how much time has Jennifer spent with her children since Sarah's death. Why didn't Elizabeth Harrington ask that question. It has nothing to do with the case! Do you pay Child Support Jennifer? Do you have any kind of visitation rights with your kids Jennifer? Is it supervised or unsupervised?
These Mother's and Father's today who walk away from their own children make me sick to my stomach. Oh, believe me, the Father of my Grandson is no treasure either, believe me. Nor is Sarah's Father.
Jennifer, you need to spend time with those children who are still alive. Talk to those children. You can talk to Sarah anywhere esecially in your bedroom where you have her pictures. I noticed no pictures of your other children. Do you hope you'll be seen at Sarah's grave so people will feel sorry for you and talk diffently of you? NOPE! You need to change in so many ways. Stop having your hand out and expecting life to be easy. You have lot's to do to change your reputation. It was bad enough before. With Sarah's death more people found out about it. Your one messed up female. Oh, one more thing, CLOSE YOUR LEGS!!
ah ha- bingo-.... I knew in all these posts since December there was an underlying antagonism... now I get it.
3:52pm - LOL. as a lifelong resident of the Eastern shore I should take offense. You do have a point - Luckily its an isolted few. scarey isnt it?
Daddio, you said, "Allowing an unrelated man into the house may not have been in the best interest of the kids' welfare."
Have you seen the charges so far against Thomas Leggs. Breaking and entering, kidnapping! Hello!
The Aunt didn't allow him into the house, he broke into the house. They had broken up two weeks earlier. What are women supposed to do, sit around for4 a few months after they break up with someone to go to the store shopping?
I'm sorry but I firmly disagree with your comment.
children are a gift from God, they are the most precious gift you could ever receive! It is your job as a parent to raise the child properly, to teach them. It is so sad to see so many parents failing at what is the greatest responsibility in their lives! society pays we as taxpayers pay, and the child pays dearly! even animals take care of their young! parents like this are lower than animals! and like animals they should be sterilized! Until they can prove they are responsible human beings! sounds draconian but what's the alternative? much pain and many, many broken lives!
How disappointing that Ms. Harrington has sunk to this level, and she looks much better without all that makeup.
Did Steve Hammond -- the Dan Rather of Salisbury -- order her to do it? Regardless, he should be canned ASAP.
Joe, she calls you a monster and puts you in the same sentence with Leggs. She won't allow your Father to the funeral. Yet, this is the same piece of trash that left children in a vehicle while she was drunk inside her house? Those children are/were safe with the aunt. Yes, she made a huge mistake. Do we see her on WBOC begging for people to love us? No. I respect the aunt, as I do you and your Father!
If you'd like Jennifer's autograph you can find her most evenings at Station 7 in Pittsville.
Daddio , Has your head been in you a@# !! The Aunt called off the relationship months before this happened. The fact is if the PARENTS had been responsible the children would not have been with the Aunt . How are you people believing this crock of shit! I know you live on the Eastern Shore but come the fu-- on DUDE !!
anonymous 7:50, thank you.
a lot said... but probably not "nuff said...
Joe , I can not believe that your family helped this woman in the past . You are truly great people . I understand Jennifer is caling you a MONSTER , how dare she. You have supported this family before and after this horror . This woman is a ungrateful P.O.S
WBOC promised much and delivered nothing; it was a lame interview.
Did anyone else notice that she couldn't even force a tear during the interview?! Kinda reminded me of when Susan Smith killed her kids and cried that same fake-ass cry on camera. Give me a break!
Jennifer's FB is open for all to see....she makes me sick...all the love she is now showing for Sarah is sickening..what about when she was alive? She is looking for her 15 mnutes of fame, but there are those that know she is a sorry excuse for an egg donor. My heart and prayers are for Sarah's aunt. Joe, what you know you should expose to all....in honor of Sarah, so everyone knows what a piece of crap her birth mother is exploiting her death.
3:10 Big storm coming tommorrow. Why don't you let the channel blow you back where you belong. we do
not need your kind here. Go spend your earnings back on the western shore. It was much nicer here before you and yours were ever her. BYE BYE. Very inconsiderate!!
Jennifer's fake cry reminded me of when little ones get mad. they can make lots of noise without a single tear. Maybe that's Jennifer's problem, she never grew up.
She claims she goes to Sarah's grave daily. If there wasn't snow on the ground I'd be willing to prove that to be a lie. Girl, go visit your live children. Have you hugged them lately and told them how much you love them? Telling Sarah now, doesn't bring her back.
Anonymous 8:37 I agree , Joe if you know something please tell . We are your loyal readers . You are the most truthful person out there !
Joe, you misunderstood my statement. I am fully aware that Auntie broke up with Leggs before Sarah took the bite.
