Ladies and Gentlemen - don't forget the face nor the name.
Very seldom do you get an elected official in office that actually 'walks the walk'. This is one of those rare occasions.
He is a first term Maryland Delegate that is proposing a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on Maryland House Delegates. Here is the Maryland House Bill Number HB-660. 'His deeds speak so much louder than another's words'. The proposed legislation would limit the terms to 2 consecutive terms for a Senator, Delegate, Comptroller, Attorney General, Treasurer.
For example, Senator Mike Miller first came to office in 1971 as a Delegate. He's also been Senate President since 1987. HE'S NOW BEEN ENTRENCHED FOR 39 YEARS!
Locally - I ask each one of our readers to look around and see who has similar tenure. It's about time for them to go. Our Constitution wasn't designed for such permanency.
To see video coverage on this gentlemen's proposed legislation click here.
I suspect that it won't pass the Senate. Any surprise there?
You have the wolves guarding the hen house.
It will never pass till the vast majority of them get voted out all at once
No thanks
I don't get it?? What does term limits prove??
Maybe this is good, as I think that sitting in one position forever can consternate the outcome, but this won't avoid the possibility that one could run for another position next time around. Not that that is a bad thing. Rotation to different sides can be good, and could be bad. I'm for it for ALL positions.
All other commenters: Tell it to your Congress and Senators.
I am a newcomer to this site. Although I have frequently heard about SBYnews it wasn't until the last few months that I have really been keeping tabs on it.
As a casual observer I have to say that you would never have read about this kind of stuff in The Daily Times. They just won't print about this kind of conservatism.
So on that account I would have to rate SBYnews a perfect 10 - excellent. This news blog is definately going places. Keep up the good work. I really like this type of real reporting.
To 6:15
Where were you born? I can't imagine anyone not getting the 'just' of this story.
Response to 6:28
I absolutely agree. The Daily Times would never let our readers see this. I sometimes wonder if the owners of Gannett realize the negativity being perceived by The Daily Times readers because of their slant. What-a-shame.
The only way to move "term limits" forward is to simply vote AGAINST any sitting representative whether Republican or Democrat.
Mike Castle in DE is one of those in office that has demonstrated the ability to shift from voter support to "maybe get reelected" support. He is a R I N O that is just running for a different office in DE.
Vote him out in 2010.
Does anyone know how long Norman Conway has been in office?
I believe he has been a Delegate for a long long time. I seem to remember that he was there when I was just a kid and that is many years ago.
Why do we need term limits? If the majority of people want someone out of office, they'll vote him out. That's how a representative democracy works. Term limits take away one of those constitutional rights (the right to elect the candidate you want in office) that conservatives are supposedly staunch defenders of.
Beezer, you are correct. Our Founding Fathers didn't have in mind career politicians when they drafted the Constitution.
Go 4 it Mr. King. In answer to the ? why do people keep voting in career politicians... the answer is name recognization. Turn over is the only way I think we can make progress. One term to learn and vote and one term to legislate the peoples wishes.
In case you haven't noticed,there is a huge disconnect between The Daily Times and its readers.
You can forget about them covering any type anti-incumbency movement Their editorial staff are to much aligned with special interest.
Anonymous said...
To 6:15
Where were you born? I can't imagine anyone not getting the 'just' of this story.
6:30 PM
No idiot I do get it and I am obviously more intelligent then you are. Have you ever heard of the "will of the people?" These "career politicians" were put in office by the people they represent. This is a democracy and the best "term limits" is called elections. You need to get a grip moron. Guess what I am a conservative and I can't stand Senator Mike Miller and the voters put him in office so that is where he belongs. If the majority of his constituents don't want him in office then they have the civic duty to go to the polls and put a better candidate in office. This is nothing more than a grudge bill and I hope it doesn't pass.
Same reason even good companies change CEO's. Once in their lofty perch they lose touch with reality. Government is the same but on steriods. Most of them weren't in touch to begin with.
Anonymous said...
Beezer, you are correct. Our Founding Fathers didn't have in mind career politicians when they drafted the Constitution.
7:06 PM
LMAO... How do you know the Founding Fathers didn't have in mind career politicians?
Response to 6:56
Norm Conway was elected to the House of Delegates in 1986. He has now been in office for 24 years - (a very long time).
I'll just leave it at that.
I'll say this much about the anti-incumbency movement.
We are all going to know very soon whether or not the incumbent politicians seats remain secure.
People are clearly upset about massive government expansion and high unemployment. As for myself, I'm all in favor of the term limits bill.
I do not understand why one person thinks they are more intelligent than another based on a few words. Why do people have to put down someone who simply doesn't agree with them? slf
I have a feeling that Norm Conway's seat may not be as secure as one might think.
Just because he is chair of the almighty House Appropriations committee does not make him invincible. I don't always like to quote scripture but there is a verse that resonates pertaining to this subject;
'My how the mighty have fallen'
This could be his term of reckoning.
7:38, Two Words-Study History!
Anonymous said...
7:38, Two Words-Study History!
8:16 PM
I bet I know a lot more about history than you do. Prove your point or forever hold your peace.
Signed 7:38
6:57, 6:46
Your argument againts term limits is based on the premiss that elections are fair.
I would respectfully suggest that they are anything but fair.
When the incumbent has legislative control over budgets, local laws and influence, he/she can gather votes by coercion.
They can "suggest" that campaign contribution be donated for the privilege of a meeting. The number one job of any elected official is the re-election campaign from the moment they are sworn into office.
It is not difficult to see that their decisions are made with the thought of "How will this help me" instead of "How will this help the people"
Just look at the recent Massachusetts Senate election. The people in Mass. have wanted to get Kennedy out for years, but it's pretty hard to fight the corruption of the Democrat machine.
Reference to 6:50 Post
A point well spoken. I have witnessed the exact same activity you have just mentioned in our own Maryland Legislature.
9:33, The phrase the framers of The Constitution used was "citizen legislature." The exact words uttered by James Madison escape me, but I will look them up and let you know as soon as I get a chance.
Anonymous said...
9:33, The phrase the framers of The Constitution used was "citizen legislature." The exact words uttered by James Madison escape me, but I will look them up and let you know as soon as I get a chance.
7:20 AM
Thank you for proving a point. You have no idea what you are talking about before spouting off at the mouth.
James Madison wrote that legislators should be "called for the most part from pursuits of private nature and continue in appointment for a SHORT PERIOD OF OFFICE."
Rudy Cane has been in office for 8 years and has NOTHING to show for it, Norm Conway 24, and while Jim Mathias has only been a delegate for 4 years, he was mayor of Ocean City for several years before that...so yes, he is a career politician too!
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