Winter Olympics viewer numbers will be down this year, according to an active Washington Times online survey.
Some 63% of respondents to the online question marked their spots “No” when asked “Will you be paying attention to this year's Winter Olympics?”
Many of those with “No” responses who went on to the survey's comment section complained that Olympics television coverage had become poor, offering too much fluff and too little action. Citing the networks' efforts to garner more female viewers with (aimless and irrelevant) talk, commentators who go on and on and say nothing, a growing habit of networks to cover just a few sports in detail to the degree that there seem to be only a few sports, a major increase in time devoted to commercials and the rule change in the games that allows professionals to compete, respondents seem to generally agree that the influence of television's take on the Olympic Games has taken the shine off the apple.
Checking in from one New England MSM source, pre-Olympics "news" coverage now includes a “Best Olympic Bodies” slideshow in addition to its greatly increased numbers of soundbyte personal interest pieces.
Some 63% of respondents to the online question marked their spots “No” when asked “Will you be paying attention to this year's Winter Olympics?”
Many of those with “No” responses who went on to the survey's comment section complained that Olympics television coverage had become poor, offering too much fluff and too little action. Citing the networks' efforts to garner more female viewers with (aimless and irrelevant) talk, commentators who go on and on and say nothing, a growing habit of networks to cover just a few sports in detail to the degree that there seem to be only a few sports, a major increase in time devoted to commercials and the rule change in the games that allows professionals to compete, respondents seem to generally agree that the influence of television's take on the Olympic Games has taken the shine off the apple.
Checking in from one New England MSM source, pre-Olympics "news" coverage now includes a “Best Olympic Bodies” slideshow in addition to its greatly increased numbers of soundbyte personal interest pieces.
Sad but True
I will, however,
watch whatever I can.
I love the winter games.
It is to bad Jamaica did not qualify this time around.
once they allowed the pros into the olympics it ruined the games!
Like I want to see an overpaid millionaire who's plays a game for a living hoisting a medal!
used to be wonderful seeing kids and young people competing hard and maybe winning! now it's just one more thing destroyed by greed, and not worth my time!
Interesting artwork / logo for the olympics. Still using Hitler's 5 rings of course (representing the intertwined interests of the 5 most powerful countries - Audi had 4 remember?)
Now they have added colored geometric shapes to make up a human being looking left - the evil side of humanity.
An obvious attempt to equate all the colors of the "rainbow" as equals. Also an obvious effort to keep the figure a 5 sided figure similar to the pentagram.
When you think of the shine of store bought apples, it will make you want to a less pretty apple. Shellac comes from the secretion of the female Lac bug when she forms a cocoon.
There is nothing like picking the apples that are the hardest to reach directly from the tree. The flavor is so alive.
4 words - Women's Swedish Curling Team
Buying snow!
I will give em all they want for free.
No damn wonder the way things are.
I used to watch them all the time, Now it is about nothing but money, like pro ball, to hell with all of them.
I will watch all I can because I love the underdog stories that always develop I will always support our countries teams plus it's a nice break from other entrenched pro sports.
Just another International attempt to Grandstand the World Alphas, Totally disgusted with Olympics after seeing the African Amazon Hermaphordite.....Anyone venture a guess...was IT a Steroid or Genetic mutation....or Sweedish Surgery. Whatever, IT could run like a Bat outta HELL!
I used to be a huge olympics fan, however as I aged I relized that it is nothing but political grandstanding using the athletes as pawns.
The real winners in the olympics are those that don't get caught cheating.
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