Auntie allowed him into the house while they were dating -- Sarah knew him from those encounters.
Anytime you start dating someone, and have them over to your house -- where the kids live -- you have allowed him into their presence.
This action in and by itself was one factor in abdicating her responsibility for the kids' safety and welfare.
IF a woman who is charged with the responsibility of those kids wants to "date" men, she needs to keep those men separate from the kids, and not allow them into the house anytime, period.
Again, her first priority is the safety and welfare of those kids, not any boyfriends.
Make sense now?
JOE , I have a question ? There was a post on another site regarding the grandmother's ( Jennifer's mother ) concern for the children . Do you know if they are living with her now ? Please respond if possible
Dadio, just how many murderers do you know. In fact, how many murderers do any one of you know?
Wake up people.
anonymous 8:52, absolutely NOT. The Grandmother is all talk as well. The apple didn't fall but an inch from the tree, if you know what I mean.
Dear Anon 3:10,
I sit and ponder all of the things that I wish to say to you, and I can guarantee that 75% of those comments are not pleasant. But then if I were to say those things, I'd be no better than you; I was raised better than that. It's very evident that you have your opinion about life here on the Eastern Shore, or I should say lack thereof.
I would like to point out to you the many things we do offer here other than ignorant narrow minded people with no education, crappy restaurants, lousy schools, the smell of chicken sh*t, and oh yea, we have great beaches. Allow me to introduce you to your weekly visit to the grocery store. Do you buy Perdue chicken, fresh fruit and vegetables, eggs, milk, etc? Do you go to a local butcher for the finest cuts of meat? How about your favorite restaurants at the beach? Do you order the "Catch of the Day?" Have you ever enjoyed a bushel of crabs? You do realize the idiot rednecks you were so eager to discredit are the ones responsible for your dinner don't you? Perhaps not, it seems you have your head shoved up a dark orifice.
And may I ask what is wrong with our public schools? I'm not saying that private schools are bad, not at all. Some people simply do not have the financial ability to be able to send their child to a private school. I personally attended one of our local high schools. Well if you really want to be specific, my entire education from Kindergarten through my BA was earned right here. But I suppose I'm just an ignorant hick who will serve french fries to your kids. May I ask what grades your children receive? Actually, let me apologize, it's not fair to bring them into this conversation. How about your grades from high school? Were you taking Calculus 2 in high school? I did. Did you take Statistics just for fun? I did. Did you take Calculus based Physics in college just to fulfill your general education credit? I did. Can you play a musical instrument, or write music (yes I mean actually take a sheet of staff paper and write an actual song, notes and all, not words)? I can, and I do. All of this I learned how to do right here in Po-dunk nowhere. I also managed to take these higher level courses while participating in band and sports, as well as being a member of various clubs and organizations within the school. Oh, did I mention I did all of this and still managed to graduate with a 4.35 GPA, 2nd in my class?
So please do the rest of us a favor, take a step off of your pedestal, you don't need to be up there. Thanks.
anonymous 9:07, Way To Go!
I, apparently, am one of the "ignorant, narrow-minded people who live insignificant, meaningless lives with little or no ambition" but at least I know that the Bay Bridge and Tunnel go both ways, no one is holding you captive here.
Joe, its not a matter of how many murders one may know or not. IT has to do with inviting unrelated men into a house where the kids reside.
Again, I state now and for the record that those kids are her primary responsibility.
Dating men exposes them to risk and hazards, the worst of which we all are painfully aware of.
So the question you have to ask here is this:
Does Auntie's "right" to date men have a higher priority than the safety and welfare of the kids???
If you are going to care and accept responsibility for the kids, then you DO NOT INVITE UNRELATED MEN OVER TO YOUR PLACE, especially those who you do not know well.
I know a divorced mother who has 3 kids, and she only goes out on a date when her kids are otherwise occupied and taken care of. She does not have them over to her place, or involves the kids in those matters, as a safety precaution.
Why would you or anyone else suggest anything less?
3:52, 7:36, a tow rope will help all you follow 3:10.. WAY TO GO 9:07!
9:07 Great way to politely let them have it!! W2G!
3:10 I have lived here for more years than I want to tell you. This area has changed to what it is today because of Come Hers like you. We were a small town and this is what progress has made us. WOW I am so not impressed with your talk of not supporting the locals in shopping in the area. Take some sand with your snobby kids and head on back across the bridge.
By the way I will not be watching the news like you predicted. I will be reading like in the old days. Just cause you preach the bible doesn't mean you practice it.
