Folks, the amount of calls coming into Eastern Shore Fire Departments are just unbelievable.
That being said, one of the major problems they're having right now is, they cannot locate Fire Hydrants!
If YOU have a Fire Hydrant on your property, please, either clear the way around it or place a broom handle where the Hydrant is located so the Fire Departments can at least locate them.
Mind you, it would be great if you could clear the way so they don't freeze up but if you can't, please mark them in order to help them out.
Thank You!
Just look for the yellow snow.
Sure I would love to help, as soon as I get paid to do their job... Or I will take a lowering of the water bill... they can't be that hard to find becasue the Fire Marshall has strict rules of how far apart each hydrant is... the fire Department should know these things...
The fire hydrants do not belong to the Fire Departments. They belong to the towns or cities. If your home should happen to catch on fire, there will be a lot of time wasted attempting to dig them out.
Good thinking; only lookout for number 1! Now, why would it matter if a fire company couldn't find a fire hydrant. God forbid, if it was your house on fire you'd want the fire hydrants to be lit up with strobe lights.
At least yelow snow was only making a joke...not funny.
Wow 2:47. You sound like a great person. I'll bet you are well liked... Hopefully you don't need the fire dept. to come help you. What a jerk!
2:47 What kind of a dumb ass are you? That fire hydrant might just be the one that the fire dept has to attach to at 3:00 AM to save your dumb ass.
Anon 2:47 your are right about the fire hydrants maybe in the newer Salisbury districts or Ocean city. However go to Hebron or to downtown Salisbury and try to make any sense of the placement of the hydrants there.
If you can't do this minor civic duty then shame on you. You are most likely one of the citizens that will bitch the most when our response is slowed during this storm.
I have watched the career and volunteer firefighters fight, freeze, and cry over some of the things that have happened during this storm. While you were complaining of not having cable television we were working cardiac arrests, partial hand amputations and many other serious illness with very limited resources.
We havent asked a thing from the public other than to stay off of the roadways so that we can get to areas as quickly and safely as possible. We have only been met with people out site seeing and playing in the snow with thier vehicles. We have dug and pulled many people out of the snow just so that we can get to a medical or fire call too late to make any difference.
I am sure with your smart a** comment that you are one of the people that only cursed or thew snowballs at the emergency crews while we were responding to calls.
Do everyone a favor while we attempt and get everything back to normal from this storm and prepare for another. STOP THINKING ONLY OF YOURSELF!!!!
The Boy Scout Troop from Sharptown took the task of uncovering the hydrants around Sharptown so the firefighters could run calls. They did it last Sunday & this past Sunday...looks like they will be doing it again Wednesday. Just to think some kids stayed inside playing video games. Think about the community you live in and get out and help.
Maybe they should spend a little more time learning where the hydrants are and a little less time on who has the best lunch deal.
joe i'm sorry but I can't hold back 2:47 GO FU_K YOURSELF!!! that was the most selfish thing I have heard in a long time. My kids gave up Christmas day with everyone else to look for an 11 y/o girl and you say something that low.......God help you find a heart. P.S. what is your address so I know not to put you out when you are on fire.
When I was younger we had to have the sidewalks cleaned when the snow stopped and we were also told to clean around any fire hydrants that were located on those sidewalks. We also cleaned sidewalks to help our neighbors and made sure those hydrants were cleaned around if there were any. Salisbury has lost its pride in the City. City workers ride around with the plows up instead of plowing or they plow right by hydrants like they are trying to see how deep they can get it over the hydrants or in your driveway after you have shoveled out to the street. SFD is spending money recklessly and creating problems with the citizens by doing this. SFD and SPD allows vehicles to park in the areas marked with yellow paint. Now you wonder why people have a disrespectful attitude towards these Deptments? People need to get a life and start working together.
Way to go Sharptown BSA Troop !!!!
Bring that expensive tanker and you will not have to find that hydrant. Isn't that what the tanker is for, when you don't have a hydrant available?
Not ALL departments have tankers. I have to hand it to the fire departments they have had a difficult time in this storm as well. I listened to the scanned all night Friday and they were going everywhere with all the down trees and power lines. Not to mention when they get calls many times they are having problems getitng down driveways as well.
That's an awesome idea for the boy scouts to do!!
You can only hope those Boy Scouts will remember this work they are doing for their community & not grow up with the attitude of 2:47. That is what is wrong with people today...they have lost community pride. Quit your complaining about it & go out and dig the hydrant out yourself to give those Scouts a break. I am sure they don't mind...they see it as "playing in the snow" not as work.
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