BREAKING NEWS: Leggs Served With Indictment Of Foxwell's Murder - Latest News
by - Innae Park
SALISBURY, Md. - On Tuesday, the latest in the case being built against Thomas Leggs, Jr. will be announced.
However, on Monday night, Wicomico County state's attorney Davis Ruark went on the record with WMDT about the investigation. According to Ruark, Leggs has been served with an indictment charging him with the murder of Sarah Foxwell. Ruark says Leggs will also be charged with sex offenses.
Ruark said, "This'll be a unique case in that it's a murder case but it also carries the potential for the death penalty. There are very few death penalty cases that are brought in Maryland anymore."
GO HERE to read more.
by - Innae Park
SALISBURY, Md. - On Tuesday, the latest in the case being built against Thomas Leggs, Jr. will be announced.
However, on Monday night, Wicomico County state's attorney Davis Ruark went on the record with WMDT about the investigation. According to Ruark, Leggs has been served with an indictment charging him with the murder of Sarah Foxwell. Ruark says Leggs will also be charged with sex offenses.
Ruark said, "This'll be a unique case in that it's a murder case but it also carries the potential for the death penalty. There are very few death penalty cases that are brought in Maryland anymore."
GO HERE to read more.
Smash him into pieces Davis.
Great! Lets pray the evidence is enough.
anonymous 8:39, I told you people last week they had what they needed. In fact, I believe I stated something on my TV Show almost two weeks ago. They have DNA Evidence, it's a done deal.
You got it right Doug. Good Luck Davis, your a true long time friend and I know you have the knowledge and the office behind you!
Turn him loose and save the taxpayer's a bunch of loot. The lottery could take bets on how far from the jail he makes it.
was that last Tuesday night that he went on record? If yes, why did it take a week for us to find out. If no, did you mean tonight with the story breaking tomorrow (Tuesday)
Killing him is to good I think every prisoner needs to get a shot of him in every prison there is in MD,and if there is anyhing left then let the state of MD do what they want why should use Tax payers pay for him any longer We have paid long enough......
Hey Joe where you at?
I hope he tries to escape and the Deputies have to shoot him down. If that happens, remember deputies CENTER MASS
THANK GOD!!!!!!! R.I.P Sarah, Justice will be served for you honey!!!!!!
Please let the death penalty be imposed on the hideous man.
Go for it Davis Ruark. Throw the book at the bastard, including the big one.
Death for him is the easy way out. He needs to be out in solitary confinement and everyday for one hour hook electrodes to his genitals and show him pornographic material. Then water board him for ten minutes and put him back in his cell with a very hungry pit bull. Then when he is 65 let his Sara’s aunt cut off his d…. and bleed for about an hour and then put a bullet in the back of his head. Good bye you piece of sh…
We all knew this day would come , however for me it feels like the beginning . I am thankful that they took thier time to get this right. This is a very sad day .
We are wasting taxpayers dollars by giving him a warm place with 3 meals. Death penalty people. These people don't deserve to live. You can't rehabilitate a sex offender. You would have to cut off their arms, legs, private parts and take out their eyes for them to not hurt a child.
I hope they take him out of solitary confinement soon. Maybe we wont' even have to bother with a full trial if the inmates can get a hold of him! I'm sure if something happened to Leggs none of inmates or guards would see anything. ;-) Good luck, Davis... sock it to 'em!
Ruark will make sure this is wrapped up about election time. He needs all the good publicity he can get.
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