Why is Sarah a reason for western shore/ eastern shore rants? I don't understand it! I am from the western shore, spent the first 28 years of my life in Anne Arundel County before moving to Dorchester county and I can say BOTH the western and eastern shores have issues! I don't like sitting in traffic for 45 minutes just to make a 15 minute drive and I don't like smelling chicken crap in the middle of July. I do like being able to have a pizza delivered and being able to sit on my deck without listening to the never ending sound of sirens and arguing. I like living in the country with only one neighbor but I also like being surrounded by friends.
I find myself wanting to be on the western shore at times because that's where my entire family is but I really love my life here on the shore. Not becuase one is better than the other but because this is where I believe my children will be able to gain the most of my time and will gain an appreciation for life in general.
There is crap on both sides of that Bay Bridge and there is good on both sides as well. Anyone that is bickering over western/eastern shore crap is regressing themselves by doing so. We are all different and we will all develop different tastes for culture and surroundings; that doesn't make an area, it makes a person. A community is made of unity and understanding and THAT is what Sarah brought to the eastern shore. Searching for her and wanting nothing more than to see her found safe and sound while making food to deliver to searchers or just sitting in front of sbynews hitting the refresh button over and over again were things most of us did because we ALL wanted the best ending.
Sarah is gone. We cannot change that. We cannot make her mother a better person nor her father. We cannot bring her back to have the pleasure of putting a voice to her beautiful face. We can however meet our neighbors, help one another and give hope that we as joined people in communities across Delmarva will use every day as an honor in meeting others and caring about those people. We can open our mouths about people that we know are shady and help people like Sarah's aunt to know she is keeping bad company. There were a lot of people that opened up about Leggs after the fact but who was warning her before hand? If you know someone is shady or has a horrid past then it is your responsibility to offer assistance to those who are not aware of it.
For every single one of us who were impacted by Sarah we should use that to really make a change, regardless of where we are from.
9:45 Amen
ok first of all let me say something to all you judgemental arrogant self righteous as&*&(*%S out there. my daughter has left her daughter with me due to the lack of being able to take care of her. HOW DARE YOU SPEAK ABOUT A MOTHER LIKE YOU HAVE!!! my daughter is no less of a person because she has issues that keep her from taking care of her child!!! every person is a human and the is only to be judged by god. if you don't care that you shouldn't of watched and you talk about wboc as far as i am concerned the only RAG around here is this blog and Joe!!! You talk about losing respect for WBOC, Steve and Elizabeth well, how can you have respect for someone that ONLY allows comments that HE approves lol... you can't leave a comment unless he likes it...what the hell is that????? Joe is definitely no angel all he does is bash bash bash and he is the most judgemental of all. No one asked any of you to watch WBOC but everyone has a right to defend themselves just like all of you ignorant judgemental people feel like you have a right to your opinion to bash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER THAT WHEN IT COMES YOUR TURN CAUSE KARMA IS A BITCH!!! OF COURSE I AM SURE THIS WON'T BE POSTED CAUSE JOE WON'T LIKE IT AND WE ALL KNOW HE APPROVES THE COMMENTS. IF IT MAKES IT I WILL BE SHOCKED :o
Anon 3:10:
Why dont you just leave! You are more than welcome to take either bridge that leaves the Eastern Shore. Before you leave, kiss our public school educated, narrow-minded, non-cultured and hillbilly a$$es on your way out! Go back to your "Big city", we don't want you here!
Anon. 3:10,
Obviously you weren't at Perdue Stadium on Christmas Day! I'm quite sure that you were celebrating in a nice warm home, and so were those in the big city. Us narrow-minded, public school educated people were gathered together to help search for a child that we didn't know who was missing. This was the true spirit of the people from the Eastern Shore! Most people who are FROM here will give the shirt off of their back if it was needed by someone less fortunate. As far as the beach goes, most of us avoid the beach because of jerks like you visiting here. We wait until the tourists are gone and then we enjoy the beach! I am glad that you gave your warning about watching who you associate with, I'll be sure to stay away from people like you and continue to associate with the good-hearted, kind and helpful people around here! I agree with Anon. 8:10 a.m., if you hate it so much here, just leave!
I agree, the interview was lame. I wonder how much editing WBOC did. Maybe Elizabeth was hard ball and it wasn't aired.
Jennifer Foxwell does not visit the grave daily. She is not there daily, snow on the ground or not.
As I understand it, the Aunt dated Leggs for a short time. They broke up a few weeks before Sarah was killed. He used a KEY hidden on the porch to enter the home. Someone correct me if I am wrong about that. Who in good conscience would tell a boyfriend of a couple of weeks where the emergency key is hidden???!!! Major lapse in judgement on the Aunt's part, so much so, that I believe she should be held accountable. And she should not have custody of minor children.
As I said in the other post in response to the Grandmother's post, if you put yourself out in the media, you take what you get!
Joe- I couldn't agree with you more, what PARENT leaves/gives up/loses their kid???!!! Pathetic.
Anon 6:34 So splitting them all up and putting them with social services you thought was a better idea? Guess you haven't done you're homework on how much of a bad situation that would have been. You might as well throw all of those kids to the wolves in the world if you think that. Social Services will even tell you they will place the children with family first before placing them in foster care to be tossed around from family to family. I don't care what anyone thinks, I think she made a wise decision. I know this case is a rare case of something went wrong but again, how many of you have gotten a new friend and thought, I better go check the most wanted list or the sex offender registry? It's easy to sit here and be the judge of others when it has nothing to do with you. And I'm not saying she didn't make bad decisions either.
Here's an idea. Maybe Jennifer Foxwell can actually get her sh!t together and become a Mother of her children once again.
Stop the Social Services crap here. Jennifer needs to flat out stop her addicitions and get her life back in order.
The Family can make all the excuses they want. Unless Jennifer turns her life around we will continue to see problems for each child down the road. Am I pointing a finger, your damn right I am. Start acting like a responsible Mother and quit blaming everyone else Jennifer.
You've burned too many bridges along the way Jennifer and we have yet to expose the entire story and she knows it.
If you want to know about Jennifer Foxwell, Go to Maryland Judisiary Case Search And type her name in and find out.
The samll local town I am from the majority of kids were being raised by the grandparents. The best thing living in this small town was that the town all helped. If I did something wrong by the time I rode my bike home my family was waiting to hear my side and then the punsihment was given.
AMEN to small towns.
Joe, Jennifer will never get it together..If the murder of her child has not woke her up then nothing will.She is an open book,and so easy to read.The interview made me sick last night.Needless to say it backfired in her face.
Mommaneedswine you are so right!!! Why didn't she instruct them on Thomas Leggs' crimes so that they would have made a commotion when he entered the house and took Sarah. The aunt is currently dating another man with a criminal record. Social Services needs to step up to the plate and take all of the children away from the family. They are not safe.
Has anyone offered to take her to a treatment facility?
anon 9:11..actually I DO check the court records and sex registry for every person that is, in any way, introduced to my children. Yes that includes coaches, teachers, activity directors, parents of friends.. ANY person involved in my child's life will be investigated by me. I'm sorry if that offends you or anyone else for that matter but as a mother who has lost a child I can say without a doubt there is nothing in this world more important than my children.
well then why don't all the attacks on jennifer stop and then maybe support the mother so she can get the help she needs. if by chance she has addictions all the attacks on here sure isn't going to help her get her life together for herself and her children. they need their mother now more than ever. yes, she needs to be with her children, be a mother and be a family. lets support her and stop talking about how terrible of a mother and person she is. do you all think maybe that can happen so she can have some worth?????? how about it!!!! it starts somewhere. hearting these kinds of things in a constant manner has to beat you down and on top of dealing with your grief and anger it must be overwhelming. Joe please can you help with this?? you have alot of followers here and if you start the ban wagon everyone will jump on. she needs support not hate. it would be nice to see it on here. i don't know her or the family but i see alot of arguing on these blogs when it comes to her and this whole situation. i just pity the kids. they need their mother and their life back. what do you say?????? new day tomorrow????? lets show jen and her kids (and that guy that hates the eastern shore so much haha) how wonderful this community is and lets ban together to support this woman and her family and help her get up on her feet, hold her head up high and bring her family back together!!! if for nothing FOR HER CHILDREN AND SARAH!!!!!
I've fought the urge to stand up for my belief in all this. I try not to judge, but I just can't help it. I want to know why we're all still doing Sarah Foxwell benefits in our community? Didn't the community do enough for that little girl, to find her, to provide for those who sought her out? My heart bleeds for that poor baby girl. No sweet baby should've had to endure what she did. Words cannot describe the pain I feel in my heart for what that sweet, beautiful baby girl and her family went through during her loss. Jennifer said during the WBOC Interview, "If you don't know me, don't judge me". Can you PLEASE take the spotlight off yourself for once? Seemingly that's all you've EVER done, from day one, you've put yourself above your children and their welfare. NOBODY cares about you...we care for your sweet children who should NOT have to suffer like they have! She was wiping her eyes as though she had tears streaming from them, but she didn't. Did you notice that? Another means of manipulating her audience. I can't speak for her, but I will say from my observations she doesn't give a DAMN about anything but herself and now to think that we're coming together as a community to continue supporting her (which we do as taxpayers ANYWAY). Why can't they just give those children to sweet, loving, generous people who would never put them in harms way!!!!!!!!!!
For the person bashing the Eastern Shore...if you don't like it so much, then why do you care what goes on here? Why are you checking SBYNEWS and WBOC?!?! Move up and move on!!!!! That has NOTHING to do with the question......Create your own separate column, or blog, ACE!
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